It's a system (which will probably be called something else in the global version) that allows you to "equip" characters onto one another. Doing this gives a percentage of the equipped character's stats to the arcana they're equipped to. More importantly, it can give passive abilities. These are usually weaker versions of what that character normally has. As an example, when Toka is kizuna'd to another warrior it apparently gives a weaker wave heal ability to them. Someone that's actually played the Japanese version can probably explain better.
By the way, I don't think it's been mentioned here, but I came across JPCC info about some of the more time consuming missions a while back, in case anyone wants to start farming them:
2,000 uses of warrior gets you 4* Vorg
10,000 uses of warrior gets you 5* Lolleta
2,000 uses of knight gets you 4* Dannady
10,000 uses of knight gets you 5* Wayne
2,000 uses of healer gets you 4* Adelle
10,000 uses of healer gets you 4* Arietta
2,000 uses of mage gets you 4* Elemia
10,000 uses of mage gets you 5* Filiana
2,000 uses of archer gets you 4* Philip
10,000 uses of archer gets you 5* Onette
Hopefully it'll be the same for us. Some pretty good characters there. The rainbow team quest line is supposed to give out 7 premium tickets eventually as well.
This is the kizuna selecting screen. The left arcana (Izaya v2) is the arcana that will recieve the stat boost. The arcana on the center are some of the ones I can equip.
Notice I can't equip Stella because she is underleveled, but I can't equip Shakti either, since she is in the subparty (forget about the moonrunes).
Leftmost (not Izaya) is Alphim/Alphun, notice her stat boosts.
Tsuru and Fuuko are free, the rightmost is a tavern SR. Also notice he is not as premium as Cheery (SRvUR) therefore he gives a lesser boost.
This last one is to avoid anyone thinking the stat increases are heavily influenced by B's stats. I think Trystan's stats were around the 7000s-8000s while Rafalgar's atk is 10400. Notice the rightmost character? Kasuga, FR exchange (free, as having +12% at MLB should tell you). She is "balanced" while Trystan and Rafalgar are atk buffers, this is the other example about stat distribution I mentioned above.
Both Izaya and Cheery come from the Sage's Tower, while Shakti is affiliated to the Vice Capital, and the other two are demons.
200k Arcana coins landed me 3 Deeds and 4 Nina's XD
Nina any good?
Thanks a lot for this. Nicely done.About the Kizuna system:
Kizuna is a system that allows any given arcana to be equipped by a level 40+ arcana by increasing the party cost, in order to give the equipping arcana a fixed, non-scaling ability (kizuna/bonds ability, blue mark) and a stat boost (red mark).
This is the kizuna selecting screen. The left arcana (Izaya v2) is the arcana that will recieve the stat boost. The arcana on the center are some of the ones I can equip.
Notice the +X at the top right corner of the cards in the right? That's the added party cost.
You can't equip characters you are fielding/have in the subparty, are less than level 40 or make you exceed your max. party cost:
Notice I can't equip Stella because she is underleveled, but I can't equip Shakti either, since she is in the subparty (forget about the moonrunes).
The aforementioned bonds ability usually is an underpowered version of the equipped arcana's defining ability (Cheery has +% skill power, Melvina has null poison, Marina has stun resistance). Also, both arcana need to be the same class or it won't activate (you can't equip Trystan with Marina and grant Trystan stun inmunity). Gunners and archers are still archers, let's call that a subclass.
Regarding the stats (keep in mind stats aren't affected by neither arcana's class/job), let's say we have arcana A and B. I equip A with B, this means I field A. B increases A's stats by a certain %, which is determined by:
-B's stats*.
-B's level/rarity/LB status.
-Wether B is premium (tavern, event gacha) or not (FR exchange/gacha/event reward character).
-Wether they are affiliated to the same tavern or not.
*If B has significantly higher attack than HP, B's attack stat boost will be higher. Notice Yuni's (B's) stat boost. Unlike Shauna (left) Yuni boosts atk more than hp. Yuni has low hp but high attack, while Shauna is more balanced (atk is still higher, she is a mage after all). This is not always the case though, as you will eventually see, since Alphim has a much higher attack than defense, but gives a higher boost to HP than to attack (might be because she has high regen).
Either way, this point in particular doesn't increase the overall %, more like shuffles numbers around. So moving on:
The true first point is tricky. Usually, a higher level meands a bigger stat boost, but this is not always the case. How "premium" your card is seems to have an effect as well, which is what makes everything overly complicated, to the point I stopped caring about it. Take this picture:
Here, Cheery, premium as it gets, being an UR tavern unit, gives +13%, +13%, while the other two demons -free cards- give a lower boost overall. Also notice that Alphim has 13%, 9% (22% total) instead of 13%, 11% (24% total). This is also quite common, Arcanas that give a higher boost to one stat have the other one much lower - more examples later on.
A couple more examples of "premium" trumping level are the following:
Tsuru and Fuuko are free, the rightmost is a tavern SR. Also notice he is not as premium as Cheery (SRvUR) therefore he gives a lesser boost.
This last one is to avoid anyone thinking the stat increases are heavily influenced by B's stats. I think Trystan's stats were around the 7000s-8000s while Rafalgar's atk is 10400. Notice the rightmost character? Kasuga, FR exchange (free, as having +12% at MLB should tell you). She is "balanced" while Trystan and Rafalgar are atk buffers, this is the other example about stat distribution I mentioned above.
Being affiliated to the same tavern gives a higher boost to A (around +2-3%) than a non-affiliated card would. This is is shown in the kizuna selection screen like so (notice the "BONUS"):
Both Izaya and Cheery come from the Sage's Tower, while Shakti is affiliated to the Vice Capital, and the other two are demons.
And in any arcana's info screen, instead of the "early", "late", "normal" stat gain that was displayed in v1 (just above LB status).
I think that covers about everything. I might have missed something or failed to explain properly, since it's late here and I'm rather sleepy.
One of the better Kizuna abilities (nulls blind and poison) for achers, not too awesome when fielding her due to her stats and skill cost, though.
About the Kizuna system:
Nice, I love the art! It kind of reminds me of Miwa Shirow's works.Headsup. Gumi has another game coming to global!
Phantom of The Kill.
Pre-register through Facebook.
Don't forget those hunt quest - kill 30 skeleton can be done in Sage Tower - Mazed Pass - Frozen Labyrinth in one shot.
Where do I find goblins?
Easiest way (if you dont have any guide around) is to go to Mission screen and click that "i" mark and then Pirika comes with "Info" button and it says something.
I have to "Defeat 30 Beasts"
1. Click i
2. Click info
3. Pirika says I heard people often hear howling around Borderton
-> I go to Borderton and there is Free Quest "Predator Alert"
This should apply to all hunt missions.
Edit: Except on hunt for "Magical Creatures" Pirika says "Around Maze Pass" -> In reality they are next area Lake of Sand for example "Amaranthine Badlands".
What about "Defeat 30 Bad Guys".
I have no idea what bad guys look like.
When I click info, Pirika just says "Let's go get those bad guys!"
Monster extermination.Where do I find goblins?
Thank you, I'm glad it was useful.
By the way, did I miss my chance to pull Nina/Deed from the challenge gacha? I have only been able to pull Mefulnash so far.
Aw man, the bonus XP event ended. I was getting 1100xp per character in Monster Extermination, now it's down to the normal 275.Hopefully they put it back and extend it like the other events.
Orca suited my team so I have her as my captain but I need to level her up (dunno where TBH).
Anyone know how to beat the 36 zp quest? The crab is crazy and I got wiped in wave 5.
Mage do much higher damage to crab, but those sea knight made it difficult.
Holy capital free quest.
I got lucky and got all 4 chests the first time I tried that level 60 quest.
Wow, thanks a lot
Is it manageable? Or same as Phoena lvl 60? I'm reluctant to try now, since I'm farming the intermediate quest.
The "Phoena lvl 60" is actualy a lvl 75 quest or something like that. This is easy if you have a mlb Selene. Her magic special does twice damage against crabs like the boss, my record is about 75k damage and that is without my recently acquired Musica.Wow, thanks a lot
Is it manageable? Or same as Phoena lvl 60? I'm reluctant to try now, since I'm farming the intermediate quest.
I was going to say I'd place Lilith as my Leader to help people, but then I remembered that it's a Reinforcement quest so it wouldn't matter anyway. :/It's not bad if you have Lilith. I didn't have any characters die with an 80 Selene/80 Lindsey/60 Yoshitsugu/60 Lilith party.
I had no issues with the quest with my party. The f2p soldier special:
MLB Selene
MLB Lindsey
MLB trystan
No rolling in nearly as much prysmaonly around 400 myself. Gotta get cracking on those missions. Been doing story to try and get to the new taverns.
This.FYI, only the first new tavern is available with the story that's currently released.
FYI, only the first new tavern is available with the story that's currently released.
It's still worth doing though, so you can play through/unlock the next tavern more quickly when it's released, but if you're after Ocean's Dawn [like I am], you'll be waiting regardless.![]()
Oh damn. Meh. Oh well. I'm getting a ton of xp anyways. Might as well forage ahead.
I don't see any missions that ask to kill monsters. What do you have to completely to unlock those?
Basic 016, which you should have completed if you followed the story. Just look for Hunt 01 in your Mission Log. The rest of the Hunt Missions are unlocked in succession after you complete the one you're currently on.Oh damn. Meh. Oh well. I'm getting a ton of xp anyways. Might as well forage ahead.
I don't see any missions that ask to kill monsters. What do you have to completely to unlock those?
23/8AP Sage Tower: Violent Hill
Sorry, it should be the fee quest at mystic mountain in holy kingdom.I can't find this.
Nina and Deed definitely are still there. I just pulled one Nina yesterday.
Also, echoing others, thanks for that kizuna post!
I gave the Challenger's Dungeon a try as an AP-cheap way to do hunt missions, and after losing twice figuring out where the dangerous parts were, I managed to finish the whole thing pretty safely with no revival fruits.
My team was:
Level 80 Selene
Level 80 Trystan
Level 70 Mei
Level 65 Teresa
Level 65 Phoena
Level 60 Juliana
Level 80 Coro Reinforcement
So if you can put together a similar team, it's pretty worth doing. Having your own Coro would help a lot, unfortunately I started playing after that.
Man, two runs of the 32AP quest and no final chest. What a waste of AP. :/
This bodes very poorly for me.I've done it 8 times with no fin chest so far.![]()
Five times here.I've done it 8 times with no fin chest so far.![]()
What's the challengers dungeon?