I feel like good/bad luck can make a huge difference sometimes.
Oh I agree, Neptune was like that for me the first 2 times.
She just confused 3 party members in the first round. =/
I feel like good/bad luck can make a huge difference sometimes.
Is there no way to change your party formation mid battle?
change completely? No.
Restore your prior formation if it was "broken" by the enemy is possible with the "whistle" skill from the gazer.
Oh that works after the fact? Good to know.
Umm, how do you get to Chronos at all? Got all the circles but I can't reach her. ?_?
Gotta walkthrough one of the poison floors to get there. Somewhere in the top left of the map.
I've got to the final Mars battle. She's really tough, tried fighting her once but didn't do so hot. Should I be going after Chronos or Mars first?
Not sure if you might be having this issue, but make sure you're not wearing a lot of equipment weak to fire like I was ;_;
I did beat Mars first though, about to fight Chronos.
I just passed that, I went out and leveled up once and abused the ether machine.Beat Mars and Chronos and got to the next boss.
Holy hell.
Muramasa please drop I've grinded into the 50's level wise -_-
Im guessing you are dragging along comet too due to her item drop increase?
Ya but not helping. So many gems used ugh tried every combo multiple times all difficulty levels nothing made a difference. I have every other * item I'm pretty sure besides the 2 swords.
lol. yeah its going to take a while. Just keep at it. Nothing else you can really do thats why.
Also whatever you do, dont go trying to use 3 gold gems in. Apparently there is a bug where it will fuck the loot drop table, resetting it to the lowest ranked items, as it sets the rating too high or something. Its a bug that exists in the JP version and has not been fixed, therefore we can guess that its in the US one too.Eden (whatever they call the place in the US ver
Ya I read something about that bug beforehand so I didn't waste em. I wish difficulty had something to do with drops but I was getting same on cold as I was on hot and they weren't even higher quality.
So is this game difficult? I like me some difficulties in my dungeon crawler.
So is this game difficult? I like me some difficulties in my dungeon crawler.
Until some final postgame battles, hate those guys.Steep beginning, levels off pretty quick once you have a team.
You gonna get wrecked by Neptune if that Wizard is your main damage dealer lolRan into Chronos 1 by accident. Wasn't nearly as rough as I feared, thankfully.
My team: MC/Paladin | Priestess/Wizard
Archer for the fifth, maybe?
Steep beginning, levels off pretty quick once you have a team.
FYI Ether caps at 9999. Wonder if ill hit the gold cap trying to get these swords too.
go max out a bunch of equipment just for the hell of it lol.
You gonna get wrecked by Neptune if that Wizard is your main damage dealer lol
I'm getting tired of mashing triangle. Anyone know if there's a way to autobattle that doesn't require button mashing?
I'm getting tired of mashing triangle. Anyone know if there's a way to autobattle that doesn't require button mashing?
Are there any tips for using a ranger? My Ney is built towards Agi/Luc/Str in that order and primarily uses Terra Bane or just attack. I feel like she's greatly outclassed by my warrior in terms of damage.
No tips really but my ranger is almost the highest single-target damage dealer in my group without the dangers of the frontline.
Most of that can be attributed to the weapon.
Snipe is nice when it procs in trash battles.
Got to Hermes and got wallopppppppppppped.
Currently running a party of Gazer/Paladin/Archer/Healer . Oy.
Why do you not have a 5th member by now? lol
I'm up to grimodar and am currently using a Wide Sling (118x1). Should I be looking anywhere specific for a new bow or just using gems at circles until I find a decent one?
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a thread for a niche Vita game to get over 1000 posts.Really love the fact that the Demon Gaze thread is still going![]()
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a thread for a niche Vita game to get over 1000 posts.
Just now wrecked, that wasn't even fair, she just died after 4 rounds I don't even know what she can do.Jupiter
Just now wrecked, that wasn't even fair, she just died after 4 rounds I don't even know what she can do.Jupiter
Good games require active Threads and Demon Gaze is definitely a good game![]()
This game is too easy, Adidn't even do any damage to mestarte![]()