fextralife is harder than any souls game
Yeah. I hope someone compiles all of the wikis into one like this: http://www.bloodborne-wiki.com/
fextralife is harder than any souls game
Currently stuck with,how far am i? 30% 50%? Pls no spoilers,just give me a number.demon king
I'm using a very hybrid pyromancy build right now (15 faith/int, 28str, 15 dex) along with a solid mix of all defensive stats and it is actually going great, I just got to the catacombs. Better than the other characters I've done.
Minor pyromancy spell related spoiler relevant to your question:
You will get a fire enchant pyromancy for your weapon at some point. You can just leave your weapon infused with whatever stat you prefer (heavy, sharp, etc) and then enchant it with fire when you want.
Best DEX weapon
I discovered one secret area so far (well optional, at least) being, are there a couple of them? I feel I might naturally miss them, is it worth using the most basic of a tutorial or guide to find the entrance, then explore them blind? I want to see as much as possible on my first NG.Smoldering Lake
Okay, it's official. I am never playing a souls game blind again. I just spent an hour retrekking the entirety oftrying to findIrythill Dungeon. I literally checked every single nook and crany and I couldn't find him. I finally look him up online, and I'm supposed to go around theSeigward's celland which leads be back into the dungeons.profaned capitol
Obviously, right?
Between that, and getting locked out of two different side quests I was highly interested in going through without any sort of warning that that was going to happen, accidentally finding out I doomed thatto insanity because I apparently wasn't supposed toblind nun, and basically fucking over pretty much every side quest I had going on, I decided that I'd rather get spoiled than have my entire game fucked up because Dark Souls hates the player.give her dark tomes
And I don't want to get spoiled. While I don't think the first experience is the be all end all, there is a uniqueness to it, but these stupid random dick punches the game keeps throwing at me that I have no way to knowing are coming is just...this is just stupid.
Some of us like to take our time and explore. I'm 20 hours and just beat my first Lord. Also doing co-op and such. But I enjoy taking my time. These games usually take me 50+ hours, and I like that.
It's a complicated questline. Best to google it.
Best DEX weapon
I'm at about 10 hours played, just beat C. Looking through this thread and HowLongtoBeat I am a little worried about the length of the game. Less than 40 hours, seriously? I am by no means a speedy Souls player but my times usually hit a little above average. (DeS - 55 hrs, DkS - 65 hrs, DkS2 - 75 hrs, BB - 45 hrs). If I finish this game in less than 40 hours I'll honestly be pretty disappointed. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the lengthy games in the series but 30-40 hours just doesn't seem like enough for a Souls game.rystal Sage
Anyone? Decent DEX builds?
Good!If you keep up that pace it will take you over 40 hours
Thats great to know, I feel good about my hybrid now thanks! Are you using a heavy infusion since you have high str?
I was considering trying it as a side thing, but I don't want to steal anyones work.I think a lot of the work would be reading what is on fextralife then rewording/formatting it unless it was popular enough to get an active user base to participate.Yeah. I hope someone compiles all of the wikis into one like this: http://www.bloodborne-wiki.com/
Whaaaaat. I have to make sure I do that before destroying theIf you're curious about the area you're in. It was neat how I found it too,I found a fairly large and crazy secret area thereI think the ballista broke open a chunk of the floor when I was running around exploring and I dropped down into a whole new place.
To use your post for a side-rant: FROM really went overboard with the number of ridiculously obtuse NPC questlines this time.
I understand wanting to appease all types of fanbases for the big end of the trilogy, but Bloodborne's relatively transparent NPC questlines were vastly more enjoyable to me.
Some of these are near-impossible to finish without constantly checking a guide. This combined with permanent failstates due to autosave runs completely counter to Dark Souls 'git gud' design philosophy imo.
Did you talk to X NPC before clearing boss Y but after talking to NPC Z? No best ending for you until NG+, chump.
I hate this part of Souls and I really hope it's gone or grossly simplified (like Bloodborne did to an extent) for whatever game FROM does next.
That boss is optional so it's hard to tell. If the previous boss you beat is, you are roughly at 40%Wolnir
Yeah, it's the fourth boss I've fought.Actually, now I think about it, when did you face that boss? Straight after Undead Settlement?
Yeah, it's the fourth boss I've fought.
Can someone explain me a little bit about hollowing?
I understand how to get it and cure it..
But, what are the pro's/con's about being hollow?
It's just for theor are there any stat changes when you are hollow?alternate ending
I'm at about 10 hours played, just beat C. Looking through this thread and HowLongtoBeat I am a little worried about the length of the game. Less than 40 hours, seriously? I am by no means a speedy Souls player but my times usually hit a little above average. (DeS - 55 hrs, DkS - 65 hrs, DkS2 - 75 hrs, BB - 45 hrs). If I finish this game in less than 40 hours I'll honestly be pretty disappointed. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the lengthy games in the series but 30-40 hours just doesn't seem like enough for a Souls game.rystal Sage
I've been day one on this series since demon's souls, so I got pretty good at them. I like going through them and experiencing the bosses on my own before my friends ruin everything by texting me all the secrets. Also, going through the game at my regular pace just leaves excitement for a second playthrough because I know I missed some thingsGood gracious...I must be terrible at these games. I am only halfway or so just got tobut that area is kicking my butt so far :T and I am sitting at over 20 hours.Boreal Valley
Just for theCan someone explain me a little bit about hollowing?
I understand how to get it and cure it..
But, what are the pro's/con's about being hollow?
It's just for theor are there any stat changes when you are hollow?alternate ending
Just for theother ending really. Besides free level and buying stuff.
Best DEX weapon
To use your post for a side-rant: FROM really went overboard with the number of ridiculously obtuse NPC questlines this time.
I understand wanting to appease all types of fanbases for the big end of the trilogy, but Bloodborne's relatively transparent NPC questlines were vastly more enjoyable to me.
Some of these are near-impossible to finish without constantly checking a guide. This combined with permanent failstates due to autosave runs completely counter to Dark Souls 'git gud' design philosophy imo.
Did you talk to X NPC before clearing boss Y but after talking to NPC Z? No best ending for you until NG+, chump.
I hate this part of Souls and I really hope it's gone or grossly simplified (like Bloodborne did to an extent) for whatever game FROM does next.
Sharp Uchigatana for me.
Can someone explain me a little bit about hollowing?
I understand how to get it and cure it..
But, what are the pro's/con's about being hollow?
It's just for theor are there any stat changes when you are hollow?alternate ending
I haven't kill him yet,he one-shots me so i took a detour and now i'm stuck with this optional boss.
Glad to know there's still a lot more to do,i'm having so much fun and i don't want it to end.
Every area in this game has been amazing so far.
I'm at about 10 hours played, just beat C. Looking through this thread and HowLongtoBeat I am a little worried about the length of the game. Less than 40 hours, seriously? I am by no means a speedy Souls player but my times usually hit a little above average. (DeS - 55 hrs, DkS - 65 hrs, DkS2 - 75 hrs, BB - 45 hrs). If I finish this game in less than 40 hours I'll honestly be pretty disappointed. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the lengthy games in the series but 30-40 hours just doesn't seem like enough for a Souls game.rystal Sage
Curing it requires yougiving an item to the fire keeper. The item isa Firekeeper soul. It will also require a bunch of souls, the amount depends on how much hollowing you have.
Tell your friend to pick a knight and try again. Some starting classes make that fight a real pain in the ass. I consider myself a souls vet and trying to beat Iudex with the thief starter took me 10+ attempts.
First off, throwing out some speed run time is completely meaningless in the context of this discussion. It's the worst way to measure game length for 99.99% of players.dude, Demon's Souls can be beaten in an hour or two. these games have never been that long.. and i think it's perfectly fine. DSII was too long for me, way too many areas and bosses. it would have benefited from a little trim down, leaving some of the most generic bosses and boring areas out of the game.
a relatively short, tightly designed cohesive Souls game is a thing of beauty.
and you can do like me, use a lot of time helping others and it will make the last longer.
Yeah, I actually DID check the guide to finish the quest forbut STILL missed it.Onion Bro
Oh I should have toasted to him while sitting on a bench only with a dex weapon and loin skirt equipped? Got it!
"hey,many people experience serious issues with our product. Really bad framerate and even crashes. Should we adress this in the coming patch?"
"NO!!! Weapon Balancing it is"
"I said weapon balancing!!!"
Is there any Balder Side Sword equivalent ?
"If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"