By the way was I wrong in thinking I could summon more than 2 people like in SOTFS? Summon signs disappear after summoning my second. I heard it was the same new system of up to 6.
My understanding is that you need to use a dried fingers item to increase the max number of summons to three. However, it also opens you up for more invaders as a trade-off (or opportunity to gank if you're one of those people.)
The dude you meet there should give you a homeward bone.
But if you're somehow out of homeward bones there is another way. I exited the game via the menu in that location to stop playing for the night, and when I came back the next day, I was in the area where you meet the cage guy when the game loaded up.
I've been really enjoying my time with the game so far. It definitely feels like a medley of the different Soulsbone games with motifs, areas, or enemies that call back to past experiences. Was not a fan of the hitboxes during the
boss, but everything has been smooth sailing otherwise. (I just hope I hit the point where the difficulty ramps up soon.)
PvP seems more like a gank fest than usual, though, and I've had a lot of issues with what happens after I get summoned despite my internet connection. I've had hosts fight invisible bosses until I myself go in and trigger the boss cutscene. I've had bosses just sit there and take it, and some that slip and slide all over.
I have some NPC questions, but I backed out from the wiki since it would just spoil everything.
- What is the
dark sigil
that the Fire Keeper can heal?
- Yoel can
bring out my "true strength"; what are the consequences for leveling up through him instead
- Does Greirat come back?
I can't help but wonder what horrific and permanent consequences I'll endure due to my choices.
You could boost your fire resistance via consumables (red bug pellet), pyromancies (flash sweat/profuse sweat), and switching to your highest fire resistant armor, but even all that will only slightly help.
Best thing to do is just chug estus as you walk. I got every item in there just chugging estus and running.
I've been really enjoying my time with the game so far. It definitely feels like a medley of the different Soulsbone games with motifs, areas, or enemies that call back to past experiences. Was not a fan of the hitboxes during the
boss, but everything has been smooth sailing otherwise. (I just hope I hit the point where the difficulty ramps up soon.)
PvP seems more like a gank fest than usual, though, and I've had a lot of issues with what happens after I get summoned despite my internet connection. I've had hosts fight invisible bosses until I myself go in and trigger the boss cutscene. I've had bosses just sit there and take it, and some that slip and slide all over.
I have some NPC questions, but I backed out from the wiki since it would just spoil everything.
- What is the
dark sigil
that the Fire Keeper can heal?
- Yoel can
bring out my "true strength"; what are the consequences for leveling up through him instead
- Does Greirat come back?
I can't help but wonder what horrific and permanent consequences I'll endure due to my choices.
it does have total damage but each damage type goes through it's own reduction and the reduction depends on the enemy. Might be effective against some enemies more than others but the general consensus is that it looks cool and doesn't do much damage.
The patch that came out today on PC/ coming out soon on PS4 is said to buff this weapon so we'll see how much.
I've been really enjoying my time with the game so far. It definitely feels like a medley of the different Soulsbone games with motifs, areas, or enemies that call back to past experiences. Was not a fan of the hitboxes during the
boss, but everything has been smooth sailing otherwise. (I just hope I hit the point where the difficulty ramps up soon.)
PvP seems more like a gank fest than usual, though, and I've had a lot of issues with what happens after I get summoned despite my internet connection. I've had hosts fight invisible bosses until I myself go in and trigger the boss cutscene. I've had bosses just sit there and take it, and some that slip and slide all over.
I have some NPC questions, but I backed out from the wiki since it would just spoil everything.
- What is the
dark sigil
that the Fire Keeper can heal?
- Yoel can
bring out my "true strength"; what are the consequences for leveling up through him instead
- Does Greirat come back?
I can't help but wonder what horrific and permanent consequences I'll endure due to my choices.
The first two questions are actually connected (you can try it out and see for yourself very quickly), as for the third one, it depends where you sent him and what you did in the area beforehand.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I just killed
Aldrich i supposed to go to
Irithyll Dungeon
next story wise? Also,
Anor Londo it only the battle against
or is there more to see? I know that there are two dog creatures at the base before going across the rooftop, in
Anor Londo
I only found the illusionary wall behind the huge statue and a couple of more, but the whole castle seems like it's just leading straight forward to Aldrich....
Question for y'all, how high did you level up your Vitality and what's your soul level? It's a stat I want to invest in for equip load, but I feel like the other stats are more important to focus on. Might give up on maintaining a < 30% equip load.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I just killed
Aldrich i supposed to go to
Irithyll Dungeon
next story wise? Also,
Anor Londo it only the battle against
or is there more to see? I know that there are two dog creatures at the base before going across the rooftop, in
Anor Londo
I only found the illusionary wall behind the huge statue and a couple of more, but the whole castle seems like it's just leading straight forward to Aldrich....
Is there a trick to killing the transforming zombies in the first area? I figured out you can kill them before they transform... but if they transform I'm done for.
Question for y'all, how high did you level up your Vitality and what's your soul level? It's a stat I want to invest in for equip load, but I feel like the other stats are more important to focus on. Might give up on maintaining a < 30% equip load.
Is there a trick to killing the transforming zombies in the first area? I figured out you can kill them before they transform... but if they transform I'm done for.
Is there a trick to killing the transforming zombies in the first area? I figured out you can kill them before they transform... but if they transform I'm done for.
Fire works well on them, but other than that it's unfortunately "git gud" here. They're tough as nails, especially for a first area enemy that respawns.
, but only with the help of a summon. Victory isn't as satisfying when you have help, but oh well, I was at my wit's end with that goddamn battle. I'd probably spent 3-4 hours trying and failing to beat it alone.
Progressing to the C
, I placed my white soapstone and got summoned almost immediately. I spent the rest of the night fighting skeletons and goofing off with several different groups. I had not done much multiplayer before that, but I'm certainly going to from now on. It was a ton of fun. And it's a great way to learn an area with no risk of losing souls.
Question for y'all, how high did you level up your Vitality and what's your soul level? It's a stat I want to invest in for equip load, but I feel like the other stats are more important to focus on. Might give up on maintaining a < 30% equip load.
I had it at 30 at the end with lvl88. I guess it is a little much compared to what I am carrying around but I was able to equip two good weapons for different situations at the same time.
I love those weapons and didn't know this That's good news for me. I ended up just going back to my Uchigatana towards the end of the game and got it to +10 sharp instead of using them.
Was feeling like I made a mistake by getting my stats up to being able to use the Wolf Knight's Greatsword. The deep battle axe I got at the start of the game seemed more effective and I would have been able to just keep pumping END and Vigor. Will see how this patch changed things.
Also, does anyone know how being matched based on upgrades work on weapons that only go to 5?
My game crashed (PS4) last night when I looked at someone's summon sign. Only happened once, could've been a coincidence, but I think that's what triggered it.
Not sure if I'm Rusty or not but the areas/enemies to me have been much harder than the starting areas of DS1/DS2. I feel like they've really upped the difficulty for this one personally. I love it.
So, sorcery guy and blind nun lady both died pretty early into my game. I'm guessing these scrolls and books I found will have to be collected again in NG+? Or is the game gonna throw me a bone and transfer them over.
Facing him, run behind him and go up the hill to the right. Shoot him a lot. He never hits you there, doesn't even look at you. There is also a Bonfire there.
If you want an easy way to cheese it, there's a path leading away from the boss door (to the right if you have your back to the boss door) where you can stand behind some rocks and let
the giant arrows
kill the
giant worm
for you without either one being able to damage you.