For all the talk I heard about how hard the battle was I barely got hurt at all. I guess I have been doing a lot of leveling and ether strengthening.
is destroyed.Neptune
For all the talk I heard about how hard the battle was I barely got hurt at all. I guess I have been doing a lot of leveling and ether strengthening.
So enjoyednot being able to use magic? hahaha i actually was expecting to see more folks freak out about that in the thread overall lol
So enjoyednot being able to use magic? hahaha i actually was expecting to see more folks freak out about that in the thread overall lol
So enjoyednot being able to use magic? hahaha i actually was expecting to see more folks freak out about that in the thread overall lol
Good luck am sure you will be amused with that dungeon lol
Btw indeed would like to add great write up and will be watching your guys site. Since it seems like you folks have the right mindset when it comes to gaming.
That means a lot to usWe're just a site of gamers who love stuff like this, instead of getting all caught up in the politics or social justice side of gaming lately. We just love games lol
.....sorry for my rambling, now that I started thinking about Demon Gaze again I really wish I had more time to play it more x_x
Fuck underwater
Fuck Neptune
Fuck her confusion gas and concetrated attack
Fuck my reliance on my Healer's Multi-Avoid spell
Fuck my Gazer being constantly one-shotted
Fuck my Paladin built being a bulk-cannon
Just fuck everything
Now I'm grinding my way through by raising Hermes level to Rank 7. Holy Shield skill couldn't hold shit against Neptune's attack and most of the time will one shot my Ney Samurai.
I got a dumb question, how do you add stats properly in the game?
Do you max out one stat for one class or do you add one to each useful stat to each class?
Like for example Ranger needs luck and STR. Do you max out luck first them go STR or add them one at a time?
Do the birds in Mars area drop the Fluffy Feathers? I need one more for the furniture quest you get at the beginning.
Hm. Curse the normal reaction of "Feathers? FIND THE BIRDS!"
Since my healer needs some levels still, I'll grind a bit and find those guys so I can turn in that quest when I go back to the inn.
EDIT: Is there any kind of monster guide in the game to read stats/drops/etc.? Didn't see one.
That's really encouraging. I really need to wrap up Toukiden so I can finally unwrap this one.It's funny how the reviews for this game are all over the place.
Ive played nearly every game of this type that has existed since 1986, and I can honestly say that this is the absolute best dungeon crawler Ive played since 2001s Wizardy: Tales of the Forsaken Land and thats some very high praise, considering that Forsaken Land is one of my all-time favorite games of this type.
I think there were folks at GameFAQs making something was a few pages back. Not sure if it contains that sort of info yet though. As have not looked at it in detail myself.
There it is. Doesnt seem to contain monster info tho?
This may sound weird, but kill the balloon rats.
Ah, I meant in in-game one, but I'm sure some info (maybe) will be eventually added to that user-made guide.
Not sure whats in the book in your room, but try look at that thing. Ive never used it so not sure whats in it.
From the Spring _________ floor?Where can I find the throne again? And why is the map so awful?
Exactly, thats how it should be, thats how gaming was. These days yeah not as much... Good to see a site like the one you folks run and keep up the good work! Btw if you guys do a write up on Natural Doctrine Ill most def want to see that haha. In case you are not familiar with the game heres the OT. Will be hitting the West eventually published by NISA.
Oh we are ALL over Natural Doctrine, so we'll be reviewing that too. NISA is awesome too, they've been so good to us from the very beginning, we usually love their games and just approach them fairly. Still, they've been taking some risks like other pubs the kinds of games like Demon Gaze, another reason why we're big fans of what they do.
I can't for the life of me defeat the first boss after getting all 10 demons. He isn't very strong at all, but he pretty much fully heals himself after every two turns. There's no way I could ever do enough damage to outpace his healing. what do
I can't for the life of me defeat the first boss after getting all 10 demons. He isn't very strong at all, but he pretty much fully heals himself after every two turns. There's no way I could ever do enough damage to outpace his healing. what do
I can't for the life of me defeat the first boss after getting all 10 demons. He isn't very strong at all, but he pretty much fully heals himself after every two turns. There's no way I could ever do enough damage to outpace his healing. what do
Oh we are ALL over Natural Doctrine, so we'll be reviewing that too. NISA is awesome too, they've been so good to us from the very beginning, we usually love their games and just approach them fairly. Still, they've been taking some risks like other pubs with the kinds of games like Demon Gaze, another reason why we're big fans of what they do.
I'm already doing all that. I don't have an assassin, so binding is not an option. :/You should summon Mars for damage, you can bind her if you have an assassin, increase your HIT with your healer so you dont miss. Boss also buffs her def so debuff her from time to time with force break if you have it (Wizard skill, artifact drops in that dungeon, name is Force set W). Its a long fight and you should just buff yourself and debuff the boss until you can do enough damage to kill it slowly.
I've got 2,3 and 4 covered. I suppose I could try getting the True Snipe artifact and hope it makes a significant difference, but farming is not necessarily one of my favorite things.This boss is so damn annoying, I beat it after some preparation.
1. Farm the True Snipe artifact for the Gazer
2. Farm the bane artifacts (Mars and Terra) for your other attackers
3. Use Mars, she's great
4. Make sure to use a demon vase when she buffs herself, she halves the damage she takes if you dont
Good luck, you'll need it.
How exactly do the Bronze, Silver, Gold gems work? I've been afraid to use them since it seems like they are limited, but it sounds like they increase the rarity of the item for that demon circle battle.
I think I need to get through this door, but I can't figure out how. D:
/edit/ Found it. I missed a hidden door. Playing this game offline can be pretty unpleasant.
How exactly do the Bronze, Silver, Gold gems work? I've been afraid to use them since it seems like they are limited, but it sounds like they increase the rarity of the item for that demon circle battle.
Ok good to know. Are they limited in quantity? Is there anything in particular that I should save them for, like the harder dungeons?They also can make whatever comes out stronger too so beware lol.
Does anyone have insider info on these other titles coming? Please give a veiled confirmation so I know this won't be the only 'Experience' DRPG I ever get to play.
The problem is Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity Ultimate, Tokyo New World Record:Operation Abyss, and Stranger in Sword City have yet to be released in Japan. Maybe once one of them comes out we will hear something.
Got everyone in my party up to level 14-15 and was killed byagain. ;_;Astarte
I guess I'll grind a bit more after final exams are over.
The problem is Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity Ultimate, Tokyo New World Record:Operation Abyss, and Stranger in Sword City have yet to be released in Japan. Maybe once one of them comes out we will hear something.
The Ultimate release is just a pretty small update to the original game which came out last year (which was already a port of the 360 game if I'm not mistake). So it's possible that someone has had time to begin localization considerations. My guess is that we won't ever see that game localized and instead will get Operation Abyss next year if Demon Gaze did well enough.
All my sadness. Maybe I should import?
I can't read Japanese so it would be ridiculous trying to figure out what was going on.
I can read enough Japanese to get through most stuff mechanically (story, not so much sometimes), Demon Gaze was no problem for example, but I had some trouble with Cross Blood Infinity for a while. It's more complex than Demon Gaze in a lot of ways, more menus, more systems that I never did really figure out. With no knowledge of Japanese I can see someone getting almost nowhere with it. Parakeetman might better be able to offer advice on it that I am.
Edit: Forgot to mention, if you want something more to play after Demon Gaze, check out Elminage Original on PSP (PSN version works on Vita). I just bought it the other day to tide me over until Moero Chronicle and I'm enjoying it quite a bit.