how do you parry with 2h?
Right Mouse when an attack is going to connect, then release to hit. It's had a high chance to stun for me - I dance circles around melee bosses and I take no damage with it.
how do you parry with 2h?
Right Mouse when an attack is going to connect, then release to hit. It's had a high chance to stun for me - I dance circles around melee bosses and I take no damage with it.
It can definitely use some work though. It's simply unrealistically dark in a lot of places - it shouldn't be pitch black on an open field when the moon is out, for example. The way light falls off from torches could be improved, too. Make them less bright in the center, but have the light go further at a more gradual dimming.Yeah night time reminds me of Dragon's Dogma - dangerous, properly dark out and tense. Though leveling up the hang glider makes it far less deadly . plus you can out run pretty much everything in this game (that I've run into)
so right click right before you get hit, and hold. let go to counter hit and stun?
Perfect Cha0s said:It can definitely use some work though. It's simply unrealistically dark in a lot of places - it shouldn't be pitch black on an open field when the moon is out, for example. The way light falls off from torches could be improved, too. Make them less bright in the center, but have the light go further at a more gradual dimming.
so right click right before you get hit, and hold. let go to counter hit and stun?
I read through all the pages here again and checked some forums and Wikis. I am sure I am over-thinking it and comparing it to other MMOs, but can't figure how to purchase a better weapon.When at the weapon shop and I see a Staff or Wand that says something like "Power 24 adjusted" and it is in RED lettering, I assume I am not "ready", power/level-wise to buy this? Or is this an item I take to the adjuster guy in the Tower at the local village?
Is there anyway to heal up outside of pots or dying? Can i nap?
Is there anyway to heal up outside of pots or dying? Can i nap?
Is there anyway to heal up outside of pots or dying? Can i nap?
Don't you run by default? Or do you mean you want a walk toggle?you know what would be great?
A toggle-able run key like in all modern mmos.
Don't you run by default? Or do you mean you want a walk toggle?
Ohh, I'm an idiot, so you can steer with the mouse. I haven't wanted this yet but I imagine I may. I REALLY wanted it in Day-Z, where I think you could literally hold down W for 20 minutes to get from spawn to near a friend you were trying to meet, only to die to random zombies and have to do it something so i don't have to hold 'W' Naturally allow me to turn it off during combat. Don't wanna kill my middle finger holding it down for minutes straight.
'auto run' is whats it called.
like something so i don't have to hold 'W' Naturally allow me to turn it off during combat. Don't wanna kill my middle finger holding it down for minutes straight.
'auto run' is whats it called.
like something so i don't have to hold 'W' Naturally allow me to turn it off during combat. Don't wanna kill my middle finger holding it down for minutes straight.
'auto run' is whats it called.
like something so i don't have to hold 'W' Naturally allow me to turn it off during combat. Don't wanna kill my middle finger holding it down for minutes straight.
'auto run' is whats it called.
Yeah getting around in this game is becoming obnoxious. I would find it less of a chore if the terrain was more diverse and if the load distance was farther (take in the views while travelling), but as of now I just want an auto run feature so i can get to my location easier.
I actually find navigating to be easy, coming from the most comparable world style, Minecraft. There's far less jumping required since you can actually step up one block heights without jumping, and having roads everywhere makes travel easier, plus the worlds just feel more natural and cohesive.
The biggest issue is long distance travel. Hopefully they add a taxi system that will let you pick up flight points or carriage points and use those to auto-travel between towns you've discovered.
Your Power (increased by but separate from your level) is listed on your character sheet when you bring up your inventory with B or I.
I'm not 100% sure on all of this, but from my observations I think this is accurate: Your best bet to get a better weapon is often to craft or upgrade a found/crafted weapon. If you have a lower level weapon, you can take it to the Adjuster (tall white building) and for a cost of platinum coins he'll bump it up to your level. You can also take higher level items that you can't use yet, and adjust them down to your level for free. Adjusting items adds the (adjusted) suffix, and - here's where I'm not positive on things - I think anything that says (adjusted) cannot be further adjusted, preventing you from just buying any old weapon from a shop (since they're all adjusted) and adjusting it down.
I think this means you can only adjust a customized weapon up once, but I'm not sure.
Does it happen right when you press F10? F10 seems to totally pause the game for me which was confusing me since I had it mapped to Fraps screenshot. Other than that, I don't know that I've ever seen it drop below 60 fps, but I finally have a decent desktop so I can't really say.I just bought the game and am getting these really annoying random lag spikes in single player. Game runs smooth as butter then all a sudden its like 0fps. Its got me killed twice now.
I know its alpha but I havent seen this in any of the videos on youtube..
Does it happen right when you press F10? F10 seems to totally pause the game for me which was confusing me since I had it mapped to Fraps screenshot. Other than that, I don't know that I've ever seen it drop below 60 fps, but I finally have a decent desktop so I can't really say.
Nah never hit f10. It always starts out smooth and after 10-15 minutes just becomes unplayable. I finally got on their forums and it seems like a few people are having it.. Spikes in CPU usage.
I forgot about that. I use D3DOverrider myself (part of the Rivatuner package) to lock at 60 fps, but vsync in the GPU control panel should work too.There's no frame limiter in the game. Try turning on vsync in your gpu control panel and see if that helps.
When do you guys expect an update? I bet we'll get one Friday!
Speaking of update. What changes would you guys like to see?
Here's a couple things I'd like to see addressed soon.
- Shared stash between characters.
- An improved world map. It should stay lit at night. The way zoom in on the world map affects the mini map feels weird. Have seperate zoom in features for each map.
- Weapon adaption needs an overhaul. At higher levels it cost way too much.
The rare pets and pet evolution system they have planned definitely sounds interesting. Maybe they will eventually add skill trees to pets and allow you to have pet combat against other players (Pokemon).
Unique skill sets for certain pets would be great. Something beyond the tanking and healing pets we have now. Maybe a mount that has double jump or one that gives a bonus to mount speed.
I'd rather the player experience be improved by things like vsync, rebindable controls, maybe auto-run for long distance travel, etc. before they start hurting the player experience by nerfing things or removing useful glitches.Something like an ability to fight while mounted would be awesome. Mounted combat would be so much fun come PvP time
But anyway, I'd like to see a few changes to the procedural generation (namely positioning of portal stones in towns), maybe some more in-game options like vsync. He might end up re-balancing a few of the classes based on what we've seen of how strong some of them are. Possibly even fix the double-jump glitch. I know some people won't want those things fixed but obviously it's not how he intended things to be.
I'd rather the player experience be improved by things like vsync, rebindable controls, maybe auto-run for long distance travel, etc. before they start hurting the player experience by nerfing things or removing useful glitches.![]()
That reminds me, I need to look up on the wiki how many points I have to have on the leftmost kill before I can unlock the middle skill in a tree.
Speaking of update. What changes would you guys like to see?
Here's a couple things I'd like to see addressed soon.
- Shared stash between characters.
Played all night today and ended up at a lvl 27 Warrior. I'm really digging this game.
THIS. I get countless items that aren't the proper class for my main character, but would be useful for my side characters. The fact that they arent' shared sucks so much.
Currently, if you really want to share them you can host a local server and run 2 copies of cube world and jump into the local server on both characters to share. Unfortunately, this only works if your computer can handle it. If not you can get a friend to host, jump in and give the items to your friend and have them give them to your other character.
Still, shared stash would simplify that a LOT.