You can definitely go with a Dex build in this game, you get Uchigatana pretty early on and it's a pretty good dex weapon.
Alternatively you can always play a Str/Dex hybrid as 1h swords were way more useful than greatswords prepatch and they don't require that much strength and some scale with both str and dex.
Okay, I'm around 15 hours in on the PS4 version. Currently
at the Catacombs, just killed Volric or the giant skeleton guy.
-This game is really fucking good.
-Enemy design is top notch, once again. I have to say, the
zombies whose guts come to life and take over the corpse as
are an absolute fucking out of this world design. I never thought Bloodborne would be topped in this area but I just fucking lost it when I saw this enemy.
-NPC's, compelling and interesting. Nothing unusual.
-The goal of the journey is a lot more clear and interesting than Dark Souls II imo. Tying the lore to specific gods or lords that you eventually fight is really cool.
-The Skill inclusion is really compelling.
-Return to form for covenants from Bloodborne. The
covenant is really fun.
What the fuck is this giant electric slug thing I discovered in the catacombs!?
My heart leapt from my chest. How is this thing not a boss??
-Fashion Souls is alive and well.
-The giant guy I befriended is really cool and saved my ass against a crab. Love the concept of him helping you throughout the game.
-Getting a little fatigued at the same-ish castle and run-down impoverished village segments.
-Some of the enemies completely ignore barriers and attack through walls. I have a recording of a a dog that literally "swims" through a staircase and a wall to get to me. Happened more than once.
-Frame pacing.
-Interconnectivity, though this world is a lot more believable than Dark Souls II was.
Any kind of "Heavy" build seems pretty shoddy, UGS are pretty shit, GS are better but still not great and heavy armour having no real poise also makes it feel pointless (fasionsouls aside of course), relying on a shield vs super stamina enemies, etc. . The infusion system gives mediocre stuff a boost but it feels like theres always significantly superior options, especially in PvP
Heavy infusions aren't necessarily for literally heavy weapons. Dunno what your point is here. Heavy infusions work for more than just UGS and GS, or large clubs or large axes.
And as far as mediocre things getting a boost, most weapons in past Souls games don't have S scaling. People are too quick to discount B scaling weapons.
For pvp, yes, there will always be a meta where certain weapons trump others for certain specific target levels, but I for one am glad they don't balance the weapons just around pvp.
Again, I feel like a lot of people think "If my weapon doesn't 1 or 2 shot regular enemies, it's complete shit and not viable". And this mentality bothers me given the crazy amount of weapons you can MAKE VIABLE (in the actual, correct meaning of viable) using the generous infusion system.
Simply not true at all. STR is fine, but it is not better than DEX in any shape or form. Magic is lacking for sure. If you do go the STR route I would suggest against Great Swords / UGS' for now unless your heart is set on it.
Slow hitting/heavy weapons make the game harder if anything. This game is more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls in terms of balance/combat. Shields and heavy armor got nerfed hard. I would suggest against relying heavily on shields and learn to just roll through every attack in the game.
anyone else feel From Software went a little overboard with their DS1 (and DS2) references in the game?...callbacks are nice but at times it feels a bit too much
anyone else feel From Software went a little overboard with their DS1 (and DS2) references in the game?...callbacks are nice but at times it feels a bit too much
How good is the Obscuring Ring for PvE. I feel like enemies can see me just fine from far away even with it on. The Carthus Milkring doesn't seem to help much either. I wanna be a ninja dammit.
Can someone explain how the weapon buffs work? I'm using Magic Weapon with a basic sorcerer catalyst, and it looks like the buffing is a function of the Spell Buff stat. But, other catalysts seem to have worse buff stat that the started Sorcerer one? The same with talismans really, everything seems to have a worse buff stat then the 500 soul cheapie at the start. If I'm not a dedicated int or fth build, is it better to just stick with the starter catalysts for the purpose of buffing the weapon? Any point in upgrading the catalyst at the smith?
Dark Souls 3 |OT2| Thread can not be opened from this site (or whatever the exact English english version of this text is, wouldn't know since I'm German)
Reading the comments for the ENB playthrough is hilarious. I know I shouldn't but I'm inexplicably drawn to them. I haven't seen meldowns like this since Giant Bomb did their endurance run of Persona 4.
Those red eyed skeletons are complete assholes. Then you're blocking their attacks like crazy when you stumble upon 20 skeletons coming to life all at once to join in all the fun!
Consesus seems:
Dex players say it favors strength
Strength players say it favors DEX.
I've been running DEX with katanas, and it's as viable as other games.
You can definitely go with a Dex build in this game, you get Uchigatana pretty early on and it's a pretty good dex weapon.
Alternatively you can always play a Str/Dex hybrid as 1h swords were way more useful than greatswords prepatch and they don't require that much strength and some scale with both str and dex.
Simply not true at all. STR is fine, but it is not better than DEX in any shape or form. Magic is lacking for sure. If you do go the STR route I would suggest against Great Swords / UGS' for now unless your heart is set on it.
Slow hitting/heavy weapons make the game harder if anything. This game is more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls in terms of balance/combat. Shields and heavy armor got nerfed hard. I would suggest against relying heavily on shields and learn to just roll through every attack in the game.
Reading the comments for the ENB playthrough is hilarious. I know I shouldn't but I'm inexplicably drawn to them. I haven't seen meldowns like this since Giant Bomb did their endurance run of Persona 4.
and people got extremely mad. Accused him of not paying enough attention while others accused him of not explicitly detailing every decision he's making to the audience, while even more are mad that he's not reading their comments/tips/instructions on how to play the game to their liking etc.
Today was about him missing
an extremely easy to miss covenant prior to killing the tree boss
I have to say that he's caught a lot more stuff than I ever did on my first playthrough so far, that's for sure.
Nice! I could do it semi regularly in Bloodborne but it's so much harder here for obvious reasons. I feel accomplished by taking at least taking one down with me, or surviving long enough to give the assholes a fight.