Red Liquorice
F-cking amazing oracrest. Wow.
I know that feeling, good job! The hardest magic attack for me to dodge was the attack where you have to time the dodges going backwards. Looks like Kalameet and Gywn is all that's left for you.
My experience with the heart pounding moments is my wife's annoying cat comes out of nowhere and starts purring and rubbing up against me at the worst moments, also jumping into my lap. He knows!
Is there anything special I need to do if I want to run from my steam account on my PC vs laptop? I want to see how it runs on my lappy.
Meaning saved games, etc?
I believe saved games on Dark Souls don't save to the cloud, so you will have to copy over the data files vis USB or something similar.
That would awesome I'll try that out. Although it sort of ruins my Darkwraith hopes for this character, but if all else fails that would be cool.
You around SL120 in the burg?signed on to see this lol
GFWL players keepin it classy
yes sir, though I've been going through NG+ to unlock Township too
A couple of small NPC things I noticed on my latest run:
1. Don't think I've ever spoken to Lautrec enough times before to see that he offers to sell you some information similar to how Petrus does. It was 2100 souls and about how Rhea was lost down in the Catacombs.
2. I thought Domnhall only appeared under Firelink once you had killed Gaping Dragon? Or is it just going to the Depths, speaking to him there and back out again? Haven't killed Gaping yet and he was under the aquaduct.
Also, I was trying to get a Channeler's Trident early, so I left both Parish and Depths Channelers until I'd rang both bells and could get the serpent ring from Sen's. No luck on either of them, and I didn't even get a drop from Kirk either - I really like to get the Barbed Sword from him in the Depths, it's a really good low-level PvP weapon for me. Damn drops!
Nice! I'm still chipping away at him. I seem to do a bit better against him each day - I think I got him down to ~30% health today. I mostly seem to die either to magic, his huge combo attack (I don't think I'm getting away fast enough most of the time) or I roll into a rock or something.After 3 nights of trying, I finally took down Manus. Once I figured out his magic attacks, it was doable. My heart was pounding so hard when he was just down to a few hits to go!
I swap between my computer and my girlfriend's computer, and I've found it *sometimes* works on the steam cloud. It's more reliable to throw it on a USB key, though. Nothing like playing for a few hours at home, heading over, and then finding your character from somewhere in the past.Is there anything special I need to do if I want to run from my steam account on my PC vs laptop? I want to see how it runs on my lappy.
Meaning saved games, etc?
GFWL has my eternal hate for repeatedly keeping me away from Dark Souls PC until I got it working (DAYS and countless hours researching later)Ugggggggggggh, fuck Games For Windows.
I can't for the life of me sign into this service - it keeps giving me invalid username/password bullshit. I know my account info, because I've signed into 20 times now.
Does Steam ever give refunds? I opened a ticket hoping they will.
Nice! I'm still chipping away at him. I seem to do a bit better against him each day - I think I got him down to ~30% health today. I mostly seem to die either to magic, his huge combo attack (I don't think I'm getting away fast enough most of the time) or I roll into a rock or something.
Did you summon Sif?
Ah, okay. Thanks for those tells - I delayed my necklace because I thought I was going to get hte enclosing attack and then ate the forward magic attack a while back. By the time he is doing magic, I'm so tense I'm fumbling between the estus and the necklace.I just did it solo. All melee, and no help. His berserk attack is rather easy because he always does his roar beforehand.
He raises his hand for the enclosing magic attack, so start rushing him and land an R2 attack at the same time. His forward magic attack is telegraphed by him tucking in and his big arm glowing. You can side roll away from that. His other one where the shots reign down, I just got lucky with those.
A risk breaker's job isn't easy, is it?(the Holy Win, holy shit. Oh memories...)
@I H8 Memes:
Did you visit these places?
@ParityBit: active humanity increases your defense and resistances in addition to increased drop rate. So it's a good idea to keep them as long as you play carefully so that you don't loose them (use the Ring of Sacrifice to your advantage).
A couple of small NPC things I noticed on my latest run:
and I didn't even get a drop from Kirk either - I really like to get the Barbed Sword from him in the Depths, it's a really good low-level PvP weapon for me. Damn drops!
I still have yet to experience an invasion after 90+ hours, Can it happen in any location while human or is it just specific areas? (PC ver)
I still have yet to experience an invasion after 90+ hours, Can it happen in any location while human or is it just specific areas? (PC ver)
Can't you still get Kaathe to appear as long as you don't talk to Frampt? I thought the point of no return was siding with Frampt which means talking to him.
Well the issue is I'd have to place the Lordvessel to access the DLC. And if you jump down the hole to place it yourself both Frampt and Kaathe will call you a fool and say you're not the chosen Undead.![]()
So, who do I kill first? Ornstein or Smoug?
I think most people agree that it's easier to kill Smough first...but I guess it also depends on your playstyle.
So, who do I kill first? Ornstein or Smoug?
Saw this guy last night
Saw this guy last night
It's been a while since I saw my last one. It was red like the one you saw.
Damn, I'm getting killed by that one all the time because the rain seems to run long enough for Manus to do another attack. I'm usually still sitting in my bubble and then I get melee-ed.His other one where the shots rain down, I just got lucky with those.
Nice job!Ornstein and Smough = No shielding, no damage and most importantly no healing. Took me about 15 minutes to get this done, roughly four or five tries. Once I got a rhythm on Ornstein it was over. Trapping Smough is a lot easier than actually fighting with him, which is probably why I'm still more comfortable with Super Ornstein.
Upgrades kind of made this a joke compared to my no upgrade run.
just some moron using cheat engine. Thankfully i havent met many hackers- the worst I've run into were stat fakers or people with infinite health, but there's nastier hacks like the curse out there now. I also heard that its now possible to de-level someone. I'd just black crystal out or alt+f4 if he's too close, and turn on save backups in DSfix. It's too bad these fools have no chance of being banned from GFWL.Anyone know if this is a glitch or a hack or something you can legitmately do (I don't think it is...). This dude managed to curse me when I invaded him in the burg. Two wrath of the gods like magic attacks a hit and i'm cursed OHKO. This happened twice so he was definately doing it on purpose (of course he also attacked while I bowed so he was hardly an honourable person). frustrating when you go up against these people. I don't mind backstab fishing since you can punish that fairly easily but i don't even know what to do against that aside from leave which I may not be able to do if I spawn right next to him.
Damn, I'm getting killed by that one all the time because the rain seems to run long enough for Manus to do another attack. I'm usually still sitting in my bubble and then I get melee-ed.
Edit: FUCK YEAH I got him! You weren't fucking kidding about the heart rate thing. For the rain attack, it seems you can pendant most of the rain, then sideroll the last bit of it so that you can avoid any follow-up melee attacks.
Thanks for the tip about the forward magic blast + being able to sideroll it. That saved my ass. First time I siderolled, I caught the tail end of it because I was too far away. Later on, I siderolled at close range and got out unscathed.
Uh, is there a way to make the image auto-resize or does GAF do that on its own? Edit: Thanks.