I just bought the complete Twin Peaks set! Never seen any of it before.
It's interesting how the pacing in DP completely changes in the second half.
Twin Peaks is excellent, but just know that season two has a considerable dip in quality about midway through. I suggest sticking with it despite that. There are some funny moments and the finale is wild.
just beat it
great game
can't wait forProject Deadly Jambalaya
The Adventures of Old Zach
I'd be interested to see where they could go with that.
I would always default to the original but is there anyone who would suggest the international with alternative ending instead?
I don't get the QTE's in this game.
I press R2 to hold my breath and that damned axe dude kills me every single time.
What am I doing wrong?
Yep, hold R2.I am pretty sure you have to hold R2.
Yep, hold R2.
done that, doesn't work.
I want to love this game but i'm just not having fun playing it :/
There are 50 side missions given from the people around town. Then there are the trading cards that can be partly collected during free roaming and mini games like racing, fishing and darts that are necessary if you want to complete 100% of the game.Are there events outside of the 'main story' around town? I'm not sure how much of the game is meant to be 'free roam' and whatnot.
Usually time limits are not really limits. If you miss it one day you can just go there the next day, or the day after...For instance, on Chapter 4 Profiling they say we have to get to Forest Park by 18:00 to interview witnesses. Can I just do that any day I want by 18:00? Ugh, my linear OCD mind isn't built for free roam. I want to do side quests but am freaking out that I will miss them
Is there any way to tell where these side quest people are or just to keep roaming around forever until you find one?
Ok I am replaying Chapter 2 and completed the Arnold quest and am going to do the other Woodman for the radio.
If I get that, can I just save and then restart Chapter 4 and all is well? or do I have to complete Chapter 2 all over again?
By far the ugliest game I've played on the PS3... But also the charmiest...
just finished thegeorge fight. i love how he turns into akuma, and then Oni akuma at the second fight. like they gave up trying to be vaguely western and just went full japanese with it
I'm done with the game and now nearing the platinum.
I kinda expected *major spoilers*George to be the killer. I dunno but when his hat fell off in the Art Gallery, I felt that he was the killer. I also had a feeling Kaysen was also involved due to the red saplings. I was hoping Emily would have had a hand in the killings.
Also Thomas going on drag is kinda surprising. Didn't expect that. Didn't expect he's in love with York. lol
I rented Swery's previous game on PS2 (Spy Fiction) because I was interested in playing his other games after DP, and I was shocked to see Forrest Kaysen in that game too. Looks exactly the same too, sans the overalls.
i love how spy fiction has pretty decent graphics for a 2003 ps2 game *and* runs at 60 fps while deadly premonition is held together with only a single piece of scotch tape
Major Spoiler:My friend and I joked about George being the killer because of his constant "fuck ups." Then when the reveal happened, I was like "I FUCKING KNEW IT!"
So... What's the added new scenario?
I take back my last post about the amazon code, although it worked, I got some weird suit instead of the field ops suit:
Da fuq? haha
i don't think there is one
the pr fact sheet for the director's cut is like 50% lies
they're lucky the game is so charming because otherwise i'd be one pissed off motherfucker
I take back my last post about the amazon code, although it worked, I got some weird suit instead of the field ops suit:
Da fuq? haha
Meh. It's alright. I've never played the game though
Regarding Trading Cards 46-48will there be random chase scenes in the galaxy of terror, police station, and harry's mansion replay areas or will they be scripted?
Though having said that, I went all the way to the end ofthe Theatre level and got possible the best weapon ever. The grass cutter rocks!
Also Thomas going on drag is kinda surprising. Didn't expect that. Didn't expect he's in love with York. lol
I take back my last post about the amazon code, although it worked, I got some weird suit instead of the field ops suit:
Da fuq? haha
Damn. Can you be more specific please?i don't think there is one
the pr fact sheet for the director's cut is like 50% lies
they're lucky the game is so charming because otherwise i'd be one pissed off motherfucker