Dat Sweet Fuse. You have excellent taste.Received my Ltd Ed box from NISA today - not bad coming up to Canada... Picked up Conception II and a few PSP games too..
Dat Sweet Fuse. You have excellent taste.Received my Ltd Ed box from NISA today - not bad coming up to Canada... Picked up Conception II and a few PSP games too..
I got 2 Fog Brooms, which is supposed to be unique. I might have bought the first one from the item shop at some point though.Because thats what its supposed to be. There is something that you can do to get certain items twice, but didnt read up on it.
I got 2 Fog Brooms, which is supposed to be unique. I might have bought the first one from the item shop at some point though.
Received my Ltd Ed box from NISA today - not bad coming up to Canada... Picked up Conception II and a few PSP games too...
I like the Limited Edition but the book's smaller than I anticipated... It's an attractive box though; I'm looking forward to listening to the soundtrack, but will save it until I've played the game a bit and been introduced to it there...
Hey guys I need some tips on how to defeatthanksMars![]()
I only have the paladin :/Have at least 3 characters at Lv 5 and pray she doesnt kill the wrong one lol.
I only have the paladin :/
Ok heres the room cost breakdown. When you purchase a new room for rent it comes with a character too which can be taken as is or edited to your liking.
1st Room = Free from game event
2nd Room = 1000G
3rd Room = 5000 G
4th Room = 10,000 G
Making additional characters = 500G. Limit though is 3 and these will be on standby until you swap them with one of your other characters who are currently allocated to a room. Basically breakdown is 4 in rooms, 3 on standby. Total 7.
Finally found them, thanks!IIRC, bottom right of the bottom right quadrant of star curtain. (not dark)
Finally found them, thanks!
Now it seems I'm stucked somehow. I've clearled 4 circles in the Star Curtain and explored up to the point where you meet a fairy. Now I can't find any other circle and the only ones visible are accros the water. Am I missing something?
You are probably missing the top left on the top right quadrant (fairy quadrant); look for notes to kick open a door.Finally found them, thanks!
Now it seems I'm stucked somehow. I've clearled 4 circles in the Star Curtain and explored up to the point where you meet a fairy. Now I can't find any other circle and the only ones visible are accros the water. Am I missing something?
Awesome thanks. I feel stupid, I bought a character when renting a room gives you a free character xD luckily I saved before I did anything important.Yeah save up for a third character. Which means, just rent the room since it will come with a character that you can edit if you dont like the default. Since it was a few pages back heres the general breakdown of room costs.
Thanks! This ought to e useful.
You are probably missing the top left on the top right quadrant (fairy quadrant); look for notes to kick open a door.
On the other hand, are artifacts only 1 per run through?
Awesome thanks. I feel stupid, I bought a character when renting a room gives you a free character xD luckily I saved before I did anything important.
So healer, paladin and MC. Hope I can beatnow, after I level up my healer of course.Mars
I bought a character too. Then I saw I needed a room for said character. That's not right!
Does adding gems make portal fights harder?
I beatI did the first thing too with the JP version lol
I beat!!!Mars
now to figure out how to equip her ;__;
Is Healing Staff a unique item, and is there another staff with the same effect? I think I might have sold mine by mistake.
Thanks! This ought to e useful.
My wifi modem is busted right so I can't connect my Vita for notes![]()
I don't see that D-rank staff in my library, which is a good sign. If I ever do get it, I'm equipping it ASAP and never letting it go.if what I see from the JP wiki is correct it shouldnt be. The E rank item. Though there is a D rank Star (unique) which also has healing so if it was that one you sold might be a bit SOL... D:
what's the difference between sword and axe? axe seems like it had stronger attack and I'm not sure what's the advantage of a sword so far. does it have higher accuracy or something?
Generally Axes (other heavy class weapons) higher damage output + some have a defense bonus, but disadvantage is they are usually 2 handed weapons and come with some stats penalties like lowered accuracy, dodge. There seems to be more 2H Axes / Maces / Hammers than 2H Swords in the game.
thanks, can you explain how agility stat effect dual wield 2 weapons? I read one of the guide that mention increasing agility and vit for DemonGazer instead of STR and I'm not sure why. I remember he mention dual wield weapons there.
Thanks, that really helps a lot.Agility asides from effecting your turn in battle, it also raises the attack power of the sub equipped weapon, along with physical attack accuracy and evade to some extent.
If AGI is under 25, there will be a penalty added to the sub weapon. No idea how thats calculated past that though.
Thanks, that really helps a lot.
Agility asides from effecting your turn in battle, it also raises the attack power of the sub equipped weapon, along with physical attack accuracy and evade to some extent.
If AGI is under 25, there will be a penalty added to the sub weapon. No idea how thats calculated past that though.
Samurai Passive skill nullify this right?
Samurai Passive skill nullify this right? Does that mean Agi automatically increase their attack?
Also I wonder what is the good stat build for nigmy ranger, anyone have tips on this?
Congrats! I'm taking a few off to work on Dark Souls 2 and then time to 100% the game.Awesome Possum, just beat the final boss; tough stuff.
Where do i go after Neptune's dungeon? The manager told me to do more quests, but the only things I have left are Lord Shark, King's Ring, and kill Pluto, but I still can't get into Pluto's dungeon.
Go do the Kings Ring quest. wait hang on ok yeah go back to where thewas and use themimicyou now have. After that talk to the weapon shop guy. The Lord Shark one you wont be able to progress with until you get into the castle.5 keys
I forgot about theand it'smimic, thanks.5 key slots
Though Astarte just wrecked me. I'll need to rethink that fight.
Oy. Not sure if I'm doing the start right. Was trying to get some money but not sure if I'm taking the right approach. How do the portals work in terms of the demon coming for you? Mars just kinda showed up so I got the hell outta dodge (only have my gazer and my paladin).
The demon will randomly show up at one of the portals. From the memos people leave, it seems like the portal the demon appears at isn't set. Once you win the battle, the demon flees and you won't encounter it again until after all the portals have been unsealed.
Ahh ok. I kept seeing "Mars ahead watch out" or whatever for memos near almost ever portal. I was confused for a bit.
That is most def. how it works.The Demons appear after you have completed a set number of circles, its usually when you are done with half of them. At least thats what i noticed.
I don't see that D-rank staff in my library, which is a good sign. If I ever do get it, I'm equipping it ASAP and never letting it go.
Is there a reason why my Paladin does not seem to be able to use his abilities? It shows them in his character screen but I have no way to access them.
Ok the lv 1 Divine Body and lv 4 Front Guard are passive skills. The active ones are Holy Charge, Devotion, Providence. Passive skills are Divine Body, Front Guard, Holy Guard.
Beatyesterday. Party was level 9/9/8, and it was a really easy fight. TheChronoswasn't really bad ether, but the other one decided to have my healer for lunch and flipped my ranks around. Was able to finally beat it after my healer died. I'll just grind a little extra though, not worth doing that again for the XP.first hydra head
Ended up grabbing a dwarf samurai for my 4th party member. Pretty good so far, but saved in a new slot just in case he doesn't work out. Threw my gazer in the back to keep the healer alive if somebody gets KO'd, but of course=Psome of the new monsters in the Forest can hit everybody
Also,.fuck vorpal rabbits, goddamn