am i bugged? doing powerful awakening for the thrid ritual and to enemies appear. one enemy cant be damaged between myself and npc....
I couldn't stop laughing.
I feel such an idiot. I had an hard time winning the battles on Driftwood since I was level 8-9 and everyone else was 9-10...
Now I found the area of level 9 enemies... Derp
Where is that? Having the same issue
Yeas Act 2 I did it wrong lol. I ended up in black pits at like lvl 16/17 lol.
No wonder I had some issues at the start.
For Act 2 outdoors, just check the level of the characters and enemies. If they are 2+ higher, explore elsewhere.Is there a right order of doing things? I'm currently doing act 2 and pretty much went straight to driftwood. Finished the arena at lvl 8-9 i think. Should i go somewhere else on the map now? Don't want to come to some area way overleveled.
I don't have that much of a trouble with it per se. It's simply not fun. The slow effect especially is on my nerve. Decided to skip it.
For Act 2 outdoors, just check the level of the characters and enemies. If they are 2+ higher, explore elsewhere.
I've been getting pretty frustrated with the pathfinding of my AI companions since the other day. I'm not sure if it's related to the patch or just the different terrain of Act II, but the major annoyance is that I'll be running along the overworld for a few minutes, get into a fight, and then notice that two of my party members aren't with me because they stopped a mile back where there was an area of poison in the middle of the road that they didn't want to walk through.
In contrast to that, I just finished a fight where my pyromancer cast that explosion spell which leaves a ring of fire around the caster. As soon as the fight ended, without me touching anything, she ran right through the fire in order to get next to the party leader and promptly died from burning. What the fuck is that.
This is my biggest gripe with he game. I often have to take control of party members that randomly decide to stay behind. They wont move or rejoin the party unless I control them manually.
It tends to happen with ladders or pools of poison.
God damnit, I'm level 12, don't know where to tackle in Driftwood now.
Blackpits seems the reasonable place, but they are level 13 there.
I experience the same thing with ladders, quite a lot. But the elemental surfaces I think makes sense - they AI is set to not walk into those and take damage.
I just use fire skills to clear poison pools that I know wont be useful in combat situations. The Red Princes fire breath is perfect for it.
You can take a shortcut - it's hinted in a book or somewhere, don't remember.
In the area you start, you can teleport down to the left and run along pipes. That will get you directly to the end-room without any puzzles. You just need to have some form of teleportation.
im trying to get across to bloodmoon island and im at the broken bridge and cant get the spirt parts to show up. i have all three source slots. the first time i came across it they showed up but i didnt know how to get across so i took off elsewhere and now that im back i cant get them to show up again
This fight against. How many rounds do I even need to last? There's no way to completely protectDallis after leaving Fort Joy is bullshitwhile also keeping all my characters alive. All the enemies have massive armor values that take multiple turns to chip away at, all their attacks will completely destroy one of my party's armor in a single turn, and those damn Geists can take out Lohse, Ifan, or my Shadowblade MC in a single turn from full armor. My characters are all level 8, they have pretty decent to good gear, and I've been giving them good skills. The whole fight is just fucked.Malady
This fight against. How many rounds do I even need to last? There's no way to completely protectDallis after leaving Fort Joy is bullshitwhile also keeping all my characters alive. All the enemies have massive armor values that take multiple turns to chip away at, all their attacks will completely destroy one of my party's armor in a single turn, and those damn Geists can take out Lohse, Ifan, or my Shadowblade MC in a single turn from full armor. My characters are all level 8, they have pretty decent to good gear, and I've been giving them good skills. The whole fight is just fucked.Malady
This fight against. How many rounds do I even need to last? There's no way to completely protectDallis after leaving Fort Joy is bullshitwhile also keeping all my characters alive. All the enemies have massive armor values that take multiple turns to chip away at, all their attacks will completely destroy one of my party's armor in a single turn, and those damn Geists can take out Lohse, Ifan, or my Shadowblade MC in a single turn from full armor. My characters are all level 8, they have pretty decent to good gear, and I've been giving them good skills. The whole fight is just fucked.Malady
Just teleport her further away.
I'm stuck. Can't win the fight of "On the Ropes" quest with all the blobs (level 12)
If I enter the mines, I get destroyed by the Voidlings (Armored and Fluorescent)
Kind of stuck since I don't know where I can go level up in Driftwood.
I'm stuck. Can't win the fight of "On the Ropes" quest with all the blobs (level 12)
If I enter the mines, I get destroyed by the Voidlings (Armored and Fluorescent)
Kind of stuck since I don't know where I can go level up in Driftwood.
It's possible to do some shenanigans with the blob fight to not get the blobs to trigger so you're only fighting the magisters there. In fact, you might even be able to avoid the fight entirely by using teleport creatively.
Anyone have some advice on a 4 man party setup and builds?
Anyone have some advice on a 4 man party setup and builds?
I'm just about to face the final battle, currently level 20, is that enough?
On Classic difficulty.
What have you done so far?
It's possible to do some shenanigans with the blob fight to not get the blobs to trigger so you're only fighting the magisters there. In fact, you might even be able to avoid the fight entirely by using teleport creatively.