"What can you do in the face of a god?"
Dance Rapture.
Anyway, beat the post-game stuff!
Complete Quests: 100%
Conquest Rate: 99.99% (?!)
I'll have Ken look at this. Can you email your save to [email protected] so we can check it out?
"What can you do in the face of a god?"
Dance Rapture.
Anyway, beat the post-game stuff!
Complete Quests: 100%
Conquest Rate: 99.99% (?!)
Pandolo Town should sell Angel Cuffs in infinite supply as well. 15,000 Gold each so they're a bit more expensive than Stilts but they're also a pretty good ring in their own right.
And you're free to leave the dungeon.
Edit: ...hey, I should check times. That was almost 7 hours ago.
Edit2: On one hand, grinding Persimmon Seeds is great for EXP/Gold. On the other hand, they have a skill that lowers your level :|
That and they're rather limited in their spawn location. Why couldn't it have just been some 3x3 room so I don't have to keep track of the four tiles I can walk on?
Actually that helps a lot. Knowing I can leave the dungeon and where I can buy angel cuffs. As well as reminding me that I actually have a pair of angel cuffs. That means I can try this with only one dead person. Or I can grind one more level for my sage to get TP and I can go buy some. My money problems are mostly over. Getting 1-2k per fight + robbery is pretty good at my level.
I've been at work all day so haven't even tried the dragon again since my post.
Ran into a crash shortly after the Hero Costume quest. Random monster did an attack, game froze. Fortunately I saved right before going into the BB, since it required a solo adventurer.
Loved the desert dungeon.
What model/run of PSP are you on, with what brand/size memory card? We haven't been able to do one of these random lockups on PSP-1001's/sony memory cards we have with the released version. I know the Japanese one had random lockups reported, too, but we haven't been able to reproduce any here, so I'm wondering if it's model-specific or perhaps non-sony memory sticks or something..
2000, SanDisk 4GB.
Do you have a Sony card you can use to see if that seems to clear up the problem?
Well, it only happened once, was kind of a fluke. I don't think it's something I can worry about replicating.
I've had plenty of them on my Vita. It's basically one crash per day. Error Code C1-2858-3 if I remember right, though it usually locks up with no error code at all. Official (...are there others?) 32GB card, launch Vita.
Someone should add to the OP that you can buy the physical version from VG+. I had to search through the thread to learn this...
Pandolo Town should sell Angel Cuffs in infinite supply as well. 15,000 Gold each so they're a bit more expensive than Stilts but they're also a pretty good ring in their own right.
And you're free to leave the dungeon.
Edit: ...hey, I should check times. That was almost 7 hours ago.
Edit2: On one hand, grinding Persimmon Seeds is great for EXP/Gold. On the other hand, they have a skill that lowers your level :| I just noticed my Sage is now barely Level 50.
That and they're rather limited in their spawn location. Why couldn't it have just been some 3x3 room so I don't have to keep track of the four tiles I can walk on?
So, protip: Hard mode, you can save in the dungeon. Not sure exactly what makes the "hard" save mode hard, other than higher level and stronger monsters.
The "can save in dungeon" thing would have been useful to know when I accidentally encountered the first boss, since bosses have random (and absurdly powerful) drops, but are super rare -- so you have to save scum them. Ah well.
If I'm understanding the wiki, one of the early bosses may have a map that's... rare? Not available elsewhere? Something about 100% map / item collection, not sure.
What are the difference between the different teleport tickets? Two are the same price, and wyvern's is way too expensive for being single use. I thought I'd at least get to go to different dungeons, not warp between rooms.
Protip: L+R+Select+Start works as standard for FPDCs -- it resets the game to the main menu. Useful if you've saved before a boss fight and are trying to get a good drop.
Apparently this is the ... second... boss drop table of the game ("Library vs Discipline Committees" -- shouldn't that be 'Discipline Committee?' There's only one group, three members though.):
種別 アイテム名
装備品 あぶない下着、あぶないパンツ、ブルマ
基本素材 折れたアックス、砕けたトマホーク
合成素材 神秘の貝殻、丈夫な皮、硬い皮、神秘の皮、中骨、大骨、神秘の布、究極の布、鉄、合金、超合金、銀の粉、銀、金の粉、金、白金の粉
特殊素材 光の粉、光の石、銀の皿、獣骨、獣の血、乙女の血、精霊石、神の裁き、神の誓い、白虎の爪、恐竜王者の爪、獣王の牙
その他 フレンチトースト、ハニートースト、ホットケーキ、クレープ、三色団子、ドックフード、古代の銅貨、古代の銀貨、古代の金貨、魔力の銅貨、魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨、聖水
3 special armors, each one... a type of hot pants / short shorts / etc. Including bloomers. Oh, Japan.
Two broken weapons for synthing. An absolute ton of possible synth items, most of which (Platinum Powder, Gold, etc) are special.
Here's the first boss's drop table, for comparison:
種別 アイテム名
基本素材 壊れたパチンコ、折れたレイピア、変装キット
合成素材 中骨、大骨、金の粉、金
特殊素材 獣の血、獣骨、サソリのしっぽ、コブラの毒、恐竜王者の爪、乙女の血、酸性の雫
その他 魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨
3 broken items -- a... Broken pinball machine, a "Rapier A" (not sure if the A is a mistake of the machine translation), and a "Disguise Kit." Apparently the kit is used to synth a weapon or a special stone or something.
The third boss drops the map that works on all dungeons. Getting it from him is important because... it doesn't appear till much later otherwise?
7th's boss drops a specific item that makes ... one of the strongest katanas in the game (and the strongest you can make via alchemy). Hm.
We got the no fun version confirmed.
Man, I'm 0 for 30 or so for good drops off the 2nd boss (Library Committee vs Discipline Committee boss). I saved a spare save with the Dangerous Pants I got the first time and one more with a Magical Gold Coin (think that's just for selling). Might give it up.
Any news about EU PSN release for this game?
Pffft. Pachinko IS the no-fun version of gambling. That's why Japanese visitors go nuts when they come to visit us and can gamble without having to collect their illicit prices in a back alley slot.
Shifted attention 100% to getting the Alchemy Recipe fix tested and back in QA for the US UMD release (and DD patch), then we'll get back to moving the EU version along.
Hm. The alchemy recipe list on the website is incomplete. I have a Venomous Needle Mace -- or rather, a broken one.
It's for a quest involving.a Celestian and a Dark Dragon
You read that right, she's sexy AND strong. Testify.
Every time I get a non-Alchemy equipment drop that has a massive negative modifier on it, I get sad. I think I got the second best sword in the game (Karlsnautr) ... that's a -8.
At least, I think it's a Sword.
Yep, I started the quest. I need to get the item now.
Also, best line by a country mile so far:
You read that right, she's sexy AND strong. Testify.
Stuff like that is the reason I'm doing every quest.
What was the point of no return quest for the first academy again?