After more than 2000 hours on the PS3 version, I finally started the PC version 2 days ago and... it's strange. The feeling of the game isn't exactly the same as on PS3. Is it because the frame rate is different? For instance Rolls and jumps in particular became more difficult to gauge...
I have a quite powerful PC and tried to increase/decrease the effects of dsfix to see what it does but I ended up disabling all the AA and bilinear filtering because I don't like the effects.
What are the recommended ones?
Also sometimes and for no reason, the frame rate drops during 1-2 sec. I noticed it especially when you change area. Really strange because I did never notice that on PS3.
there are three ways to see in tomb of giants:Really weird, even for a game like this, that the creators designed a level like "Tomb of the Giants". It takes a lot of faith put on the shoulders of players from the developers part, to think most of them will go through this.
Let me explain, you can't see anything. I got like 40 pebles and used them all, had to navigate by hughing everywall shield raised and hitting the targeting button constantly to aim spells at those giant skeletons.
And they didn't include say a spell or something to light the way. Also is too bad that the pebles that drop in shalow ground don't stay there forever, i was trying to create sort of safe pathway with those stones.
Anyway, this does comes as a surprise. So far is the level that has taken me the most time and tries.
I already killed Letho (sp?) . Should i see any of your spoilers? I've managed so far withouth using any kind of help, so i don't want to ruin anything and ill probably wont replay the game XD
Or is it Lito? Or Nito?, that's the Lord of the death. He rest in a sarcophagus deep down the Tomb of the Giants. Has a cloud of miasma surrounding him, while sumoning skeletons. Isn't he the reason to go to the catacombs in the first place?Unless you are playing a non-English version, there is no one in the game named Letho, nor anyone close to that name I can recall.
Yes, yes but no.....
Tried the Skull lamp only thing it did was weak sauce swings. This is bad feedback on the side of the developers. It can't be solely my fault here. They should patch that up, but of course they won't. Bad design choice with this item.
Edit: Wait no, i assigned it to the right hand. It's not my fault entirely that i had to go through this section practicly blind folded.Ehm, did you try using L1 in stead of L2?
Got to the last boss and he killed me with like 3 attacks... Am I supposed to be super powerful at this time to survive several of his attacks?
eh I just figured a lantern would go in my left handEdit: Wait no, i assigned it to the right hand. It's not my fault entirely that i had to go through this section practicly blind folded.
Yes, i equipped the lamp in the right hand, yet it is absurd that it has a completly different function acording to in what hand rests. So i picked the lamp, read the description and equip it. Pressing buttons just promped the lamp to make swings and nothing else.
So of course i assume the description is false and it was just the writers way to "spice" the myth around the lamp a bit more.
What they should have done was, make the lamp cast light every time it swings that way i might get "clued in" and try to equip the lamp in the other hand.
They needed that type of feedback there for the player. Most of the game's charm rests in going in as clueless as possible, so i got screwed there for not consulting any sort of guide.
you're not really supposed to survive 3 attacks from anyoneGot to the last boss and he killed me with like 3 attacks... Am I supposed to be super powerful at this time to survive several of his attacks?
And experiment is what i did. That's why im resting part of default in the lack of I just figured a lantern would go in my left hand
I mean if you don't figure out it can be very punishing but that's dark souls in a nutshell
edit: I mean, you get a lamp just before the super dark zone, you gotta take that as a clue and experiment, shit like that
And experiment is what i did. That's why im resting part of default in the lack of feedback.
How's this for experimentation:
-Picked lamp, asigned to right hand. Lamp is out in hand everything is still dark. Not even an increase from the standard "spectral" light that emanates from the character.
-Touched every button, prompting the character to swing. No increase in lighting whatsoever.
-So ok, maybe the lamp needs to be charged. Aproach a Bon Fire, touch every button. Nothing.
-Wait, maybe those lights and candles in the enviroment. No.
-Wait, there where some lights in that room with the guy doing weird stuff. No.
-So ok then, maybe they got a bit creative with the lamp description and is just a special item to trade, give or plays a pasive roll in a subsequent quest.
Proceeds to go by the catacombs in almost total darkness just using pebles...
uh that's nice but like seriously I think using it in your left hand it's pretty obviousAnd experiment is what i did. That's why im resting part of default in the lack of feedback.
How's this for experimentation:
-Picked lamp, asigned to right hand. Lamp is out in hand everything is still dark. Not even an increase from the standard "spectral" light that emanates from the character.
-Touched every button, prompting the character to swing. No increase in lighting whatsoever.
-So ok, maybe the lamp needs to be charged. Aproach a Bon Fire, touch every button. Nothing.
-Wait, maybe those lights and candles in the enviroment. No.
-Wait, there where some lights in that room with the guy doing weird stuff. No.
-So ok then, maybe they got a bit creative with the lamp description and is just a special item to trade, give or plays a pasive roll in a subsequent quest.
Proceeds to go by the catacombs in almost total darkness just using pebles...
It's not the best facial creation certainly. It's not super important though, a lot of helmets and headgear hide the face and when you're in hollow form your character is going to look even worse, like an unrecognisable decrepid zombie, so just do the best you can, but don't spend too long it's not really worth it!So, I got Dark Souls yesterday and I'm stuck on character creation (lol). Are there any guides out there on how to create a character that doesn't look like a victim of a failed plastic surgery?
Well is too late, that's what im complaining about. I had to do the Tomb of Giants withotuh light.Put it in your character's left hand and then hold L1/LB to hold it in front of you like a shield. That will cause it to light up your surroundings.
There's no logic for not giving any feedback when the lamp is out no matter in what hands rests. If there was any in the first place then i would have easily figure out that i would need to equip the lamp in the left hand if i wanted to attack and light my way.uh that's nice but like seriously I think using it in your left hand it's pretty obvious
like, by that time you're bound to have tried using a sword on your left hand or your shield in your main hand and seen that they act differently depending on which hand you equip them.
Can someone help me with Gwyn? On PC? I've helped a couple guys slay Gwyn, but its too overwhelming for me solo...![]()
what level are you
I have to kill bed of chaos and Nito, should take me 40 mins or so. I am level 125, so if you can level just a couple more times should be able to summon me.
done, I can help with Gwyn now. I will put my sign down right next to where first black knight is. Just make sure you kill it before you look for my sign.
EDIT: White Sign Down, Starring Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum.
Did I hear that a while back there was some form of fix for multi that de fucked the games for windows live system?
Made a 'new build' while I was banned -
Much more fun than previous ones, though slightly more fragile.
Public Service Announcement Featuring Information You Already Know...
So a Lightning Great Axe +5 is a very nice way to go. You get 350 points of physical and electrical damage. I'm down in the Demon Ruins two-shotting Capras and three-shotting Tauruseseseses. I two-shotted Black Phantom Kirk and then I three-shotted another Black Phantom who I suspect was racist against the living. Also Demon Firesage, allergic it seems to either the veritable mass of iron or AC current coarsing through it.
This is the first weapon I've constructed that turned the game into flat-out easy mode in both PVE and PVP. It needs a 32 strength which you can get early on, titanite chunks from Anor Londo, and the slab from Demon No. 2 at the Asylum. So you can have this really powerful weapon as soon as you can warp, which is to say mid-game.
Not bad, not bad.
Public Service Announcement Featuring Information You Already Know...
So a Lightning Great Axe +5 is a very nice way to go. You get 350 points of physical and electrical damage. I'm down in the Demon Ruins two-shotting Capras and three-shotting Tauruseseseses. I two-shotted Black Phantom Kirk and then I three-shotted another Black Phantom who I suspect was racist against the living. Also Demon Firesage, allergic it seems to either the veritable mass of iron or AC current coarsing through it.
This is the first weapon I've constructed that turned the game into flat-out easy mode in both PVE and PVP. It needs a 32 strength which you can get early on, titanite chunks from Anor Londo, and the slab from Demon No. 2 at the Asylum. So you can have this really powerful weapon as soon as you can warp, which is to say mid-game.
Not bad, not bad.
It's a Strength weapon with B Scaling, you should be taking it to +15, especially if you are going to at least 32 STR, and even more so if you go to 40. I could only see taking it elemental if you were min/maxing for 2H and only had 22 STR or something.
Elemental STR weapons make no sense though, they have B or A and one of them has S scaling at +15. So much more pure damage across the board against all enemies.
I've played this game for about 100 hours, and I don't understand a word of that. >.< "Scaling?"
Its against my principle, but I guess I'll go read up on this on a wiki site.
The "parambonus" section of the item detail screen shows you what stats a weapon scales with. The below screenshot shows the screen I'm talking about. In that screen, the weapon has C scaling in strength and dexterity. The "+175" part shows how much damage is added from my strength and dex stats. S is the best, then A,B,etc. The icons in that section represent strength, dexterity, intelligence, and faith, in that order.
weapon damage "scale" with certain stats. a weapon that has A scaling gets more damage out of that particular stat than a weapon with B or C scalingI've played this game for about 100 hours, and I don't understand a word of that. >.< "Scaling?"
Its against my principle, but I guess I'll go read up on this on a wiki site.
It's a Strength weapon with B Scaling, you should be taking it to +15, especially if you are going to at least 32 STR, and even more so if you go to 40. I could only see taking it elemental if you were min/maxing for 2H and only had 22 STR or something.
Elemental STR weapons make no sense though, they have B or A and one of them has S scaling at +15. So much more pure damage across the board against all enemies.
The Great Axe begins with Str C and Dex E. Once levelled up it gets a Str B. I prefer to do a +15 upgrade with a weapon that starts with Str B (like Demon Great Machete or Manserpent Greatsword) or even better one with Str A (like Demons Great Axe.)
For elemental weapons what is key is high base damage. There are weapons with high base damage but medicro stat scaling (such as Great Axe.)
The proof is in the Wiki! A regular +15 Greataxe deals 350 physical damage and you get B/E scaling. The Lightning Greataxe deals 350 phyical and 350 Lightning. You will never get 350 damage with a B/E scaling. In this case Lightning is the way to go.
Yep. This guy knows what he's talking about.Nah +15 is the way to go, always, unless you only have base stats for the weapon. With 40STR the greataxe has 599 AR, all physical, for one hand attacks. 599Physical > 700 Split damage, definitely.
Dark Souls GAF,
I just started playing this wonderful game for the first time and am absolutely blown away so far. Really digging the difficulty, lack of hand-holding, and incredible atmosphere. With that said, like all newcomers to this game, I'm having some difficulties. I know everyone says to go in blind, and I'm attempting to do that, but I just want to get a gauge on what should and shouldn't be approachable at the beginning so I am not banging my head against an immovable object.
I'm in the Undead Burg, SL 7 or so I believe.Near the beginning, I've encountered a knight with gold armor that absolutely murders me. My attacks can't even effectively pierce his armor so I figured, no sweat, I can come back it seems optional. I proceed a little further, up a tower and onto the ramparts above the Burg. On the ramparts, I'm assaulted by some ridiculously huge demon thing that just smashes me to pieces. As this part does NOT seem optional, am I supposed to kill him? I just want to make sure he is kill-able at my low level before I spend hours learning the fight. Perhaps I should be going a different route?
Thanks for any advice!
Dark Souls GAF,
I just started playing this wonderful game for the first time and am absolutely blown away so far. Really digging the difficulty, lack of hand-holding, and incredible atmosphere. With that said, like all newcomers to this game, I'm having some difficulties. I know everyone says to go in blind, and I'm attempting to do that, but I just want to get a gauge on what should and shouldn't be approachable at the beginning so I am not banging my head against an immovable object.
I'm in the Undead Burg, SL 7 or so I believe.Near the beginning, I've encountered a knight with gold armor that absolutely murders me. My attacks can't even effectively pierce his armor so I figured, no sweat, I can come back it seems optional. I proceed a little further, up a tower and onto the ramparts above the Burg. On the ramparts, I'm assaulted by some ridiculously huge demon thing that just smashes me to pieces. As this part does NOT seem optional, am I supposed to kill him? I just want to make sure he is kill-able at my low level before I spend hours learning the fight. Perhaps I should be going a different route?
Thanks for any advice!
Awesome, thanks for the tips guys! I'm not going to read your spoilered text at the moment but may have to give in later if I can't take him out on my own. Truly awesome how Dark Souls just throws you in the deep end right from the beginning. You want to take out these undead/demon lords? Have at it, no one is stopping you.