That was my idea! I was going to do it for my black laminate though..
mine looks way better
also nice meme font, one step away from RobN's comic sans screenshots
also nice meme font
ud nd RobN have equally bad taste in fonts
Do we have a chat to comment the game?
In case that's what you're talking about, just join the group chat
No group chat in the mobile app wtf
I wonder if it's possible for Impact to go a day without mentioning RobN
I'm ready
So happy for LG but that second map was so anticlimatic. But anyway, it was their turn to finally win something and I couldn't be happier for them.
Also, how about a Gaf game to finish the day?
So happy for LG but that second map was so anticlimatic. But anyway, it was their turn to finally win something and I couldn't be happier for them.
Also, how about a Gaf game to finish the day?
I thought I was gonna replace the gold DHW14 dorito but I guess not. Thanks for n0thing NAVI