I did. Took me 23 minutes, without source access. (I dedicate this to the people that told me I'm unreasonable when I lambasted From for not doing something that takes a few hours at most in the other thread)
(This is rendering at 2048x1440 noAA btw.)
I'll make a thread when it's in a state ready to release
to this
I'm so good.
What the hell?
Does the game run unplayably badly at high resolutions, or what? What other good reason could there be for From to have locked the game at low resolution when it is apparently trivial to unlock it for higher resolutions?
BTW, is this just a resolution fix or FPS too...still capped at 30fps?
I imagine that won't be. Resolution locking is absurd outside of 2D games where there's the simple matter of assets not being designed for higher resolutions, many emulators have shown you could take any 3D console game and run it at a MUCH higher resolution than originally intended, so locking this made no sense. It's not unheard of however for PC ports to have issues with FPS unlocking, From Dust ran at double speed (or higher!) and L.A. Noire had some weird issues crop up. At best I seriously do expect this one will have the physics stuff run at 30 FPS, much like Bioshock on PC or when the FPS limit is removed on 360.Guess I'll buy from steam now considering it's THAT easy to fix the resolution. I assume uncapping the frame rate will be pretty easy as well.
So we should set up a Paypal account and all gift Durante Borderlands 2 or something.
23 fucking minutes man...
I did. Took me 23 minutes, without source access. (I dedicate this to the people that told me I'm unreasonable when I lambasted From for not doing something that takes a few hours at most in the other thread)
(This is rendering at 2048x1440 noAA btw.)
I'll make a thread when it's in a state ready to release
So looks like 16x9 framebuffers work well. It's not locked to anamorphic rendering.
I guess I'll get this ready to release in a few hours -- a few things to do still, like reading rendering res from some config file and cutting down on debug logging (currently produces ~100MB/minute)).
I'll make a thread then.
Will be a config file.
Unlocked aspect ratio.
The executable is unmodified.
It's not the same exactly, but it uses the same method to deliver its "payload". So if FXAA injectors work with GFWL (I don't know if they do) this should as well.
I'll stop replying for now otherwise I'll never get the release done. Talk about the game or something, I'll be back in a few hours!
I see where you are coming from, but GMG has had several opportunities to get it for 20% or more off retail. In fact, you probably still can with the coupon they have up right now.
Just a heads up, not biting your face off.
New thread title. Nice.
Wow, Durante doing what an entire team wouldn't. Thank you so much! I'm one step close to buying it now. Only thing holding me back is the framerate.
Does anyone know if you'll be able to use the "matchmaking" to co-op with friends easily? Or is it going to be limited to only random matchmaking?
From aren't good with technical stuff at all. They should hire some more capable people to work with Miyazaki.
This thread proves they really only needed to hire one single person.From aren't good with technical stuff at all. They should hire some more capable people to work with Miyazaki.
Durante said he unlocked the aspect ratio.This may be a silly question but will it be possible to run this mod in native 16:10 resolutions? I don't mind black bars but upscaling is the devil.
Not good with technical stuff, did they carve the game out of timber? They are just lazy.
I'm so good.