Before battle:![]()
End of battle:![]()
After battle:![]()
I've gone through 100,000+ Arcana Coins so far, no 4/5*. :/
- Aida
- Holy forger
- Johan
- Slay
- Zygmunt
- Knight ench
- Deed 5* (7th)
- Dodgher
- Nelva
- Cham Cham
- Faceless
- Fiona
- Mefulnash 5* (13th)
- Knight ench
- Zygmunt
- Tornado
- Audette
- Madena
- Bow forger
- Cham Cham
- Minimo
- Knight ench
- Fist forager
- Knight ench
- Bilgitto
- Mefulnash 5* (26th)
- Franz
- Baiset
- Magic forger
- Inuchiyo
- Franz
- Zygmunt
- Sheda
- Franz
- Magic ench
- Cadille
- Envy
- Magic ench
- Yona
- Sheda
- Deed 5* (41th)
- Faceless
- Korona
- Spear forger
- Deed 5* (45th)
- Korona
- Mefulnash 5* (47th)
- Emma
- Warrior ench
- Sheda
Did 50 2k Challenge recruits
3 Deeds, its now MLB
3 Mefulnash, its now LB2
These FR characters aren't worth my AC right? I'd rather wait for a time where there are two characters instead of three. Makes MLB'ing then more reliable.
I already have a Nina for her value Kizuna (although I'm not sure if that's overhyped or not)
You can get current FR characters in 2k arcana pulls? Meh. I'll wait for the new FR character then, I don't want Deed or Mefulnash.
I used 40k more coin and get one less UR than you, no deed. my shit luck just reaffirm my decision on staying f2p.From 100k arcana (50 challenge pulls) I got 4x Nina, 2x Mefulnash, 3x Deed.
So 9/50 is a pretty good drop chance. I got a mlb Nina now. Still got 400k arcana, might go for a mlb Deed.
From 100k arcana (50 challenge pulls) I got 4x Nina, 2x Mefulnash, 3x Deed.
So 9/50 is a pretty good drop chance. I got a mlb Nina now. Still got 400k arcana, might go for a mlb Deed.
8 Premium Tickets, not bad! Should I burn them in the Teverns?
Yes. But use them in the 2nd new tavern. Many players are saying that this is the best V2 Tavern.
Can anyone tell me what can I get from ring gatcha? It costs 5 rings and I have pulled 4 times, only 2* enhancers so far. Can I get any arcana or only ring characters?
As I understand for 2k coins challenge gatcha its only ring characters, yes?
Should I go ahead and merge my old characters like Kain and Michidia into their new, stronger counterparts?
there's no reason to and they don't really get a bonus for doing so
make sure to finish the V.1's character quests first
and considering you leveled them up to 40 already, they have half decent kizuna abilities and are a very cheap option for kizuna too
Right now is still a transitional stage. There's not a huge powercreep for a while.
In terms of raids: Hatifas is tier 1, but she's not top 5 for example. Agudara's great, but again eventually gets relegated to kizuna role compared to beast tavern UR or Rafalgar. Froggy is the highest dps knight, but a step behind others because knights you want to use mostly come with auras (Morgan/Stitch/Minoa). Still all much better than everything we've gotten, so do try and MLB them.
In terms of towers: Moanette is bad and Shesmeit is meta for her piercing and other utility.
As for new features, the ring gacha starts to crank out powerful units. For the most part, ring exchange characters besides Trystan/Frau/Lindsey suck ass. Nina/Solity for kizuna as well. The only other ring character worth MLBing in a full year for ccjp was Vespa. As for ring gachas, the first 3 (Inami, Rineia and Efimela) are all somewhat subpar. Inami has a pierce kizuna which are average, Rineia has an average treasure drop ability, Efimela is your chance at a "free" runefencer if you don't want to pull for Hati or Schule. And you don't need runefencers.
If you want to remain "meta", all you need to do is dump prysma into Ocean's Dawn for Morgan/Mira/Bartolo. Stitch is released soon - I see her quest in vice capital, but she's very restrictive and more luxury than anything. Aside from that, Musica/Roxanna and to a lesser extent Lilith/Nympha are all you really need from v1
You can mono soldier for a while. The top 2 jp meta teams are Knights/Gunners (Morgan/Morgan/Stitch/Mira/Dolly being the best team I can come up with) and Knights/Mage (Minoa/Minoa/Shauna/Alphin/Rin). Besides that, mono soldier can complete pretty much every chapter comfortably except possibly one. For example, the latest chapter seems to favor Warrior/Knight or Warrior/Archer teams. The first couple of Book 2 chapters are pretty easy anyway.
As for best warriors:
Top 3:
Marena (Ocean's Dawn, implemented much later. Broken as shit)
Sharolala (Beast Tavern, implemented much later. Makes mono warrior teams absurd)
Lucia (Maze Pass, implemented much later. Pretty great status machine)
Good warriors to look out for are basically all beast tavern. On implementation, there were four:
Yugigi (holds the title of highest dps for about a year, topping yoshitsugu)
Gurarao (not highest dps arcana, but he has a daze counter which is incredibly useful)
Teriria (perhaps a step below, but has 1 mana Trystan/Agudara skill so always useful)
Shegigimu (not bad by any means, just a cut below the rest)
Any of them are improvements to your warrior team. Oryou/Kaminazuki will also be added soon but I'd ignore Nine Territories until Gin/Zuiha are added. Especially because Yoshitsugu got removed. Zuiha is an archer that has an absurd warrior aura boost. There's a few others too, but if you want warriors you basically pull beast tavern.
Morgan's aura: +15% attack to archers, +8% damage reduction to knights. Stacks, so obviously having two means your gunners deal 32% increased damage.
Minoa's aura: If there is a mage on the battlefield, +15% attack and +10% damage reduction to knights, +12% attack to mages. Stacks, so again... she's considered the best arcana in the game for a reason when you have an aura that gives your whole team +30% attack.
Oh, and I forgot to mention kizunas. You want to keep an eye out for arcana with good kizunas. When they're level 40, you can equip them to arcana with same class to give a stat boost and an additional mini-ability. Usually you prioritize mana training, recovery, blind immunity for ranged classes and high +atk% ones. For example, Roy gives +3% heal to all allies on each wave. Most 3*s are probably not worth bothering with, but I've got time and arcana slots so I level things to 40. Isaac (mage, blind immunity) and Faceless (+skill boost%, for Musica) are the only ones that I'd say are necessary. Otherwise, keep most 4*s and some 3*s are usable in the meantime (Roy, Ursula, Minimo, Maurice if you have Juliana)
Did another 32 pulls and got 3x Mefulnash and 1x Deed. Will stop now and just get the last Deed for 70 rings.
My total is 13/82, so about 15.9%. I'm guessing the actual drop rate is 7% with a x2 bonus added for some reason![]()
What are your thoughts on those units in the festival?
Any value, UR or SR's?
PS: Who's ???GAF on my Friend List
Just got to rank 35 looking to add some Gaffers!
Edit: Is there a reason I see people on other forums MLB'ing Nina/Mefulnash? From what I've seen, they're only useful for their kizuna abilities, which means them being MLB or not doesn't really matter. I'd imagine it would be better to sell them for rings for a chance to get the other [more valuable] ring gatcha characters, as opposed to MLB units you'll rarely use on the battlefield.
Haha, fair enough!for the hell of it? cause they have rings coming out of the woodworks? dunno lol
my only logical reasoning is that they want to squeeze as much bonus stats as they can out of the kizuna system since they give a higher stat bonus the higher level they are
I received quite a few today from the 2k one.So um... Is everyone getting their rare drops using the 2000 AC challenger recruit or the normal 10 recruit?
Because I just did a 10 recruit and got myself a Mefulnash
Also version 2 yay \o/
So um... Is everyone getting their rare drops using the 2000 AC challenger recruit or the normal 10 recruit?
Because I just did a 10 recruit and got myself a Mefulnash
Also version 2 yay \o/