The 13AP quest is bull shit. The amount of bomber should make it a lv50 quest.
That's where Lilith makes it all better. I don't fear bombers anymore.
Man, I stuck level 80 Liam in my coliseum defense team and I'm getting so many wins now. I think it's like 1/3 successful defenses, whereas before I basically never beat anyone.
I'm tempted to try pulling for Aludra to go with him, but I think I'll hold off until pickups at least. I'd really like to avoid getting any Mimus.
Everyone will get Liam and colo will be the same as today. Or worse for new players who couldn't get Liam.
Just did one pull and got Rowendia. Now I have MLB Rowendia and I hope that her blocking and special power boost will be useful someday.
At least she has a good kizuna ability even if she isn't a useful party member.
If you put two mages at the beginning then a full soldier team like mine can rush one unit and kill them at the same time before they have time to use their specials. I think that a single mage protected by 3 knights/soldiers is more dangerous than two mages.If you get Aludra, that 1/3 becomes 2/3 atleast, or 3/3 on good days lol.
I'm waiting for the gold tickets so I can get Liam.
If you put two mages at the beginning then a full soldier team like mine can rush one unit and kill them at the same time before they have time to use their specials. I think that a single mage protected by 3 knights/soldiers is more dangerous than two mages.
Grr, I am starting to do the v2 quests, and I am getting these gold cards..... That are just taking space because they can't be sold.
Thanks, I always wanted more stuff that I won't use.
With Trystan I can't reach the back mages with the dash, if there is a unit in the middle of every lane, though that might change once I have ready my MLB Yoshikage and his 30% speed bonus to other soldiers (I MLB him while trying and failing to get Yoshino with V2 ratesOne dash and the back mage is gone, so it doesn't matter if there are one or two...
I decided to use Prysma for inventory. I had it at 165 before v2 hit, now its 500. Rest of Prysma (and 10 tix) goes to save for Dawn of Ocean (or whatever its going to be called) Tavern pulls.
I have Liam in main party as leader. My subparty is for Vienta & Phoena or in questing its Deed & Phoena.
500 inventory. Holy crap. I thought I was in good shape a month ago at 100. I bought a bunch during the expansion sale. Wish they'd hold one of those again. I'm brushing the 100 easy now![]()
With Trystan I can't reach the back mages with the dash, if there is a unit in the middle of every lane, though that might change once I have ready my MLB Yoshikage and his 30% speed bonus to other soldiers (I MLB him while trying and failing to get Yoshino with V2 rates).
If in doubt pull at V2 tavern with cute arcana on the new map. I think the first real V2 tavern should be implemented in the next month together with the new main story chapter.
She's a good unit that's later outclassed by her 2.0 version. That being said, even though she is outclassed, she still makes a great kizuna for her V2 version so definitely keep a copy.Hmm... pulled Deed with 2000 arcana. Is she good? I have ~250 rings, so I could MLB her if I collect a few more.
She's a good unit that's later outclassed by her 2.0 version. That being said, even though she is outclassed, she still makes a great kizuna for her V2 version so definitely keep a copy.
Oh, you can't? Well damn, I figured since they were different versions that rule wouldn't can't kizuna Deed V.1 with Deed V.2 as they are considered the same character and the no two copies of the same character in a party rule applies
Deed V.1 is good for getting Deed V.2 though in her tower event
Oh, you can't? Well damn, I figured since they were different versions that rule wouldn't apply.
Oh well, at least she still has some use for getting V2 Deed, so there's that!
I probably know the answer, but can you MLB Michidia and the other 4*?
If not, what purpose do they serve other than taking space and being "Kizuna" characters?
I've read that only LB3 Arietta can top her. If you compare only 4* healers.They say Marina is best 4* healer (LB0). Tho Iam using Orianna (LB1) so I dont have own experience of how good Marina is.
her stats at level 50 are 3200 HP and 4600 attack
then her first ability adds a bonus 30% on top of them
4160 HP and 5980 attack
she has a one mana burst heal and a per wave heal lowest hp unit
her only flaws are no status healing and no range, but she's arguably one of the best 4 stars healers out there and even more for people who haven't been able to pull a good healer
but basically the upgraded v2 characters are great if you haven't been able to pull a 4/5 star class, plus they have extremely low party costs for their rank
That is really good, if any of you Gafers dont have good healer, you should definetly max level Marina v2.
For myself I think I wont bother to raise Marina tho, I like that extended healing range. Orianna lvl 55, lb 1 stats:
3950 HP and 5650 attack
2 Mana required for skill heal and "Treatment" gives 20% heal to lowest hp on start of every wave.
Does Aoi have a good kizuna ability? My main healer is LB3 Lilith so I won't be changing for a long time. Wondering who would be better to put on her once we get the update.
Yeah I'm still using my LB1 Arietta and it doesn't matter that her raw healing output is slightly worse than Marina v2, but I have leveled Marina v2 to use her kizuna later (increase normal heal power by 7%, immunity to daze).
If you can take a strong friend with you I doubt you'll have much problems.
The third part is kinda hard though.
On C-C-F member Kobold has made Kizuna lista Kizuna recommendations / 1-3* arcana to keep. Very nice stuff about Kizuna units & low rank Kizuna units.
Yeah I'm still using my LB1 Arietta and it doesn't matter that her raw healing output is slightly worse than Marina v2, but I have leveled Marina v2 to use her kizuna later (increase normal heal power by 7%, immunity to daze).
She's a good unit that's later outclassed by her 2.0 version. That being said, even though she is outclassed, she still makes a great kizuna for her V2 version so definitely keep a copy.
I LB'd all three of the current gatcha characters [Deed, Nina, Mefalnash], since the drop-rate on the gatcha was so generous and I had a bunch of Arcana Coins to burn through. Having them LB'd will improve the stats gained from having them kizuna'd [since it's based on their level], but it's not as massive as you might think. You probably only need one, but if you don't have Nina [or Mefalnash] I'd say it's worth pulling more. Nina is an amazing kizuna for archers/gunners/etc. and Mefalnash has a unique AP-restoring ability. Again, you really only need one of each, unless you're insane like I am. :/
Anyone get an Inami? I just got her card, but I'm not sure if she's worth MLB...
nah, not really
there are better ring gatcha characters coming up, so keep one for kizuna is good enough
Maybe I'm missing something but almost none of these look that good, I wouldn't know who to go for.
Maybe I'm missing something but almost none of these look that good, I wouldn't know who to go for.
nah, not really
there are better ring gatcha characters coming up, so keep one for kizuna is good enough