Anyone else having problems gettingtheir 360 (wired) controller to work? GFWL stuff is recognising it but the game itself isn't at all.
Release ETA 5 minutes.
OOPS wrong whatever you feel like! THis isnt friggin metrovania!!!!!
Sort of fearing how my GTX460 will run this, heh.
Came here to ask this although I have a wireless 360 controller.
Sort of fearing how my GTX460 will run this, heh.
I Copy To Clipboard'd the CD-Key from Steam, CTRL + V'd it into GFWL, pressed Enter, and 3 seconds later I was into the game just fine.So I just launched the game and put in the CD key when GFW asked, and now it says it can't sign in and saving is disabled. Fuck GFW. >.>
I wouldn't be surprised at all if a single 580 gets similar performance to mine for this game. 30fps is an insanely low barrier to hit.Dual GPU may do that lol
Us lowly 6970 folk have to settle
And yes, the mouse is stuck on screen until I move it as well. To the poster above.
Is there a way to customise the 360 controller buttons? I don't like using the shoulder buttons instead of the triggers.
I loved using the Master Key. I don't feel like it downgraded my experience in any way. Probably gonna go with binoculars this time though.
Same here.
you need to use both shoulders and triggers, shoulders are light attack and triggers are heavy attacks
same with shields, shoulder is block and trigger is parry or shield bash depending on what type of shield it is
Nooooooooooo to binocularsDOn't waste your gift on binoculars...if you don't want the key then just take something useful likeyou can run into the graveyard and pick them up withiin seconds of game starttwin humanities or black firebombs.
Unmodded it runs great. 30 fps all the time except for some transitional areas.
I loved using the Master Key. I don't feel like it downgraded my experience in any way. Probably gonna go with binoculars this time though.
Which gift should I take? Ideally something useful for the long run.
Man this feels so unoptimized it's rediculous. I mean I got to 15fps as soon as I got out of my cell.
I'm on a 6970 2GB, [email protected], a8GB, and W7x64.
Well I'm out then. My system isn't that near that good.
Well I'm out then. My system isn't that near that good.
OK... so it seems my rig would kill itself if I even thought about playing it. It's a shame, with Durante's fix the game seemed to be enjoyable, but I can't honestly pay to play a game at 5 FPS.Man this feels so unoptimized it's rediculous. I mean I got to 15fps as soon as I got out of my cell. Some pics
This last part was sporadic as hell. I'm talking 20fps.
Not using Durante's fix yet since I don't think he's put it out yet.
I'm on a 6970 2GB, [email protected], a8GB, and W7x64.
The fix works with AA off. FPS is still very inconsistent.....
Feels like I'm playing Hexen in a way. I mean this is garbage optimization. It's 30 but has drops a lot. And stays that way. I mean, look at the game. This is not a graphical showcase.
I urge everyone to donate a couple of $ to Durante if you can spare it. He really does deserve it and continues to put time into making the fix even better.
Should add his fix and donation page to the OP.
It's apparently running great on a lot of other rigs. Your mileage may vary.
Yes indeed.I think I want to drag my PC over to the bed and play in comfort with my huge HDTV TV. Figured I would ask this here...but it's essentially just take an HDMI cable and connect to TV?..I will just use phones for sound.
I think I want to drag my PC over to the bed and play in comfort with my huge HDTV TV. Figured I would ask this here...but it's essentially just take an HDMI cable and connect to TV?..I will just use phones for sound.
Yes indeed.
If your TV has VGA support, it should work just fine. (I'm sure it does)
6970 @950/1450mhz, [email protected]
Man this feels so unoptimized it's rediculous. I mean I got to 15fps as soon as I got out of my cell. Some pics
This last part was sporadic as hell. I'm talking 20fps.
Not using Durante's fix yet since I don't think he's put it out yet.
I'm on a 6970 2GB, [email protected], a8GB, and W7x64.
6970 @950/1450mhz, [email protected]
Man, I've got an HD5770... That's going to run so badly...
You get that kind of performance on this rig? What the hell?
360 controller is plugged in but not doing anything
Dark Souls virgin. This game is hard.
can't figure out how to back out of this screen
360 controller is plugged in but not doing anything
edit - figured it out, backspace