I'd try but apparently my samsung S2 is not combatible.Anyone got Smartglass companion app to work with this? It does not do anything for me...
I'd try but apparently my samsung S2 is not combatible.Anyone got Smartglass companion app to work with this? It does not do anything for me...
I feel dumb, but how do you get into the graveyard? It seems blocked from all angles I've tried to approach it.
Anyone got Smartglass companion app to work with this? It does not do anything for me...
You are not alone. I can't figure it out either.
Yep, works flawlessly on both my Lumia and Galaxy Tab.
Haven't had a chance to play today, been busy with other stuff but boy the itch is pretty damn strong. Will be playing for the next few hours I think...
Hmm weird, those locked boxes are smartglass specific no? Do you start the companion app before you start the game? I just have the home button and the logo, seems frozen.
So GAF, EDGE said that the day one patch will lock the game to a steady 30 fps. Can anyone confirm?
It's pretty stable, but I noticed some slight dips last night when driving through the hordes on the bridge. (in fairness, the hordes were massive and ploughing through them in a car at high speed was always going to cause some issues.)
Haven't noticed any texture pop in issues yet either.
Wow...that´s great news, thanks! Gonna get the game tomorrow..can´t wait.
I have seen textures stream in a few times, like road or grass, which looks weird. And there is one area where the framerate is constantly worse than anywhere else. Other than that it's okay.
Which area?
It's in the Sunset Hills area somewhere, can't remember the exact spot.
I feel really stupid asking this, but how the heck do you open a jack in a box weapon?
In my experience, they're usually above your position, and require a little bit of platforming to reach them (for example, parking a van nearby and using it to reach higher ground)
Derfeef, Miles Quaritch...I've failed you. I still have not started this game yet! Hoping to get to it later today. Tell me you both love it!?
Derfeef, Miles Quaritch...I've failed you. I still have not started this game yet! Hoping to get to it later today. Tell me you both love it!?
Yep, I'm madly in love with it. Everything about it just amazing. I'm currently on my first, standard playthrough and while I do miss the urgency the timer brought to the gameplay, there's still moments where it rears it head with side missions.
Smartglass is pretty damn great too. Fantastic use of the second screen.
Awesome to hear! Thank you both.This game is pretty great yeah![]()
Miles since the companion app on my phone does not work I wanted to give it a shot on my galaxy tab - I can't even find it there? All I have is the DR3 store with it's addons.
This game is insane, but even after patch the framerate still isn't 30 fps locked. Don't know where that came from.
Why doesn't the map list what stores are? I need to find a chainsaw to give to Ravi, for example. How am I going to get one to give him?
This game doesn't have time limits correct? That's the only thing I didn't like about DR2
It does and doesn't. The campaign isn't timed as it was in previous games, but the various side missions are all timed. Haven't let one run down to see what happens though...
But what about the 7 day countdown in the main quest?
One complaint I have is that so much stuff seems to be upstairs or on the roofs and it's not always clear where to get to that from. Sometimes it's from an other bulding entirely.
I'm pretty sure the timer is still going down. I'm using the companion app and I can see it slowly counting downIt's linked to progression. If you decided to mess around for hours on end and not do a single campaign mission, the timer won't run down as it did in previous games. (this is on standard, haven't touched nightmare yet)
Works on the phone now but I can't find it on the tablet, oh well.
I play with headphones so the calling stuff is a little bit counter-productive![]()
I'm pretty sure the timer is still going down. I'm using the companion app and I can see it slowly counting down
I'm pretty sure the timer is still going down. I'm using the companion app and I can see it slowly counting down
For my shots, this time I used the X1's default display and increased the gamma even further.Fantastic pics.
IGN put up a fantastic video explaining how the combo categories work. Recommended watch...
My biggest complaint is that the game is way too easy. Im on day 5 now and Ive only died once (because I didnt get out of my burning car)
When you reach level 50 you must basically be invincible. Health fully regenerates, cars dont take damage, use all books at the same time, unlimited stamina, way more damage and ammo etc. Im guessing playing in coop makes it a lot easier as well.
Whats different in nightmare mode ?
yeah but right now I need a chainsaw. Where can I find one? Just wander around looking? If it were DR1, for example, I'd look for HARDWARE STORE on the map or something.Start DR3, once it's loaded (in game), start smartglass and there should be an option at the bottom of the screen to start the DR3 companion app. That's what I've been using so far and it loads without issue.
You have to tag them on the map. If you find a chainsaw, tag its location and you can look up where it is at any time. (although you will rarely use this as once you pick up an item, it's available from your locker at any time and in unlimited quantities)