Baron Doggystyle von Woof
Gonna try this when I get back home:

Gonna try this when I get back home:
I don't have huge problems with the road building tool, but I quickly felt that it could be improved. Making it easier to make parallel roads ( mostly if curved ), maybe a circle tool, small things like that could really make my life easier.And so far, I'm not having any trouble with road building.
I feel like you keep repeating these same criticisms and I'm really not seeing where you're coming from. I have none of these issues you're having. Music and sound is fine for the most part(more satisfying zoning sounds?). Edge scrolling is proving entirely adequate for me. And so far, I'm not having any trouble with road building.
You're entitled to your opinion and all, but it really feels like you just want it to be an absolute direct clone of SimCity and anything else is 'bad'.
I feel like you keep repeating these same criticisms and I'm really not seeing where you're coming from. I have none of these issues you're having. Music and sound is fine for the most part(more satisfying zoning sounds?). Edge scrolling is proving entirely adequate for me. And so far, I'm not having any trouble with road building.
You're entitled to your opinion and all, but it really feels like you just want it to be an absolute direct clone of SimCity and anything else is 'bad'.
Yeah, I also haven't really noticed any of those things. I mean, I can see that some of the tools could be improved, but that's an incredibly minor issue IMHO.
set music to silence, load simcity 3k/sim city 2013 music. we in there
seriously this music is... eh.
...hell maybe i should load tropico music
seriously though how 2 deal with the education problem? I don't want my industry to melt because my citizens be too smart. Or is it just a problem of having too many high-school ed jobs available?
seriously though how 2 deal with the education problem? I don't want my industry to melt because my citizens be too smart. Or is it just a problem of having too many high-school ed jobs available?
I've been playing for four hours and I'm only up to 3779 pop #team slow
LolDon't get this, at least not until the UI and UX are fixed up with future patches and/or mods. There are too many "small" things that pile up to become a very boring and annoying experience - things that even SC2013 took care of with aplomb.
It's mostly to do with how the city sounds mostly dead, really, but road tools need a lot of work, and the UI is information overload. The data maps also really needs some form of posterization to be a bit more...accessible.
I have faced with the same problem and removed all my industry and build offices everywhere to fix is. But it doesn't feel right.
I want to try and build a city without any education. Have some tried?
So guys I cracked and bought this game on steam. Install worked fine but I'm kind of confused by the fact that steam is popping up a cd-key to enter. I've launched the game and browsed through all of the options and can't find a location to enter it?
So guys I cracked and bought this game on steam. Install worked fine but I'm kind of confused by the fact that steam is popping up a cd-key to enter. I've launched the game and browsed through all of the options and can't find a location to enter it?
Try right clicking. I think that was the solution.
Also, what a fucking day for my pc to just decide not to turn on anymore. Posting from my laptop right now. But yeah, power is getting to the motherboard but it just won't turn on.
I tried that but it only seemed to snap it as certain angles. I think i might need a mouse to play this game, i'm finding it difficult with just a trackpad.
Also, can keyboard shortcuts be modified? It currently uses WASD to move but i'd like to use the arrow keys.
I didn't see any cd-key option in there when I made my account via the ingame menu. So I guess I'll just follow toma's adviceI think the key can be used for Paradox account registration if you want to do that.
^Some games do that, just ignore it.
It's a PC game, of course they can. Just open the options!
I didn't see any cd-key option in there when I made my account via the ingame menu. So I guess I'll just follow toma's advice
That's what I'm doing for now. Unless someone knows where to enter this product code.
Sounds like me. It takes learning from your past mistakes to try to get anywhere.
(I wish there was an option to hide population just pops up.)
I tried that but it only seemed to snap it as certain angles. I think i might need a mouse to play this game, i'm finding it difficult with just a trackpad.
Also, can keyboard shortcuts be modified? It currently uses WASD to move but i'd like to use the arrow keys.
It's not really that - I've been obsessing over small details like putting decorations along paths, elevated path systems, etc whilst the game is on it's slowest speed. It's very calming although at this rate it will be a while before I come close to filling 9 tiles, let alone 25.
I only had a brief look but couldn't see it, i could be blind. Only going to be able to play it properly tonight.
I haven't even started my city yet, kept trying to create the perfect intersection with the highway!
I like how you can dig up corpses from cemeteries, burn them, and then reuse the space for another corpse =P
The main problem I have with the game right now are low capacities, especially for trash. it's something I hope they balance so I don't have to have multiple dumps for a small town.
I like how you can dig up corpses from cemeteries, burn them, and then reuse the space for another corpse =P
The only thing you need the CD for is to register for a Paradox account AFAIK.
I think when he said "try right clicking" he meant for you to try holding the RMB down, rather than single click. Hold right mouse and swing left and right to finely rotate the rotatables.
Options > Gameplay > Keymapping for changing your buttons.
I have one of those MMO mice with the 12 thumb buttons. I am loving having immediate access to roads, zoning, demolish tool, road up, road down, etc. as well as, for example, being able to quickly select roads twice (go to, then exit) to close down any current UI mode.
There we go.
I've always wondered why the capacities for power, water, sewage, and trash are as tiny as they are right now...
Or should it be how the consumption of buildings with regard to the above feels higher than expected? Either way, these are probably due for retuning.
I would guess it's for gameplay balance, but it's not really realistic. I also don't find babysitting capacities that fun either. Luckily it should be easy to adjust.
Wish it was easier to build roads in perfectly straight lines. Some kind of grid tool would be very helpful. Maybe another day my dull modernist utopia.
Yer this is really annoying, a lot of the time it looks perfect but when you zone it you realize you have a sliver of unusable space in the middle![]()
Wish it was easier to build roads in perfectly straight lines. Some kind of grid tool would be very helpful. Maybe another day my dull modernist utopia.
When you say 'feel right', it seems like you just mean 'feels like SimCity'. I'm not saying this game is perfect by any means but to say you cant recommend it because of things like less satisfying zoning sounds seems a bit absurd to me.I've always thought that for a game to really feel right, you not only have to take care of the major elements (like the simulation) - you also need to take care of all the small things that may get in the way of fully enjoying the experience. It's less "satisfying zoning sounds" and more "lack of feedback" - all the actions I do in the game felt really empty.
Right now, I really can't recommend the game on its own merits due to some nagging problems with the experience.
I still stand firmly that the road tools are a major issue because it hinders pre-planning by a lot, really.
When you say 'feel right', it seems like you just mean 'feels like SimCity'. I'm not saying this game is perfect by any means but to say you cant recommend it because of things like less satisfying zoning sounds seems a bit absurd to me.
Checked the account creation screen there is no option to enter a cd key. I've since checked some more and it would seem the CD-Key is there to register for their technical support forums which seems sort of obtuse but I'm fairly sure that's the answer.