I feel like Bloodborne's bosses were harder, at least some of them anyway, but the mobs in-between the bosses are harder in this game. I die a lot more trying to find the bosses than I did in Bloodborne lol.
EDIT: I am only four bosses in. This could very well change.
Seriously fuck these gank squads. I got summon twice to be ganked by 3 people, bunch of asswipes. How can From implement a Red soapstone but don't implement a countermeasure to these ganks?
Find an invasion spot where there is likely to be a group of difficult enemies that the host party needs to pass and wait for them to come to you. If they are going to gank you you should gank them right back
Uh so how the fuck am I supposed to dodge the King of the Storm's fire breath when it flies up and breathes down on the arena? That attack covers so much range D:
The regular enemies will fuck shit up man. The bosses are give and take, I personally found them all easy with usually just 2 deaths total from 9 bosses in.
You ever have one of those sessions where every time you get enough souls to level up, or close to, you invariably die? That happened to me like four times in my last session. One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
is some of the most fun ive had playing Dark Souls. I wanna make a montage of people getting one shot two seconds into the fight, getting punted off the bridge, getting blown up after the fight ends, etc. Fight gets super chaotic with 2 summons + host with him just leaping all over the place and switching directions on his attacks constantly.
Find an invasion spot where there is likely to be a group of difficult enemies that the host party needs to pass and wait for them to come to you. If they are going to gank you you should gank them right back
The thing is they always just stay in the bonfire room if you do that. That tactic only works when the person you're invading isn't expecting you at all.
Find an invasion spot where there is likely to be a group of difficult enemies that the host party needs to pass and wait for them to come to you. If they are going to gank you you should gank them right back
You ever have one of those sessions where every time you get enough souls to level up, or close to, you invariably die? That happened to me like four times in my last session. One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
is some of the most fun ive had playing Dark Souls. I wanna make a montage of people getting one shot two seconds into the fight, getting punted off the bridge, getting blown up after the fight ends, etc. Fight gets super chaotic with 2 summons + host with him just leaping all over the place and switching directions on his attacks constantly.
I just tried that. The guy did the "spread out" gesture and got stuck in no-animation mode. When he went into the fog gate neither of us phantoms could go in. I just sat down and he was killed in around 20 seconds.
One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
You have to be around the same soul level for invasions, but the PvP aspect is opt-in. By playing Embered you are opting in to the online activity to summoning players and also opening yourself to invasions. Not being Embered is the opt-out. You can't pick its parts piecemeal because the whole online interaction is a linked system.
Uh so how the fuck am I supposed to dodge the King of the Storm's fire breath when it flies up and breathes down on the arena? That attack covers so much range D:
Just a bunch of random things from my first 12 hours with the game:
I was in
Road of Sacrifices
in ember form because I had defeated the
Crystal Sage
, and I went back to explore more and I got invaded 5 times there (1 by an NPC), before I eventually died. It also seems like a fun area to hide/troll in. I had a funny one that was a blue phantom, the guy came at me without bowing or anything and every time I hit him he ran away to heal. Eventually he ran out of estus, I hadn't used any of mine, and he runs off and black crystals out. Why not just take the L? It made me laugh either way.
I really like the invasion frequency though since so many people are playing.
I'm not very far into the game, just started
Cathedral of the Deep
, I haven't had as much time to play as I would have liked. Also I find that I can only play a few hours at a time because I forgot how stressful these games are when playing areas blind. Let me just say though, the start of this area
going through the graveyard with respawning enemies, the maggot-things in the river, the rooftop with all of the ambushes
has probably been the hardest part of the game to me. Eventually I ran out of estus and used an ember to heal because I didn't want to lose all of the progress. Very well designed area imo, to induce that level of stress.
There are some seriously evil enemies in
Farron Keep, the giant guys with tree-staves that summon red skulls. 3 of them in 1 area, another few in the deep muck. A crab enemy in deep muck too.
This entire area was just evil. The boss seemed cool but was way too easy imo. Actually, I think every boss has been pretty easy so far. Usually I die 1 time but it's always because I make it to the boss area with no estus left after exploring the area blind.
What are some other weapons to try out with a quality build? Initially I was going to go full STR but somehow I changed my mind and have been leveling Str+Dex and using the Claymore instead.
Eh maybe I'll get it eventually. Steam didn't even register some of my regular boss achievements.
I'd much rather spend my time having fun in the game than farming for covenant items or spells i don't even use. Will probably get to the point where I have most things and decide to eventually wrap up the platinum.
I feel like Bloodborne's bosses were harder, at least some of them anyway, but the mobs in-between the bosses are harder in this game. I die a lot more trying to find the bosses than I did in Bloodborne lol.
EDIT: I am only four bosses in. This could very well change.
You ever have one of those sessions where every time you get enough souls to level up, or close to, you invariably die? That happened to me like four times in my last session. One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
I hate how often the boss fights have either had multiple targets or the boss itself bringing in help.
Abyss Watchers, Deacons of the Deep, Lord Wolnir.
It feels really cheap, I always end up summoning help when that happens.
I'm currently in
Irithyll Dungeon
, about how far in the game am I? Also, I feel like I missed a route to a boss or something in
itself, because I explored the town pretty thoroughly but never found a boss or anything. Feels odd.
Sounds like you have issues a fundamental aspect of souls games: challenge. Invasions and difficult boss fights are all part of the game. Sometimes invaders get ganked and sometimes they can troll the host. It's all part of the fun.
Don't use an ember if you don't want to be invaded; especially don't use an ember on a corpse run.
I just tried that. The guy did the "spread out" gesture and got stuck in no-animation mode. When he went into the fog gate neither of us phantoms could go in. I just sat down and he was killed in around 20 seconds.
Haha. I've been pretty lucky to never have co-op bug out like that. I prob had like five people last night get 1-2 shot withing 5 seconds of entering the fog gate though, was hilarious. He basically always leaps at the host right off the bat for like a 750 damage hit then follows it up with another attack that kills them if they got hit by the first.
It has a pretty cool weapon art that can be useful for knocking down enemies. It got a buff with the latest patch, so it should all around be a solid choice.
Haha. I've been pretty lucky to never have co-op bug out like that. I prob had like five people last night get 1-2 shot withing 5 seconds of entering the fog gate though, was hilarious. He basically always leaps at the host right off the bat for like a 750 damage hit then follows it up with another attack that kills them if they got hit by the first.
I've had a lot of those no-animation bugs when being invaded, when invading, when being summoned and when summoning. From really does need to get on that.
And yeah, someone just got punted off the bridge. Was pretty funny.
I've been summoned once by the Darkmoon covenant the past 3 days. Seems like it's working pretty well to me, couldn't imagine why anyone would complain.
You ever have one of those sessions where every time you get enough souls to level up, or close to, you invariably die? That happened to me like four times in my last session. One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
Brah, if you are doing a corpse run is because you died, and therefore you cannot be invaded.
Unless you are doing a corpse run in which you embered (or recovered human form in the previous games) to summon help, in which case, you have help to deal with the invasion.
DS3 is on the easier end probably, though I say that having played through every entry in the series other than Demon's, so I've certainly had practice.
My first playthrough (including NK) only took ~28 hours, and found that I was never lacking for damage or stamina even though I didn't upgrade my weapon at all until the very end, or ever upgrade the stamina stat.
I've been summoned once by the Darkmoon covenant the past 3 days. Seems like it's working pretty well to me, couldn't imagine why anyone would complain.
It has a pretty cool weapon art that can be useful for knocking down enemies. It got a buff with the latest patch, so it should all around be a solid choice.
I'm doing a strength heavy armor 100% block build. Just beat the second boss recently and I'm still basically using the darter gear infused and upgraded. I have not found much. Any enemies or areas I should farm for better weapons and shield?
With my pyromancer should I keep pumping points into faith and intelligence (19 for both for now) or should I be getting the pyro NPC in the shrine to upgrade my fire damage?
Swordgrass is very easily farmable and I got all of them in few hours, Human Dregs are also very fast to farm since you only need 10 and the droprate is decent, Pale Tongues just need regular invasions and if you do them in PVP areas you will get them really fast, Vertebra Shackles can be boosted with a friend. Darkmoon stuff has awful droprate and the covenant doesn't even work for me so that takes a lot of time.
Any other Broadsword bros found a suitable replacement they like? This thing is +9 now and I've tried out dozens (dozens!) of other weapons and haven't found anything as fast, hard hitting or with as versatile a moveset. Right now a str/dex build.
I know it's possible, probable to keep whatever you like all the way through but I'm flush with all other kinds of titanite and want suggestions on something to sink them into.
You ever have one of those sessions where every time you get enough souls to level up, or close to, you invariably die? That happened to me like four times in my last session. One because of a fucking invader. I swear, I've never understood the logic behind invasions. Where do you get off popping into someone else's game, who's probably weaker than you, and killing them and potentially ruining a corpse-run? It'd be one thing if PVP was completely opt-in on both sides, but the invasion system is fucked and always has been.
Uh no, invasions are fairly balanced now, you can't have invaders with weapons way more powerful than yours anymore. For example if you have a +10 weapon because you went through the game at a low level and you're going back to earlier levels to invade, you can't invade people who don't have at least a +7 weapon.
You'd have to have like a Stamina of like 50 to tank the hits on some of these bastards, I swear to god. Plus it seems like if your guard is broken some enemies get a riposte off you for free? On the up side, it seems like it's easier to avoid having a fat roll now, so they clearly intend for you to be rolling more in this one. I'm not even wearing rings to assist with roll and my character has a nimble roll while wearing a decent armor set and carrying a shield and longsword.
I do a combination of both blocks and rolls. Often, I'll block the first hit to put them in a set position across from me and then roll behind the enemy as he's winding up to deliver the second hit, fish for backstab. If I get it, try to get a few hits in on wakeup and then repeat until dead. Works like a charm so long as you're fighting one on one. The danger is any enemy that wields a very big weapon like a greatsword or something like that. Lots of those enemies attacks arc longer than 200+ degrees. Seriously scary. If you roll in on the same side they're swinging toward, there's a decent chance they'll clip you with the end of their swing.
For multiple enemies, I'm multi-rolling like a crazy person so they have to chase me. First lucky guy to win the footrace over to me wins a sword to the face. Repeat until one, then use strat above.
Really though, I feel like this one makes you do a lot more fast math about whether you should be blocking or rolling and both are vital to survival in most melee encounters past the first few areas. This is also the first Souls game proper where I feel like weapons with faster attack animations are more valuable than weapons that hit like a truck. I was a greatsword-only kind of guy before this one and so far I just can't justify it because I need that stamina for blocking unexpected hits. I really want to build a Dex character for this game. I have a feeling they'll be far more viable than in Dark Souls 1/2. Easily equal to Strength builds, maybe even a little bit better?
I personally find DS3 to be the hardest one out of all of the Souls games. Maybe it's because it's still new to me and I'm still on my first playthrough @ 22 hours.
Bosses are awesome, but I'm finding the difficulty to be with the levels and enemies themselves.
covenant items pre level 30, in which you would get lot of summons in Undead Settlement, but after that I got regular summons in the next hours, and got 10+ easily (losing a few summons and all).
And already had them all reaching the trade place.