This is finally out!
Other than Arekkz video guides, any other recommendations/tips&tricks for a newbie?
Get a gold lamp as soon as possible.
So nighttime is either this or wait it out or go to the INN right?
Also, should I start a new world where I can guarantee a gold lamp? Or do most of them have it?
You also have the option to use a sleeping bag. Time passes by a little faster while you're in one. Your best bet is to use an inn though.So nighttime is either this or wait it out or go to the INN right?
Also, should I start a new world where I can guarantee a gold lamp? Or do most of them have it?
OK bought this a little while long before I am sent the keycode ? It has been about 30 min.
Bought this tonight, so far it seems like a great game, my kid loves it. It is a bit hard in the beginning, leveling is slow and many mobs will kill you fast.
Does anyone know if the money we paid gets applied towards further versions? Do we have to pay again for a beta and then release?
I, um.. don't see any link on the site there to buy it?
This is finally out!
Other than Arekkz video guides, any other recommendations/tips&tricks for a newbie?
You also have the option to use a sleeping bag. Time passes by a little faster while you're in one. Your best bet is to use an inn though.
List of Seeds with legendary lamps.
This is so good. Although at first was like levelling takes ages but once I joined a group of people online soon started picking up.
Even saw an insanely high leveled player they were level 1500. Was like what!? Then I was told that are people exploiting.
Why would you feel bad farming +3 or +4 (assuming you mean things like cows)? Killing cows could still take ages to level up, right? Especially since it kind of seems like an MMO without much content right now.There are a lot of exploits but that doesn't really matter right now. When PVP and bigger server capacities are supported, it could become a problem. Personally, I would never want to ruin my experience by doing stuff like that. I even feel bad farming +3s and +4s. After getting a few nice drops, I will just move on.
I'll probably be sticking to personal or trusted servers like I did in Minecraft.
It's been a blast so far. I've spent a good amount of time in LAN play with my kids. As long as you don't take it too seriously, it's a fun game to play with them. Not having to pay for multiple licenses is a real plus. I'm not counting on it staying that way, so I'd imagine I'm going to have to lay out for an additional license or two down the road much like I did during the minecraft 2 for 1 sale.
But darn it all, I finally found a cinnamon role (sic) but, as much as I've wanted that turtle for my water mage, my spitter is much closer to my level. Leveling up a turtle from level 6 is going to be a chore and a half.
Is there a reason why I suddenly cannot ride my pet? When I hit r, the pet warps to me as it should, but I don't actually mount it.
Travelling has become tedious today because of this glitch.
It's like Pokemon, DRIVE YOUR PET INTO THE GROUND, HAVE NO MERCY.Is there a reason why I suddenly cannot ride my pet? When I hit r, the pet warps to me as it should, but I don't actually mount it.
Travelling has become tedious today because of this glitch.
EDIT: They needed some water.. I had no idea that was a thing haha.
has there been anything out of wol and pix lately? their twitter and blogs don't have much to say. love the game so far but since this is game is supposedly still under aggressive development it'd be cool to hear some status updates once in a while.
Discovered a +4 area and got some really good drops. I'm in pretty much all legendary gear now. We also fought a +4 boss which took over an hour to defeat (he reset twice).
Here's the video from our LP for those interested:
Our gaming channel is new so if you enjoy the content, any subscriptions would be much appreciated!
hahaha, had the same seed for our multiplayer server and fought the same boss.
My level 3 char found a level 55 bow, from the wiki that means he needs to be like level 20 to use it. That seems like a very far way off, do you save these items or just sell them? Thanks.
My level 3 char found a level 55 bow, from the wiki that means he needs to be like level 20 to use it. That seems like a very far way off, do you save these items or just sell them? Thanks.
You can save it, sell it, or take it to the Adjuster (tall building in town) and have him reduce it to your level for free (this is irreversible.)
It normally works for me. The two things that are annoying are when you go into a building (you can't QUITE zoom into first-person view, and the most zoomed in view almost works in a building, but then you can't see chat text when you talk to people), and when you are trying to run and heal and the heal spell keeps auto-targeting your pet because the pet runs in front of the camera partway through the charge. RAGE.I really like this game, but getting fed up with camera.
First of all, a big thank you to all Cube World fans. It's so great to see all the Cube World videos and screenshots from other players all around the web!
We will improve our shop interface soon - in the meantime Cube World is available for purchase here:
I just wanted to give you a brief overview of what we'll be doing next:
Fixing bugs: We have already gathered a big list of bugs and glitches reported by players.
Compatibility: Some players have DirectX initialization problems on their PCs. We will try to find out the reasons and solve these issues.
Performance: We will work on performance optimizations, both for client and server.
Remappable controls: We will make all controls configurable.
Scalable GUI: We will make the GUI scalable, so it works well with lower resolutions, too.
Multiplayer server configuration: We will add more server configurations options, such as a configurable port.
New content: We already have a few things in the making, such as new creatures.
Changes to the website: We'll restructure the site a little and add a new forum and probably a bugtracking system (if anyone can recommend a good bugtracker, please let me know).
It normally works for me. The two things that are annoying are when you go into a building (you can't QUITE zoom into first-person view, and the most zoomed in view almost works in a building, but then you can't see chat text when you talk to people), and when you are trying to run and heal and the heal spell keeps auto-targeting your pet because the pet runs in front of the camera partway through the charge. RAGE.
Small update that was posted today. Cant wait to see whats next.
Remappable controls: We will make all controls configurable.
Scalable GUI: We will make the GUI scalable, so it works well with lower resolutions, too.
Multiplayer server configuration: We will add more server configurations options, such as a configurable port.
New content: We already have a few things in the making, such as new creatures.
July 23, 2013
- Added an option to limit the frame rate (see options menu: FPS limit; default 111 fps)
- Ranger ability 'Scout's switftness' doesn't crash on multiplayer servers anymore
- Ranger ability 'Retreat' doesn't increase hang gliding speed anymore
- The crossbow's right mouse button ability now only does damage when charged
- You can now reset the day in inns only between 6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
- Fixed a bug where multiplayer groups received too much XP for missions
Cube World Update:
Also, episode 5 of our LP is up. Ocean biomes and more!
Radeon Pro refuses to work with this game for me. It's making my CPU usage skyrocket too.
Radeon Pro refuses to work with this game for me. It's making my CPU usage skyrocket too.