
A quick acknowledgement to Arioch and his Well of Souls Civ Analyst page, which has compiled a ton of info on Civ and is where I've referenced a lot of the info in this thread from.
Platform: PC
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy Simulation
Developer: Firaxis Games
Price: $49.99 US ($59.99 Digital Deluxe, $99.99 Special Edition)
Release Date: NA - September 21, 2010, EU - September 24, 2010. Playable demo available now, size is around 4 GB.
Unlock Times: No matter where you buy your copy of Civilization V, you won't be able to play until the game unlocks in your region. Here are the unlock times that we know of:
North America:
September 21 @ 10am EDT (New York, Toronto, Fake Virginia, Miami)
September 21 @ 9am CDT (Chicago)
September 21 @ 8am MDT (Denver)
September 21 @ 7am PDT (California, Washington)
September 21 @ 11am ADT (Nova Scotia) [fixed: Thanks Canucker]
September 24 @ 00:00 UTC
For those who ordered through a digital distributor, this is the time when you will be able to activate the game on Steam. The same restriction applied to retail copies, no matter when they are bought or delivered.
PEGI 12+
Supported Languages:
English, Italian, German, Spanish, French
CiV 5 Site: http://www.civilization5.com/
Firaxis Site: http://www.firaxis.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/civ
Twitter: http://twitter.com/2kgames
Game manual: http://www.civilization5.com/#/community/feature_manual
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System: Windows(r) XP SP3/ Windows(r) Vista SP2/ Windows(r) 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.0 GHz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB Free
DVD-ROM Drive: Required for disc-based installation
Video: 256 MB ATI HD2600 XT or better, 256 MB nVidia 7900 GS or better, or Core i3 or better integrated graphics
Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
DirectX(r): DirectX(r) version 9.0c
Recommended System Requirements
Operating System: Windows(r) Vista SP2/ Windows(r) 7
Processor: 1.8 GHz Quad Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB Free
DVD-ROM Drive: Required for disc-based installation
Video: 512 MB ATI 4800 series or better, 512 MB nVidia 9800 series or better
Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
DirectX(r): DirectX(r) version 11
Other Requirements
Initial installation requires one-time Internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, Microsoft Visual C++2008 Runtime Libraries and Microsoft DirectX.
Internet Connection and acceptance of Steam Subscriber Agreement required for activation. See www.steampowered.com/agreement for details. Software license terms available in game manual and at www.take2games.com/eula. Non-transferable access to special features such as exclusive, unlockable, downloadable or online content, services or functions may require single-use serial code, additional fee and/or online account registration (13+).
Access to special features may require internet connection, may not be available to all users, and may, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, modified or offered under different terms.
Purchase options
- The standard version of the game is available in most retail stores as well as digital distribution via Steam or Direct2Drive.

- The special edition available in retail stores features the following extras:
* 2-disc CD soundtrack of game score selections
* Behind-the-scenes DVD at Firaxis
* 5 metal figurines based on units from Civilization V manufactured by Reaper Miniatures
* 176 page hardcover artbook

- There is a deluxe digital edition available on Steam or Direct2Drive that features the following extras:
* Bonus Babylon Civilization with leader "Nebuchadnezzar II"
* Behind the Scenes at Firaxis with Civ V video feature
* Game Soundtrack
Pre-order bonuses
- Pre-ordering the game (regular or deluxe) at Steam offers the following extras:
* Cradle of Civilization Map Pack: Mesopotamia

- Pre-ordering the game (regular or deluxe) at Direct2Drive offers the following extras:
* A free copy of Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete
* The first Double Civilization and Scenario DLC Pack for free when available (note that the two civilizations are in addition to Babylon if you order the deluxe version)
- Pre-ordering the game (regular or SE) at Walmart offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas

- Pre-ordering the game (regular or SE) at Amazon.com / .ca (but not the other Amazon websites world-wide) offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia (unlock code e-mailed within 10 days)

- Pre-ordering the game (regular or SE) at Amazon.de (but not the other Amazon websites world-wide) offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean

- Pre-ordering the game at CDON.se / .no / .dk / .fi offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas
- Pre-ordering the game at Play offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean
- Pre-ordering the game at GAME.co.uk offers the following extras:
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas
- Pre-ordering the Nordic Edition at various suppliers in Sweden and Norway offers the following extras:
* Regular Edition (DVD)
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean
Civilization V uses Steamworks. For those installing from a retail purchase, you will need to connect to the Internet and activate your game once after installation. After activation you no longer have to be online to play the game, as Steam will let you launch the game in offline mode.
DLC Plans
Additional civilizations, maps, and scenarios will be released in DLC packs. The DLC pack "Double Civilization and Scenario Pack" is tenatively scheduled for a late 2010 release.
Other likely DLC packs (not confirmed yet) include:
* Babylonia civilization
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Americas
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia
* Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean

Here is the list of civilizations that will be included at release. Each civilization has only one Leader choice, and no longer have Traits. Instead of Traits, each civilization has a unique Special Ability. Each civilization has at least one unique unit, some have a Unique Building. Roughly half of the civilizations have a second Unique Unit instead of a Unique Building.
Each leader has a personality made from a combination of several different attributes along a ten point scale. In each game, each attribute will be randomly modified +/- two points, allowing for a different experience each game. So Russia may have an attribute of 8 for expansion, but at the start of the game the attribute could be set any where from 6 to 10. Attributes include Wide Strategy, Military preferences, Recon, Naval recon, Naval growth, Expansion, Growth, Development preferences.

Leader: Washington
Unique Units: Minuteman - Appears to have a combat bonus when fighting in friendly territory, in addition to the American unique ability of increased sight range; B-17 - Units have a civilian-style triangular unit icon (allowing a fighter unit to stack with it).
Special Ability: Manifest Destiny - All land military units have +1 sight range. 25% discount when purchasing tiles.

Leader: Harun al-Rashid
Unique Unit: Camel Archer - Can move after combat. Weak to Pikemen.
Unique Building: Bazaar - Provides an additional instance of each improved luxury resource near the City.
Special Ability: Trade Caravans - +1 gold from each Trade Route, and Oil resources provide double quantity.

Leader: Montezuma
Unique Unit: Jaguar - One preview suggests that the Jaguar has a bonus fighting in Jungle, and can heal itself by defeating an enemy unit (similar to the Janissary).
Unique Building: Floating Gardens - +2 Food per worked lake tile, regular Water Mill food bonus +15%
Special Ability: Sacrificial Captives - Gains Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.

Leader: Wu Zetian
Unique Unit: Chu-Ko-Nu - May fire twice per turn.
Unique Building: Paper Maker - +4 Gold, +1 Science for every 2 Citizens, 1 Science specialist slot
Special Ability: Art of War - Effectiveness and spawn rate of Great Generals increased.

Leader: Ramesses II
Unique Units: War Chariot - Ffaster than the normal chariot, doesn't require Horse resources.
Unique Building: Burial Tomb - +2 Culture, no maintenance +2 happiness; double Gold in plunder if captured
Special Ability: Monument Builders - +20% production towards Wonder construction.

Leader: Elizabeth I
Unique Units: Longbowman - range of 3 instead of 2; Ship of the Line - faster and stronger than normal Frigate unit
Special Ability: Sun Never Sets - +2 movement for all naval units.

Leader: Napoleon
Unique Units: Musketeer - Stronger than normal Musketman unit; Foreign Legion - Combat bonus outside friendly territory.
Special Ability: Ancien Regime - +2 culture per turn from Cities before discovering Steam Power.

Leader: Otto von Bismarck
Unique Units: Landsknecht - Has the same stats as the normal Pikeman unit but is cheaper to produce; Panzer - Can attack again after combat, gets a combat penalty when attacking Cities, has limited range of sight.
Special Ability: Furor Teutonicus - Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 50% chance you earn 25 gold and they join your side.

Leader: Alexander
Unique Units: Hoplite - Stronger than normal Spearman unit; Companion Cavalry - Stronger than normal Horseman unit, allegedly also gives increased Great General points.
Special Ability: Hellenic League - City-State influence degrades at half and recovers and twice the normal rate.

Leader: Gandhi
Unique Unit: War Elephant - Much stronger than normal Chariot Archer unit, but one movement point slower
Unique Building: Mughal Fort - 4 maintenance, +2 Culture, provides Gold after Flight is researched.
Special Ability: Population Growth - Unhappiness from number of cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved.

Leader: Hiawatha
Unique Units: Mohawk Warrior - +50% combat bonus in Forest or Jungle.
Unique Building: Longhouse - Requires Metal Casting, +1 Production from each worked Forest tile, 1 Engineering specialist slot.
Special Ability: The Great Warpath - Units spend only 1 Movement Point entering any tile with a Forest.

Leader: Oda Nobunaga
Unique Units: Samurai - Automatically receives Shock I promotion (bonus fighting in open terrain), success in combat with a Samurai has an increased chance of generating Great Generals; Zero - Combat bonus against other Fighters, can perform missions within its range of 8: attack enemy aircraft and ground units, scout enemy positions, defend against enemy air attacks.
Special Ability: Bushido - Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged.

Leader: Suleiman
Unique Units: Sipahi - +1 Sight range, bonus against Mounted units, penalty on defense, can pillage enemy tile improvements at no additional movement cost; Janissary - Receives a combat bonus on the attack, automatically heals all damage when it defeats a non-Barbarian unit.
Special Ability: Barbary Corsairs - 50% chance of converting a Barbarian naval unit to your side and earning 25 Gold.

Leader: Darius
Unique Unit: Immortal - Heals at double rate.
Unique Building: Satrap's Court - +25% gold, +2 happiness.
Special Ability: Achaemenid Legacy - Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and a +10% Combat Strength bonus.

Leader: Augustus Caesar
Unique Units: Legion - Can build Roads and Forts like a Worker; Ballista - Stronger than normal Catapult unit.
Special Ability: The Glory of Rome - +25% production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital.

Leader: Catherine
Unique Unit: Cossack - Does more damage to wounded enemy units.
Unique Building: Krepost - +15 XP to all land units, -50% Culture cost for buying City tiles.
Special Ability: Siberian Riches - Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horse, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity.

Leader: Ramkhamhaeng
Unique Unit: Naresuan's Elephant - Combat bonus vs other Mounted units, can move after attacking.
Unique Building: Wat - +3 Culture, +50% Science, 2 x Scientist Specialists.
Special Ability: Father Governs Children - Food and Culture from friendly City-States increased by 50%.

Leader: Askia
Unique Unit: Mandekalu Cavalry - +30% bonus vs. Cities.
Unique Building: Mud Pyramid Mosque - replaces Temple, +5 Culture
Special Ability: River Warlord - Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities, Embarked units can defend themselves.
The Babylon civ is available to those who purchase the Digital Deluxe version:

Leader: Nebuchadnezzar II
Unique Unit: Bowman - higher strength than normal Archer unit both defensively and offensively.
Unique Building: Walls of Babylon - Higher defense than normal City Walls improvement, increases combat strength during bombardment
Special Ability: Earn free great scientist when you discover Writing, earn great scientists at double normal rate.

User Interface
One of the largest overhauls done for Civilization V is the UI. Having learned a lot in terms of UI during the development of Civilization Revolution for the console space, Firaxis appears to have done an even better job with Civ V in streamlining the interface to make better use of screen real estate, as well as making the game more approachable and easier to learn. Hands-on impressions and previews released so far indicate Firaxis has done just that.

Eurogamer comments that "Civilization V is the best of both worlds: more approachable, less opaque, but still with a huge, impenetrable brain throbbing in the background," and "Ultimately - with a UI that's frankly astounding, its polite hand-holding tutorials and event reminders somehow never becoming intrusive - there's little doubt that Civ V is onto something of a winner."
Giant Bomb's Ryan Davis, whose previous experience with the Civ franchise was limited only to Civ Revolution, stated on a podcast: "I think Civ V is definitely even more intuitively and intelligently designed than Civ Rev was," and that "Civ V does kind of what Civ Rev tried to do of simplifying and making stuff make sense, it is better at explaining its systems and streamlining things than Civ Rev is plus you still have that crazy depth."
Civilization V uses a brand new graphics engine, built from scratch to take better advantage of multi-threading and multi-core systems, supporting up to 8 threads. The new engine spends less time waiting for memory, and is coded to take advantage of DirectX 11. DX11 will benefit users even if they dont have DX11 capable hardware, since the API itself is much more heavily threaded DX9 and DX10 hardware users will see performance increases using DirectX 11.

Visually, early impressions are mostly positive on the new graphics engine. Animations pop out really well, units now look like armies as opposed to large oversized individuals, the terrain and landscape seems to blend together much more naturally due to the shift to a hex-based map, and city improvements look good as cities expand and grow. PC Gamer UK claims Civ V is "indisputably the best-looking turn-based strategy game ever made."
One of the biggest visual changes is the change from a square-based map grid to a hexagon-based one. Aesthetically, the move to hexes allows land masses to be more naturally contoured and makes rivers and other channels of water less crooked looking. Strategically and tactically, the switch to hexes reduces the number of neighboring tiles from 8 to 6, making it easier to surround units (less sides) but also more difficult to retreat (less avenues for escape). In terms of cities, the move to hexes means a change to the initial tiles a city has control over, which is now the 6 immediate surrounding hexes.

In addition to the normal 3D view, there is a 2D hex-style Strategic View available if players need to see the individual hex tiles.