I'm just happy NiP was nice enough to do this.

I'm not joking when I said I only went to MLG Columbus cause I wanted to meet NiP, so I was a little sad when I never saw them all event, but what can you do. The fact that NiP was willing to randomly contact me and offer to send me a package makes it all worth it
SBD what is NiP offering?
They said a package, not sure what will be in it, maybe they'll give me a mouse so I can actually play this game properly now
Also, fun story at MLG Columbus.
While boarding my second flight from Detroit to Columbus, I randomly talked to this Man from Switzerland, asking him "Hey man, is this flight boarding already?". He responded "Yeah we're starting to board.", and I noticed his accent, so I just asked him "Hey man, I'm gonna guess, you're European and heading to Columbus, you play Counter-Strike?"
We then actually sat behind each other, and the plane wasn't full so I just asked the flight attendant if I can move seats, so we sat next to each other and talked for an hour. He mentioned he was renting a car and he couldn't check into his hotel until 3PM, and I told him I also couldn't check in till 3PM. He mentioned how he was gonna go to the Arena just to check out the parking by it/food places by it before the event starts, and since my whole plan was "Arrive at Columbus at 8AM, Uber to the hotel and wait in the lobby for 7 hours until I can check in." I asked the guy if he would mind if tag along with him in his rental car. He said yes, we went to the starbucks by the NationWide Arena, he grabbed his Laptop and iPad, and we watched Match 1 and 2 of NiP vs Mouse.
At that point we were up on time of the paid parking we got, so he offered to drive me to my hotel at 1pm, even though I told him he could leave me anywhere and I"ll just Uber. He gave me a ride to my hotel, they let me check in early, and I invited him in and we watched the last game of NiP vs Mous at my hotel.
On the last day of the Event, Sunday, he messaged me saying Maniac (an old friend of his) offered to let him into the After Party where all the players were hanging out, and he invited me to go. Sadly I couldn't go, cause I'm not 21 and they were serving Alcohol, but the thought was nice.

Would have loved to gone and met all the Pros in a more casual environment.
We saw each other occasionally at the event, but not much. We hung out on Monday at the airport for 3 hours, where we saw G2, and him knowing French, went up with me and talked to the G2 guys and asked them to sign my jersey for me, and before we said our farewells (He flew an hour and a half before my flight) he gave me one of the 4 pins he managed to buy, refusing to accept the $60 the pin cost or even the $10 he paid for the pin.
So, shout out to the random guy from Switzerland who saved me $40 in Uber Trips, gave me a free $60 pin, helped me get signatures with G2, and also invited me to the MLG After Party. Really warms my heart that he was so friendly to an absolute stranger like me. <3