Rings are important because can be used to purchase Vigor Fruits during demon raids and Stamina Fruits during Tower events. With 350 rings you can get 70 VF/SF, more than enough to make the difference between MLB a demon or not.I understand this, but can I wait 6 months for Candace? Maybe yes, but its not fun. I have waited a year for V2 and now I have to wait again? After a while we'll learn that there will be more powerful arcana down the road and some will write that we should hold and wait for it again. It's boring and never ending.
PD: Maybe we will get this as global exclusive Halloween raid:

The red thirst - HP leech (30% ... too high, so will most likely be nerfed)
Bloody Attraction - deal more damage when at close range (50%->120% ... same buff as Karen's)