Justice must be met.Mutagenic said:I'm starting to think you'll get a bigger kick talking trash to the unbelievers than actually playing the damn game.![]()
Justice must be met.Mutagenic said:I'm starting to think you'll get a bigger kick talking trash to the unbelievers than actually playing the damn game.![]()
Y2Kev said:What do you mean? It's under options on the start menu.
edit: If Dead Space is what renegade teams produce, we need more renegade teams at EA.
_tetsuo_ said:Ummm, ok. This game is fucking amazing.
edit: and yes, Hard is brutal.
Zeliard said:Is Dead Space really that freaky?
Is it more like System Shock 2-scary (aka very, and mostly psychological), or F.E.A.R.-scary (aka not really, and mostly reliant on "boo" moments)?
You unlock impossible when you beat it.andydumi said:Is hard the hardest difficulty or is there something above it?
as have I, proof is in the puddingbeelzebozo said:i've been on this game's dong since day one. i'm not proud of it, but i'm certainly not ashamed, considering how well it turned out.
noDoctorWho said:Does using the DLC suits screw you out of Trophies?
smirkrevenge said:Help with Zero-G room. I'm walking around the tube and getting pretty dizzy. I see some power pods around, but dunno how to aim them with Kinesis.
btw, GAME ROCKS and is scaring the hell outta me. i'm only playing this during the day.
Costanza said:
LiquidMetal14 said:How do you activate DLC in PS3 version?
VindicatorZ said:Anybdoy know if any Blockbusters are getting this game? I want to rent it, but none seem to even getting it in.
Alex P said:Can't take out the boss. Apparently you can't work around the little exploit of shooting him in the back when he runs away if you go and hide on any staircases. Well done, EA. So I face him for real, unload into his back. He collapses, I shoot him in the back some more, he gets up, I shoot him in the back some more, he collapses, and then I always die before I can get him to collapse a third time. IS there a secret to this or is it just persistence?
why not?Mango Positive said:Go to the store! If you haven't found a store yet, don't worry about it. And for god's sake, don't use any power nodes on your suit if you're going to use one of the DLC ones.
Danielsan said:The free suit is available on PSN/XBL (console exclusive suit) and the paid one is as well. There are no pre-order store exclusive suits (thank god).
B33 said:Out of curiosity...
Does this game offer a good amount of content for it's price point? Would it be wise to wait for a used or rental copy?
Dead Space. Easily.Chiggs said:Homecoming vs. Dead Space - what's the better purchase?
zewone said:Dead Space. Easily.
OuterWorldVoice said:To me, it's like RE4 in space. In a good way.
Alex P said:Stuck, help plz.
Chapter 4
I've reached the bridge, which, with all the asteroids falling, looks gorgeous...
Can't take out the boss. Apparently you can't work around the little exploit of shooting him in the back when he runs away if you go and hide on any staircases. Well done, EA. So I face him for real, unload into his back. He collapses, I shoot him in the back some more, he gets up, I shoot him in the back some more, he collapses, and then I always die before I can get him to collapse a third time. IS there a secret to this or is it just persistence?
Stuneseht said:This game is too good and scary!! I haven't jump so much in my life. It's so bad that after every enemy i kill, I stomp on them for good measure:lol :lol (I can't be the only one).
grendelrt said:The atmosphere is amazing. I dont know if this is really a spoiler, very light if so butman this game going to give me a coronaryI was walking to a door and you see the shadow of a creature run by on the door if you are paying attention, i turn around scared shitless looking for that fucker, but he wasnt there.....
permutated said:Need help, does this game support Southpaw? Can anyone confirm it PLEASE?