So, apparently,
talk to her beforehand, then kill Horace and DO NOT TALK TO HER AFTERWARDS which is what I did, and apparently that fails the questline
I'm actually finding the greatswords in this game (using the Wolf Knight Greatsword) faster than any of the previous games. Maybe it's cause I played Bloodborne (Ludwig's Holy Blade), Dark Souls II (Curved Dragon Greatsword), & Dark Souls I (Black Knight Sword) all fairly recently lol
.The arrow move is the most likely one to get you if you are getting the boss down and going in for a final attack. I recommend chain-rolling away in a circular path, where the end of the circle will be right where Aldrich is so you can get in your attack
Holy shit Ais kicking my ass. Get so close every time but he just 1 shots me. Any tips?ldrich
That seems fucking absurd, I love it, I turned the ballista off and cleared the area (sans the crab situation). I'll just look up how to get that floor to break -- If I can even access it now, I wonder if the enemies that control the ballista respawn. I'll lookup how to access them once.
I don't think you NEED to do that to get down there (). It's just how I found it.Demon Ruins
I didn't want to fuck with the. If you go in my way you come out behind it, and thegiant wormballista can be easily baited to shoot it to death. Considering how its animations were freaking out I'm not 100% sure this is intentional but it seemed okay.
well that's dumb. Why would they drop you such a wall at the beginning. At least in the first game the first boss was easier.
he is using knight and it's his first souls game. I understand his frustration.
A friend of mine is thinking about selling the game because he can't beat the first boss (Iudex something). I took me a couple of tries to beat it but do you really need to beat it to progress?
Just beatArchdragon Peak
Holy shit what a boss. That could have been the last boss and I'd had no problem with it. Probably my favorite boss fight ever it terms of style and difficulty.
I don't think you NEED to do that to get down there (). It's just how I found it.Demon Ruins
I didn't want to fuck with the. If you go in my way you come out behind it, and thegiant wormballista can be easily baited to shoot it to death. Considering how its animations were freaking out I'm not 100% sure this is intentional but it seemed okay.
Maybe I need to switch greatswords then lol. I just love the Greatsword so much because of Berserk.
Anyone know why some Red Phantoms have a sort of orange glow to them? Like they have ranked up in the covenant or something.
I've given 30to thepale tonguesbut no glow for me. Just wondering if it may be something elseinvasion covenant
Also, where areNPC andSorcererNPC?Pyro
Anyone know why some Red Phantoms have a sort of orange glow to them? Like they have ranked up in the covenant or something.
I've given 30to thepale tonguesbut no glow for me. Just wondering if it may be something elseinvasion covenant
Also, where areNPC andSorcererNPC?Pyro
dude, Demon's Souls can be beaten in an hour or two. these games have never been that long.. and i think it's perfectly fine. DSII was too long for me, way too many areas and bosses. it would have benefited from a little trim down, leaving some of the most generic bosses and boring areas out of the game.
a relatively short, tightly designed cohesive Souls game is a thing of beauty.
and you can do like me, use a lot of time helping others and it will make the game last longer.
Holy shit Ais kicking my ass. Get so close every time but he just 1 shots me. Any tips?ldrich
Sorcerer I believe is right above the group of enemies right before you kill Crystal Mage. Pyro is in undead settlement, right after you open the doors in the barn leading to that big group of grenade tossing enemies, roll down to the path and you'll find a bonfire. Keep going and you'll be on top of the house and he's up there in a cage.
Orange glow red phantoms are sun bros being naughty
I don't think you NEED to do that to get down there (). It's just how I found it.Demon Ruins
I didn't want to fuck with the. If you go in my way you come out behind it, and thegiant wormballista can be easily baited to shoot it to death. Considering how its animations were freaking out I'm not 100% sure this is intentional but it seemed okay.
Getting real sick of invading and one or more of the host's summons are just sliding around. Hard enough to deal with a 3v1 when I *can* tell what they're doing.
Best boss in the game. He took me a while and I was always dying when he had about a 1/4 health left, it's just about perfecting his moves and keeping spatial awareness.
- Arrows: In both phase 1 and 2. Back well away when he raises the bow. In Phase 2, back up and then start running in the opposite direction. Don't stop running until the arrows stop but try to angle your run so you end up behind him so you can attack. Sometimes he's extra evil and sends a beam at the end of the phase 2 arrows so watch out for that.
- Twinkling lights: Wait for these light glowing orbs to get as close to you as possible and do a quick roll to set them loose.
- The beam: just roll to the left, this is most usually followed by an immediate second beam so be ready to roll that one too.
- Don't attack him at the front, it's just not worth it.
- Attacking the tail will sometimes stagger him but don't get greedy, if you get caught when he's teleporting it can cause huge damage.
Just take your time and be safe. It's a great fight, let me know if you have any other questions.
Had it on and off since launch, don't think it would be anything related to servers, aside from them being poop on occasion. (or that person's connection to them beng poop)I had this problem for a few hours yesterday. I think it's the servers. Are they updating them today or has that already happened?
That thing has the worst hit detection in the series by a mile. It's, like... what. What is it supposed to be doing? How is melee supposed to hit it?
So, apparently,talk to her beforehand, then kill Horace and DO NOT TALK TO HER AFTERWARDS which is what I did, and apparently that fails the questline
Speak to her now.What you do after that depends on if you're trying to get the Hollow Ending or not.....
I'm running a sharp washing pole with 40 DEX, it's pretty awesome.Anyone? Decent DEX builds?
I haven't noticed any stat changes. I don't like looking all shriveled though so I keep curing it, lol.
Thanks!so which ending would be considered the "good" one from a moral standpoint?
Had it on and off since launch, don't think it would be anything related to servers, aside from them being poop on occasion. (or that person's connection to them beng poop)
I think killing it with theThat thing has the worst hit detection in the series by a mile. It's, like... what. What is it supposed to be doing? How is melee supposed to hit it?
dude, Demon's Souls can be beaten in an hour or two. these games have never been that long.. and i think it's perfectly fine. DSII was too long for me, way too many areas and bosses. it would have benefited from a little trim down, leaving some of the most generic bosses and boring areas out of the game.
a relatively short, tightly designed cohesive Souls game is a thing of beauty.
and you can do like me, use a lot of time helping others and it will make the game last longer.
I think that depends on your own interpretation of the events of this game and of DS1's.I'd say only one of the endings is truly "evil"
What level should I be for boss in the catacombs? I am getting nowhere with him. Trying to summons but no-one is using their soapstone by the goblet!
What level should I be for boss in the catacombs? I am getting nowhere with him. Trying to summons but no-one is using their soapstone by the goblet!
Rotten Greatwood just been destroyed, easiest boss I've faced in any Action RPG (or DMC style game actually)
On to the next area!
Canring only be a positive increase? Or can it actively reduce your normal attack power if yourflynnsis too high?equip load
When I was just below fat roll it gave zero increase in attack. I dunno how it behaves if you have fat roll, but it's just a waste of a slot unless that stat is really low.
That thing has the worst hit detection in the series by a mile. It's, like... what. What is it supposed to be doing? How is melee supposed to hit it?
Alright so I found (optional area)alternate Firelink Shrine and gave the Firekeeper her eyes. Now she asked me if I want a world without fire.
I guess this influences which ending I'll get?
Curing it requires yougiving an item to the fire keeper. The item isa Firekeeper soul. It will also require a bunch of souls, the amount depends on how much hollowing you have.