ahhhh crap! I got summoned by Oroboro's world and I rolled off the map. I hope he isn't recording that moment.
Casual confirmed
ahhhh crap! I got summoned by Oroboro's world and I rolled off the map. I hope he isn't recording that moment.
I know how you feel man. Apparently, they're getting buffed in the patch that's coming out/came out today.I love thebut they're so weak against these enemies in the last part of the gamedancer's twin blades
If this is accurate:
At +7, you can also be matched up with people who have +10 titanite/+5 special upgrades.
No idea about the NG+ thing.
Casual confirmed
I love thebut they're so weak against these enemies in the last part of the gamedancer's twin blades
Haha fair enoughWhen you have 2 phantoms chasing your ass off of course you will panic.
Fuck sake. Encountered a cheater invader in the woods. Floating around and hp regen. Fuck sake. Why must idiots insist on doing this stupid crap.
YUP THOSE ASSHOLES.So what do you guys think was the hardest enemies? For me it's absolutely the transforming monsters, the only ones I ended up cheesing with fire bombs. Thankfully there's only like 5 of them in the entire game
Only visiting this thread when I need help, trying to beat the game as blind as possible, but I allow myself to ask questions here.
So, GAF, I amas fuck at the moment, and now someone calledhollowhas appeared and praises me a lot, but she seems really dark. Gave the tomb she sold to theYuriamerchant and she complained about them being dark tales. So, am I fucked? An option has appeared at the Maiden in Black (what's her name? Fire Keeper something..?) to give her the Fire Keeper soul I found at the top of the bell tower. Should I? Or does it have another use?miracle
Playing this game blind is so scary. Making progress is really slow, but it's fun. But these kind of things are left really unexplained.
So Claymore is actually more viable now that 1.04 is out. Nice!
Not worth it.What level should you be to fight the.Dancer of the Borreal Valley?
I'm currently on level 41 and I'm thinking aboutfighting him early by killing Emma because I really want those swords
Seriously, how do I leave thePit of Hollows? Got carried here by some dude.
He may very well have been cheating, but sometimes the connection is just so ass that you can't even see other players animate. I've also been put into games where me and another summon don't take any damage from the boss and I can't see anyone else attacking and they just slide around.
Okay now this game is ridiculous. Yeah, let's put some fast Bloodborne crap in this game. Have fun while dealing with a much slower combat system. Makes total sense.
Bonfire out?
Anyone? Decent DEX builds?
Please spoiler-free answers. How bad am I fucking myself over by takingfrom that NPC?free levels
SLmolderinghas been by far the most difficult part of the game for me so far. The enemies in there are brutalake
Well that would answer something. I had this happen in a fight yesterday and I thought the player may be cheating. You're right about the animation too, I've completely abandoned the PvP since you can't fight when neither of you can see what the other is doing.
I don't see a bonfire. See an altar and my options are to give something I don't have or 'leave'.
Please spoiler-free answers. How bad am I fucking myself over by takingfrom that NPC?free levels
Not bad, really.
He may very well have been cheating, but sometimes the connection is just so ass that you can't even see other players animate. I've also been put into games where me and another summon don't take any damage from the boss and I can't see anyone else attacking and they just slide around.
Thank you!
So at +10 can I be matched with someone who only has +7?
Or only the other way around?
Will try some earlier bosses later to test this out.
I'm guessing twinking infused weapons follow the same rules but the upgrade level is *2 (ie a Twinkling+3 weapon is the same as a +6 regular weapon)
Seriously, how do I leave thePit of Hollows? Got carried here by some dude.
ahhhh crap! I got summoned by Oroboro's world and I rolled off the map. I hope he isn't recording that moment.
As I understand it, if you've fully upgraded a weapon, you can be matched with people who have +7 and above.
So being at +7 does put you at risk in PvP scenarios of being placed against people with fully upgraded weapons, especially in the late game areas.
And yeah I think your last point is correct, since those only go up to +5.
Not worth it.Those swords aren't that good right now.
Around 50+ would be the safer option.
This image has me so hyped to see what you mean, love me some YYHfight might be my favorite fight in the series by a mile.The Princes
Seconded. Go for it.
Not bad, really.
Guys quick question about SLmoldering. How am I supposed to get items that are in Lava?ake