Oh god I forgot how much I love this game. It was rough at first and I had some embarassing deaths because I kept trying to dodge with RB...too much Darksiders 2.
Barely had time to play last night...decided on Sorceror to start with but I'm going to turn it into a dex/faith build with enough int for utility spells. I was a strength build last time and never really got to play with the fun magic stuff. Got my Havel ring, Sword of Astora, and Elite Knight armor last night before stopping.
Current plan is to engage in jolly cooperation at the Gargoyles over and over to stockpile humanity and souls while farming that area for the baller swag sword...the humanity should help with the latter. Then use my souls on upgrades, the door to dickstab forest, and spells. I might even invade a few times too, but I'll be sitting at level 20 for a while.
From there, I dunno what I'll be doing. I never even finished the game before so I have Lost Izalith, most of New Londo and all of Duke's Archives to explore plus the new content.
It's looking and running great downsampling from some insane resolution on an overclocked GTX 580/
[email protected].