oh, bless
the patch notes mentioned changes to the Greatsword...that's my weapon of choice...did they nerf it?
just died to a fucking grunt trying to reclaim my 15k souls in the swamp area.
the pain is real
it hurts
wait til you lose 60-100k because of spotty camera.
just died to a fucking grunt trying to reclaim my 15k souls in the swamp area.
the pain is real
it hurts
Is there any way to go offline or online when in-game? I see an option to set which mode to default to when starting your session but these games have always been spotty about allowing the player to go offline or online at will.
Souls waifu <3Yeeeees, I know that having played them all. Dark Souls trilogy though so more relevant. DS1 sequel to Demon's and the ability to level at bons was a clear improvement. Just puzzled as to why the series regressed on that point.
Is scaling actually good in this game, like in Dark Souls, or terrible like in Dark Souls 2? My standard fire longsword +3 still does more damage than the Irithyll straight sword +2 (c/d)
Is scaling actually good in this game, like in Dark Souls, or terrible like in Dark Souls 2? My standard fire longsword +3 still does more damage than the Irithyll straight sword +2 (c/d)
Yeeeees, I know that having played them all. Dark Souls trilogy though so more relevant. DS1 sequel to Demon's and the ability to level at bons was a clear improvement. Just puzzled as to why the series regressed on that point.
Anyone else feel that there are a lot less "viable" builds in this than in previous games? Bloodborne got away with it I think because the weapons felt more distinct and due to the games other differences but here a lot of stuff that worked fine in earlier games is notably sub-par.
How does multiplayer work in this one? Is it only possible to fight bosses with friends on co-op?
I think in game go to the multiplayer settings and there should be a play offline option.
For casters, maybe. For melee, I feel like this game's infusion system lets you basically do damage with whatever you want. And I don't just mean STR/DEX.
So apparently I'm an idiot? I didn't infuse my weapon at all in my first run, I thought it was just to add magical properties which stripped scaling, but apparently you can add ones that don't and just buff the damage?
Yeah there's a stone for every stat. At worst you'll end up with B scaling for a good stat of yours, which is managable imo.
How does multiplayer work in this one? Is it only possible to fight bosses with friends on co-op?
So apparently I'm an idiot? I didn't infuse my weapon at all in my first run, I thought it was just to add magical properties which stripped scaling, but apparently you can add ones that don't and just buff the damage?
Is this a way to go from offline to online or vice-versa in the same session or will I always have to boot to the title?
Yeah. Heavy infusions make the STR stat scaling damage higher, and Sharp makes DEX scaling higher.Infusions ain't just for magic/elements.
My +10 Butcher's Knife needs a heavy gem then
Unfortunately you can't infuse that weapon.
Boot to the title unless there's an in-game item that turns off multiplayer like in DS2.
My +10 Butcher's Knife needs a heavy gem then, and I'll definitely keep my eyes open for a sharp for my Katana. I'm just thinking about all the 1% wipes that could have been avoided...
|OT2| should be ready as soon as this thread reaches a few more pages!
OK, so I apparently. That was...something. I'm at the point I can either go to themarried a dead AnriorIrithyll Dugneon. I'm assuming their both required, but which first?Annor Londo
OK, so I apparently. That was...something. I'm at the point I can either go to themarried a dead AnriorIrithyll Dugneon. I'm assuming their both required, but which first?Annor Londo
How does multiplayer work in this one? Is it only possible to fight bosses with friends on co-op?
|OT2| should be ready as soon as this thread reaches a few more pages!
Can't be infused, sadly.
It's S scaling at +10 anyway.
Its just in System under the multiplayer tab at the bottom and its Launch settings. I would assume you are able to do that in the same settings but I have not tried.Is this a way to go from offline to online or vice-versa in the same session or will I always have to boot to the title?
I've been murdering in PvP.Ultra Greatsword is too good man.Fume
387 pages in 8 days. Good grief mang
Y'all were hungry for this game, huh?
387 pages in 8 days. Good grief mang
Y'all were hungry for this game, huh?
So a couple days ago I heard someone on a stream say that DSIII favors strength builds, is this true?
Previous Souls games I've always played strength builds and I have to say even though I do like the look of heavy armor/weapons I'm not enjoying very much lack of speed and agility that usually comes with it, especially after having finished DS2 a couple days ago.
I was thinking of mixing it up this time by going on a dex build but if the game favors strength I might stick with it again. What do you guys think?
For casters, maybe. For melee, I feel like this game's infusion system lets you basically do damage with whatever you want. And I don't just mean STR/DEX.