My most anticipated game after Resident Evil 5 and it looks like it has delivered! I absolutely cannot wait and it's so weird cuz it's EA!! I've hated EA for a long long time now because of the crap they churn out and the way it shapes the industry, I do think this whole year they have been trying to improve their image and even the way they approcah game design (putting more time, effort, talent and money into projects to make sure the games are at the very least solid and playable) and funnily enough Ubisoft have taken their place (after the original Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia I thought Ubisoft were on track to becoming my next Capcom).
Anyways two awesome things have happened, EA have turned over a new leaf (i'm glad too cuz it can be hard sometimes hating the biggest 3rd party publisher in the world) and Dead Space will be awesome! Survival Horror is my fave genre and especially with minor RPG elements like in Resident Evil 4 and it looks like Dead Space will follow suit.
Also it's great to hear that there are an abundance of graphical details cuz that really makes the game for me.
1 delima for me however and that is I really need to get the best version available. I have a few preferences....e.g. prefer the 360 conrtoller for 3rd and 1st person shooters, prefer the Ps3 one for every single other type of game, secondly I love blu-ray discs...they're much harder to scratch and it somehow justifies paying such high prices for consoles and their games when you're using next-gen tech (yea I know it's silly), thirdly I don't care about multiplayer one bit but I need more and more reasons to not pay for Xbox Live gold so I want all my games on the Ps3 (yes I know Dead Space doesn't have any multiplayer, but if it ever did or it's online features I would prefer everything to be free and accessible from the get-go. Laslty I just prefer my ps3, it's a lot quieter and responsive, xmb more responsive, hdd installs, more options to configure audio and video, turning controller on is quicker, controller doesn't turn off after idle....just little things here and there imo make the ps3 better....also I have had three 360's (all manufacturing faults 2 x red rings and 1 x disc tray being crap) now so I just don't wanna have to rely on something that's so unreliable.
I have read a couple of places that the 360 version is a bit sharper so I think that and the controller will tip it for me. Also I HATE the new L2 and R2 buttons on the Ps3 controllers! They should really put it back to the old design, your fingers slip off them too easily (the stupid downwards curve they have) and the worst part about it is they are sooo senszitive, barely touch them and it registers you're pressing them, it was the biggest pain in the ass when playing MGS4 because every now and again the menus would pop up when I seriously wasn't even pressing them (in the heat of battle obviously I would very lightly touch them while holding the controller etc but I swear I wasn't pressing them...)...anyways...
Has anyone played both versions and can see any differences at all? Even minor ones? Anyways I might go with the 360 version for it's controller cuz even though the L2 and R2 buttons aren't major buttons in this games I don't want it being an issue like in MGS4 (fuck that was annoying....seriously...Sony need to redesign the controller and fast because it is a hardware fault imo). Also I can't think of a single example where the 360 version of a multiplatform game (major ones atleast) where the Ps3 has been the superior version.
Anyways any info on either would be appreciated. Again this is my most anticipated game after Resident Evil 5 so it is very important to me.