Sheesh, I think I'm going to end up botching pretty much every questline and getting all the NPCs that can be killed, killed.
I did except for
Sheesh, I think I'm going to end up botching pretty much every questline and getting all the NPCs that can be killed, killed.
4 summons in less than 30 minutes yesterday, and I already got all 30 items.
I second this as well.
I got like 20 before level 30 fearing I wouldn't get summons at all, after getting all 30 after reaching, I joinedAnor Londojust for fun, to see how much hard would be get summons and got summoned 4 or 5 times in that span of time.Darkmoon
Dunno what I'm doing different, but I'm trying not to level up to fast.
I'm pretty sure my boy Sis having some troubles down the well, how can i help him?iegmeyer
This games idea of giving high poise to so many enemies is straight BS. Ugh.
I am going for it. Looks like it will be more difficult because you need all the rings. That will be tough.
But as long as there are no kill 1000 invaders for a ring thing, it will be fine.
The covenant rings should be easy to get, since can at least farm for them, a bit take time
Two-hands weapons mate.Thats the solution.
If I two hand my Ultra Greatsword, I get wrecked by knights that have no downtime in their patterns.
I got most of my 30covenant items pre level 30, in which you would get lot of summons in Undead Settlement, but after that I got regular summons in the next hours, and got 10+ easily (losing a few summons and all).Blue Sentinel/Darkmoon
And already had them all reaching the trade place.
Best STR weapon forNameless Cunt?
This games idea of giving high poise to so many enemies is straight BS. Ugh.
Yeah that spinning attack looks cool as hell, can't be buffed it seems though that kinda sucks.
The thing is they always just stay in the bonfire room if you do that. That tactic only works when the person you're invading isn't expecting you at all.
That would be a great idea except it was in the final area......
So i beat the main game in 20hours 28minutes.
The shortest souls main game for me, even shorter than demons souls. Still got some side stuff to do that ill check out.
Wish I stayed pre-30. Never once been summoned at lv 34+. Also, my damn pyro flame is now +4, so that means I can only be summoned to a way of blue's world if they have at least a +2 weapon... Kinda dislike that..
Eh? I've found I stagger things way too easily, and not with a heavy weapon (using a +7 sharp uchi).
Wait till you farm the darkmoon covenant items...the drop rate is extremely terrible for PvEYou can farm most covenant items if needed, it sucks but that's how I did it for the DS1 100% trophy.
You can farm most covenant items if needed, it sucks but that's how I did it for the DS1 100% trophy.
If I two hand my Ultra Greatsword, I get wrecked by knights that have no downtime in their patterns.
I just faced a boreal Knight that would stagger with my first hit but not follow ups. Some some knights before that who wouldn't stagger if they were in certain attacks (e.g. lunges).
I dunno, I regret going a Str heavy build with my Ultra GS. Doesnt feel as good as DS1.
Ok, thanks. I'll try that. My Butcher Blade is absolute shit in second phase.Great Club was really good against him. andBlack Knight Greataxe.
Anything with a lot of range really.
What system?
Not actually even that much. Biggest problem is Darkmoon covenant rewards but other stuff is pretty easy to get.
Invading seems heavily skewed towards hosts with summons, which is utter bullshit. Out of 35 invasions, I only joined a 1v1 game maybe 5 times. The rest were all 1v2 or 1v3.
Asking again, if anyone knows the answer:
Question about certain items and npc's in NG+.
The blind nun and sorcery guy died fairly early in my games, do all these scrolls/books I found transfer over to NG+, or do I need to refind them?
you should read more Berserk.
Apart from knights having decently high poise due to armor, there are attacks (like some L2 lunges/thrusts) that raise poise during the attack itself, which the player can also use, so that might be what you're running into.
The weapons that have those attacks also mention the poise raising portion in their descriptions.
you should read more Berserk.
I got like 20 before level 30 fearing I wouldn't get summons at all, after getting all 30 after reaching, I joinedAnor Londojust for fun, to see how much hard would be get summons and got summoned 4 or 5 times in that span of time.Darkmoon
Dunno what I'm doing different, but I'm trying not to level up to fast.