This game seems a lot more fun than Sim City 4, not that I mind that.
They need to patch the sirens. I can't zoom in without hearing sirens.
To be fair, that's reasonably close to what being in a large city is like.

This game seems a lot more fun than Sim City 4, not that I mind that.
They need to patch the sirens. I can't zoom in without hearing sirens.
No game is ever going to be perfect. All city builders have faults. If you do nothing but focus on the negatives, any game is going to feel inadequate. Like I keep saying, it sounds like you want it to be exactly like SimCity and every way that it isn't like SimCity you consider a fault. I realize we all want SimCity, but there's still a ton of things this game does well that make up for that and make the experience very enjoyable. Maybe this isn't what you want and anything less than SimCity itself is going to disappoint you, but I wouldn't project that into saying that you cant recommend it to others, as if its not a good or a fun game.It compounds. Every time I play the game it kept feeling like something's missing to me.
If you're trying to do perfect grid layouts, yea, you're going to have a somewhat difficult time. Allowing the level of freeform road building they do comes with downsides, but the upside is that when you stop making strict grid road systems, your city tends to look a lot more natural and unique.Maybe I should try experimenting with curved roads, once I figure out how not to cause the curve tool to mess up my layout. Or intent. Any tips?
Got home very late last night, downloaded from Steam, tinkered with a few setups.
OK here's the instant win for this game: by the time it usually takes me to build a complete working city in SimCity 2013 - i.e. fill an entire map, I had filled just one corner of one plot in Skylines.
I kind of wish the game would have SimCity's square/rectangle road drawing tool though. Any mods for that one?
If only there was a good UI and UX.
Don't get this, at least not until the UI and UX are fixed up with future patches and/or mods. There are too many "small" things that pile up to become a very boring and annoying experience - things that even SC2013 took care of with aplomb.
It's mostly to do with how the city sounds mostly dead, really, but road tools need a lot of work, and the UI is information overload. The data maps also really needs some form of posterization to be a bit more...accessible.
GAF, on a 1-10 SimCity 2000 scale how good is this game?
Note SimCity 2000 is the best SimCity ever.
Yeah, I agree with this. I showed some people at work the city I built yesterday and now they are thinking about getting the game. Mind you, that includes someone who buys like 1 game every 2 yearsWTH are you talking about? This is the best city builder since Simcity 4, maybe even better than that IMHO, how can you not recommend this game?
Welcome to the city of Puta, population of 22,000.
Fair bit of fun, can't bring myself to curve roads though.
Full of red light districts? LolWelcome to the city of Puta, population of 22,000.
Fair bit of fun, can't bring myself to curve roads though.
I mostly agree with this, the only thing I wouldn't mind is better music. I mean, it's fine as it is, but a great soundtrack can really make a city builder a lot better still.
Needs more portrait packsDon't you worry, Paradox will be cranking out music packs for you.
Or maybe a blueprint overlay where you plan out an area, then press a button to commit.
I had a population of 1000 that was dying off because of polluted water, I guess?
I had my sewer outtake going into the water downstream, and I only had 1 water tower. At first I thought it was because the water tower was near my industrial zone, but I moved it well away and people were still sick all over?
I even had 3 clinics and my town was extremely small. What was I doing wrong?
I had a population of 1000 that was dying off because of polluted water, I guess?
I had my sewer outtake going into the water downstream, and I only had 1 water tower. At first I thought it was because the water tower was near my industrial zone, but I moved it well away and people were still sick all over?
I even had 3 clinics and my town was extremely small. What was I doing wrong?
Can you provide a picture of your city with the pollution overlay turned on?
Sickness may spread, I think.
If there are a lot of dead, that also needs to be taken care of. If you manage to get into this state without unlocking the cemetery, I'd suggest restarting your city.
That's one bitch of a city!
can you burn garbage from landfills in the incinerator? if so, do the full landfills have to be on?
So this is my town at the moment.
Altogether a pretty liberal use of the curved tool, but I tried to maintain through roads and an overall grid, or at least a mutilated one.
Here's one of the interchanges in my bus system:
The red buses drive up and down the highway in a sort of loop, and come off into these bays. The other colours service the surrounding areas and pull into the bays to allow for transfers.
A more complex interchange at the end of the highway with a turnback:
And the transport map:
I have no idea how well this scales up. With a well developed highway network I think it could be fine for larger cities.
Looks pretty gorgeous. Are you all godmoding from the start? Anyone working with the population unlocks? Wondering if it's feasible to play it through level progression and still end up with a cool looking town.
Looks pretty gorgeous. Are you all godmoding from the start? Anyone working with the population unlocks? Wondering if it's feasible to play it through level progression and still end up with a cool looking town.
I started on a standard map without mods. I think I am currently at a population of 60k and unlocked a lot. My city is butt ugly, but functional. Except for the area I started in which looks ugly and is barely functional because I was experimenting and because I have the beauty sense of a brickwall. But you can do a nice city without problem. It's not much more expensive to do a beautiful city, the proper planning is the key.Looks pretty gorgeous. Are you all godmoding from the start? Anyone working with the population unlocks? Wondering if it's feasible to play it through level progression and still end up with a cool looking town.
Full of red light districts? Lol
Checked the account creation screen there is no option to enter a cd key. I've since checked some more and it would seem the CD-Key is there to register for their technical support forums which seems sort of obtuse but I'm fairly sure that's the answer.
One thing I'd like to see on the electricity side is how much is actually being used by that one grid. The game allows you to make multiple grids but there isn't much of an indicator of how much that particular grid is using. The only metric it gives is total power you can produce and how much is being used. eg. I've got a solar farm powering a high density residential area but I have no idea how much more I can add to it before blackouts start occuring.
At 36k pop now and I'm running into some weird water problems. The areas area covered by pipes, more than enough water being pumped into the system but people complaining about not getting water on the twitter thing. Also swimming in more money than I know what to do with lol.
Quite literally is lol, running into some traffic problems that I didn't think would get as bad.
Looks nice. Makes me wonder if the game can pull of a BRT-esque system with grade separated bus routes.
Is there a retail physical version of the game?
I can't remember where I read it, or if I even did:
Am I right in thinking that non-rectangular plots and wall-to-wall buildings are coming in a future update? Would be great to be able to build the sort of tight, asymmetrical street layout of old European cities without having empty grass between the buildings. Currently everything tends to look like America.
Wondering how much pre-street construction you have to do to plan out beforehand or if you're better off just upgrading/bulldozing and watching the cities just rebuild themselves
I'm getting this too. Water and sewage bars are at maximum green, I have complete coverage and no pollution issues. But everyone is still complaining about having to take #bottledshowers. Unfortunately those messages are not very helpful, so I can't work out if its just a glitch or whether something is genuinely wrong.At 36k pop now and I'm running into some weird water problems. The areas area covered by pipes, more than enough water being pumped into the system but people complaining about not getting water on the twitter thing.
I'm getting this too. Water and sewage bars are at maximum green, I have complete coverage and no pollution issues. But everyone is still complaining about having to take #bottledshowers. Unfortunately those messages are not very helpful, so I can't work out if its just a glitch or whether something is genuinely wrong.
I now started to get used to WASD for movement and QE for rotation (which I really appreciate). But being able to do all that with just the mouse would be so much nicer.
Was this addressed already? You can move the camera around and rotate, tilt, etc by holding middle mouse button(scroll wheel).
How accurate is Kotaku's assessment of the traffic problems? Only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger
How accurate is Kotaku's assessment of the traffic problems? Only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger
If you have traffic problems, you haven't planned properly.
To learn to plan properly you need to work on it and it takes time.
Of course, every city has "traffic problems" it's more about trying to minimize them.