What do you mean by "it's getting ridiculous"? I see mine was the only post commenting on your pics, besides another post -above mine- liking them a lot, and I was just trying to help you out; by all means if you like it that way then just leave it as is and don't mind me

I'm not that familiar with capture equipment but I've calibrated TVs/PJs plenty of times for work where I had to take a slight deviation from what the tools were saying, simply because the end user wasn't satisfied and liked their image with a bit more punch: I obviously tried to inform those clients the best I could and never put up torch mode, horrible post-fx or something like that, but in the end who am I to dictate how someone MUST enjoy their expensive sets once I've pointed out how I feel about such practices? So maybe I'd just add a tad more pop to color and contrast trying as much as possible to not affect skin tones).
Of course, if you post screen grabs I think I'm allowed to post my own opinion

About you card's default RGB settings, are you sure it's not set at 0-255 color space by default instead of 16-235? Some cards do.