I'll stick with the old ps4 version. Framerate and fps on switch are oof.
Sony can go straight to hell by the way. It looks like all japanese developers are screwed for sure now.
Oh, how i would love this game to release on the Switch in the west. Just for the meltdowns and memesSo another Xtreme game that will never be officially released in the U.S due to sjw fascists, right?
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Visual Novels for their PS4, nor will they purchase any of Sony games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.
Sony, publicly apologize and cancel censoring our anime fan-service or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Was about to create a thread for that, it's beyond stupid.Jet Black Fan, Gold Fan, and Softening Gel have been censored from the PS4 version.
Fuck off Sony.
Pervs need their tits.
To save gamers from impure thoughts. >.>What is the point of removing those couple things, when the game is still about full on fanservice anyway? People who don't play it will never notice the changes and still complain abou the existence of the game and the already very small minority of people who have the game or wanna get it will be punished in the end.
The game is already rated mature and is not available in the west anyway ffs.
Trying to put logic and common sense into Sony's new Sony Justice policy is like trying to eat ice cream too fast, it will leave you with nothing but a headache and regret.What is the point of removing those couple things, when the game is still about full on fanservice anyway? People who don't play it will never notice the changes and still complain abou the existence of the game and the already very small minority of people who have the game or wanna get it will be punished in the end.
The game is already rated mature and is not available in the west anyway ffs.
That is the biggest problem for me. There is no sense at all behind it and for Developers and Publishers this is now like a gamble they have to take to release it on PS4. If Developer know clear rules they can decide for themselves if they want to release it or not.Trying to put logic and common sense into Sony's new Sony Justice policy is like trying to eat ice cream too fast, it will leave you with nothing but a headache and regret.
That's because it's ran by dumbass metoo tryhards that empowered idiots who can't moderate for jack shit.This topic got closed on Era because of "sexualilzation of underage girls" even though everyone is at least 18 years old on this game.
It's stupid because the discussion was about the game in general but the people against it kept making it about Marie Rose even though the mayority of people in the thread didn't talk about her and just about censorship in general...This topic got closed on Era because of "sexualilzation of underage girls" even though everyone is at least 18 years old on this game. Anyway i never bought the first title as this type of game is not my thing. However removing certain features and pissing off the consumers is a weird decision that Sony has been doing lately. Japanese developers will slowly start moving to the Switch and Steam... and if they somehow develop a PS4 version you can expect to see those spreadsheets were it details the stuff being removed on the PS4 version. Kudos to KT for being clear on this and noting the differences between the Nintendo Switch and PS4 version.
The fact that they're going after M-rated games shows Sony has an agenda. These games already went through the rating boards process but Sony is now applying more standards on top of it.What is the point of removing those couple things, when the game is still about full on fanservice anyway? People who don't play it will never notice the changes and still complain abou the existence of the game and the already very small minority of people who have the game or wanna get it will be punished in the end.
The game is already rated mature and is not available in the west anyway ffs.
And see ugly girls kiss each other for 10 minutes. It's ok though because they aren't in bikinis and aren't attractive.Thanks Sony for saving us from boobs. Now we can go play their game where we hack dudes up with an axe and rip off heads.
Us poor children need to be molly-coddled by Papa Sony. Those voluptuous chests and pantsus are quite deadly. Deadly, I say!Thanks Sony for saving us from boobs. Now we can go play their game where we hack dudes up with an axe and rip off heads.
And see ugly girls kiss each other for 10 minutes. It's ok though because they aren't in bikinis and aren't attractive.
You don't get the full package on Switch either. Switch has no VR Support and it's apparently lacking Soft Engine 2.0.
I've said it in another thread, best bet for PS4 owners right now is to grab DOAX3 Fortune and hope that Team Ninja isn't forced to remove anything via patch when they add the new characters.
This is assuming that they'll patch the disc version of Fortune... they might turn it into a legacy edition, though, and focus on the F2P version of Fortune, because that one is most likely going to get upgraded to Scarlet.
So looks like the Asian version will have English subtitles.
So looks like the Asian version will have English subtitles.
Or perhaps it's easier to play when you can read all the menu options.Because people play this for the dialogue and story...
That's the censored version. Here's the uncensored versionSo looks like the Asian version will have English subtitles.
So looks like the Asian version will have English subtitles.
Nuff said.
It never fails to amuse me how a nation that should be renamed to Super Sodom and Gomorrah Alpha Hyper Turbo Edition II , makes such a fuss over anime tits n ass. And not even nude ones at that.
SJW's are really getting nuts.It's just so utterly incredible to think SJWs are going to get bent out of shape over girls in bikinis.
What a world.
What a fucking loser.
Nothing about the way modern culture operates makes any logical sense and that's honestly pretty frightening when you think about it.
All I care about is that my existing copy for PS4 is not ninja updated and censored after the fact, I may have to back it up.The Switch version is going to wind up getting the most sales.
No one will care about the Switch version not being in Native 1080p or having 30 FPS; The game being uncensored is what the majority of people cares about.
I don't know man, I saw some VR stuff for the previous version yesterday made me think no other version will ever be good enough.The Switch version is going to wind up getting the most sales.
No one will care about the Switch version not being in Native 1080p or having 30 FPS; The game being uncensored is what the majority of people cares about.
All I care about is that my existing copy for PS4 is not ninja updated and censored after the fact, I may have to back it up.
That's exactly what I was thinking so the only protection would be to back it up, which is ridiculous.You should definitely do so just in case, because not even your existing copy of the previous version of the game will be safe from Sony.
They'll either censor the game themselves or force Tecmo-Koei to censor it through a update.