I can't believe that's not on the OST. Standout track on what's already a really great soundtrack.
i feel dumb ,but i didn't get the ending at all (yes i played DS1)
someone care to explain?
Death sacrifices himself and the nephiliem to save humanity. While he falls and is about to die War breaks the seal, therefore summoning all the horsemen. We don't know if humanity was saved or not.......probably not.
I guess a next patch is inevitable, since they let little mistakes like this pass by:
Still, I'm really enjoying the game but I wish they could somehow increase performance (although it has great performance) and include PC Graphic options such as AF or AA and maybe SSAO.
Still, what an awesome game!
The RPG and weapon crafting elements of the game eventually eliminate any sort of challenge in the game, unfortunately.
Got stuck now for a second time.
Pretty sure I'm near the end ->I've put together the three parts of the rod that were scattered on Earth, went back to the spire, who sent my flying away to the citadel. There I just picked up my voidwalking ability (at long last!), have activated maybe one or two pairs of portals (including the one where you toss a bomb through to the corruption you see beyond the portal) and am trying to work my way through that area - a mix of broken architecture and platforms with a few switches, pullies, and soul duplicate challenges.
Here's the thing. I've jumped down into one of those underground areas that have the circular doors on their roof (pulling a lever opened this up, and this is the second one I've dropped into now). This area in particular has two voidwalking sigils, one of the floor at the end of one hall, and one along the wall along a side passage. If I jump through the portal on the ground I just pop back out to the side hall. If I go through the portal on the wall, it shoots me out of the flow of the other portal, but there's nothing to do at this point mid-air. I don't get to grab a ledge, use my ghost grab, or interact with anything at all.
Been running through this area for a while now before calling it quits - there just doesn't seem to be anything to interact with besides those two portals, and the area itself is so small that I'm pretty sure I have everything covered.
Anybody else run into this? I don't really need the solution, but maybe a hint, or even enough to know that this isn't a bug. I can provide some pics of the area if needed.
Thank you! That absolutely did it and I probably wouldn't have found it on my own since I had tutorials turned off - they were bugging me. Unfortunately that also means I didn't know some of the weird control options when using that ability.Not sure if that's it, buthave you tried charging (hold portal button before shooting it) the portal so it shoots you out with a high velocity?
Thank you! That absolutely did it and I probably wouldn't have found it on my own since I had tutorials turned off - they were bugging me. Unfortunately that also means I didn't know some of the weird control options when using that ability.
Thanks again for that.
That does make perfect sense.Yeah, I had the feeling you'd only miss the solution to that "puzzle" if the game didn't tell you. In fact, that is the very area this mechanic is explained to you.![]()
Death sacrifices himself and the nephiliem to save humanity. While he falls and is about to die War breaks the seal, therefore summoning all the horsemen. We don't know if humanity was saved or not.......probably not.
That's why I'm mixed about the damn ending.
Thewould have been nice.Death gives Life themeHe got summoned anyway so there's no point. Also, why did he take his mask off?
Is there a reason to choose just one path, Harbinger or Necromancer? I've just been reading what each power does and choosing the one that seems the best for me at the time...
for some reason my nvidia control panel is saying that ambient occlusion is not supported for this application.
any reason why that may be?
I was really enjoying this until the. By far, the worst boss battle I've ever encountered in a game, it's just terrible. So bad that I'm seriously considering just not playing any more. Who in the blue hell though this was a good design or choice for a boss battle? Jesus Christ.Guardian boss battle
I was really enjoying this until the. By far, the worst boss battle I've ever encountered in a game, it's just terrible. So bad that I'm seriously considering just not playing any more. Who in the blue hell though this was a good design or choice for a boss battle? Jesus Christ.Guardian boss battle
I didn't like it as much as I might have because I kept getting knocked off my stupid horse in phase 1, and in phase 2 I was continually frustrated by the awkward horse and camera/aiming controls. It's a cool battle on paper but I spent the whole time raging.What were your problems with it? For most people, that's one of the high points in the game.
It was probably worse for me, because I knew exactly what to do but for a long time I couldn't manage to do it.It took me about 20 minutes of frustration till I realised you have to shoot the balls he throws at you.
I like when adventure games have enemies who will trounce you until you've built up your character. It's way better than Oblivion-style autoleveling bullshit where you never run into more than you can handle. There's a real sense of accomplishment when you blaze through an area that once presented a deadly challenge.Has anyone found some areas are too tough at your current level. I went to the Scar after the Guardian fight and got my ass kicked and had to leave. Not a great feeling.
You're a little less than 1/3 in.Also I just finished the Tree of Life and got to the new area. How far am I?
I didn't like it as much as I might have because I kept getting knocked off my stupid horse in phase 1, and in phase 2 I was continually frustrated by the awkward horse and camera/aiming controls. It's a cool battle on paper but I spent the whole time raging.
It was probably worse for me, because I knew exactly what to do but for a long time I couldn't manage to do it.
I like when adventure games have enemies who will trounce you until you've built up your character. It's way better than Oblivion-style autoleveling bullshit where you never run into more than you can handle. There's a real sense of accomplishment when you blaze through an area that once presented a deadly challenge.
You're a little less than 1/3 in.
I'm really happy for Vigil Games, the game is great
It took me about 20 minutes of frustration till I realised you have to shoot the balls he throws at you.
Has anyone found some areas are too tough at your current level. I went to the Scar after the Guardian fight and got my ass kicked and had to leave. Not a great feeling.
Also I just finished the Tree of Life and got to the new area. How far am I?
What were your problems with it? For most people, that's one of the high points in the game.
Its decently challenging starting off in Apoc and the difficulty varies. Once you start getting steal weapons and you choose to use those stats game then becomes about making Death an unstoppable beast. It basically becomes the equivalent of playing Super Dante if you know what I mean. If you want to retain some challenge, ignore steal weapons.I see all this overepowered weapons and I wonder: is there a even a challenge? Does the game promotes a varied combat, like DMC? Can you play on hard from the start and does it help?
Its decently challenging starting off in Apoc and the difficulty varies. Once you start getting steal weapons and you choose to use those stats game then becomes about making Death an unstoppable beast. It basically becomes the equivalent of playing Super Dante if you know what I mean. If you want to retain some challenge, ignore steal weapons.
That's why I'm mixed about the damn ending.
Thewould have been nice.Death gives Life themeHe got summoned anyway so there's no point. Also, why did he take his mask off?
Hey GAF, can somebody tell me how to cicle through my RT button items (like the Pistol and Gauntlet).
I remember that when fightingthere was a tutorial popup that told me how to do that withouth pressing down on the control pad, but I wasn't able to read it!The Guardian (First Colossus)
The only thing I think they could've done a lot better are those tutorial popups... they feel intrusive and are not intuitive at all! Besides that, I'm loving every second of the game!
You need to find recipe plans in the wild for the really good ones. Yesterday I got a 5 property ilvl62 Daibo plan. I didn't decide to sell it and instead gave it to my Blacksmith to learn. I also have a Flesh Ripper WD Plan.
Would love it if there was a simple toggle. Many puzzles require you to swap between those items.Hey GAF, can somebody tell me how to cicle through my RT button items (like the Pistol and Gauntlet).
I remember that when fightingthere was a tutorial popup that told me how to do that withouth pressing down on the control pad, but I wasn't able to read it!The Guardian (First Colossus)
Press down on the D-pad then pick the item on the radial menu with the analog stick.
Not the idea, but the fact that reaper form toggle is just in between items is really silly. I have wasted some reaper energy by accidentally choosing that.
Would love it if there was a simple toggle. Many puzzles require you to swap between those items.
At least you don't have to have your Ghost Grip equipped to grab at the Glowy-Orb-Flingy-things. Its context sensitive for platforming.
Hey GAF, can somebody tell me how to cicle through my RT button items (like the Pistol and Gauntlet).
I remember that when fightingthere was a tutorial popup that told me how to do that withouth pressing down on the control pad, but I wasn't able to read it!The Guardian (First Colossus)
The only thing I think they could've done a lot better are those tutorial popups... they feel intrusive and are not intuitive at all! Besides that, I'm loving every second of the game!
Same here. Its my go-to dirty trick. Just love pulling enemies and getting an opening, or pulling myself up close to the bigger bosses to unleash a combo in their face after spending the rest of the time dodging their attacks.That's true, but I often use it to fight!
Ah, thanks.
Guess I'll go hunting for some tomorrow.
I totally agree and up on the dpad is going completely unused. They should allow you to assign "up" to multiple items and then pressing up simply toggles through said items.Would love it if there was a simple toggle. Many puzzles require you to swap between those items.
At least you don't have to have your Ghost Grip equipped to grab at the Glowy-Orb-Flingy-things. Its context sensitive for platforming.
Oh shit wrong thread. Ignore what I said, I thought I was in the Diablo 3 thread.Ah, thanks.
Guess I'll go hunting for some tomorrow.
Press d-pad down to bring up the radial menu.
Point to the weapon you want with the stick, but don't press A.
Hold LB and press any of the face buttons.
You can now quick swap to that weapon without opening the radial menu by just pressing LB plus that face button.
Same here. Its my go-to dirty trick. Just love pulling enemies and getting an opening, or pulling myself up close to the bigger bosses to unleash a combo in their face after spending the rest of the time dodging their attacks.
Since switching from heavy maces and axes (for 80% of the game) to claws, holy shit am I a whirling dervish of death and mayhem. Combat is so damn precise and fluid and rewarding.BTW, I haven't read through this entire thread so I don't know GAF stance on this, but personally I love how the combat in this game feels! It's not complicated at all (just button delays) and still it feels solid, there's a lot of variety and depending on the weapon, it feels like the hits are heavy! That's one thing I really like about this game! Combat!
The RPG and weapon crafting elements of the game eventually eliminate any sort of challenge in the game, unfortunately.