zazrx said:I don't think anyone answered me so I'll ask again, how exactly do you start a NG+ and how do I know I'm playing NG+?
zazrx said:I don't think anyone answered me so I'll ask again, how exactly do you start a NG+ and how do I know I'm playing NG+?
Sword Familiar said:Although most people will advice against it, I always just turn the system off if I die against him, then reload. You'll start in the elevator before it goes up and will maintain everything you had prior to the fight, including lost souls/soul levels etc.. Call it cheating if you must, but it saves me the trouble of going all the way back there again, at least.
zazrx said:I don't think anyone answered me so I'll ask again, how exactly do you start a NG+ and how do I know I'm playing NG+?
MidnightRider said:King Asshole is making me hate This game. Fuck that long ass run just to get beaten to death by him
I'm about to say fuck this game and be a quitter.
Yeah NA. I think I'm in the low 80soracrest said:You NA? What level?
1-4 is a high traffic area online, there's always people waiting to be summoned. The only way I was able to beat him on NG+ was by summoning Blue Phantoms and even then it took me like 3 tries since they kept dying. I've got a lvl 127 mage and a low Faith build I can easily jack up to your level to help you. Only thing is I haven't beaten 1-3 on NG++ with my mage or 1-2 with my Faith so I'd have to beat those first before joining you.MidnightRider said:King Asshole is making me hate This game. Fuck that long ass run just to get beaten to death by him
I'm about to say fuck this game and be a quitter.
MidnightRider said:Thanks for the offers! I just beat him!!!!!!
Instro said:As soon as you finish the game it kicks you into NG+ basically.
Joei said:You start soon as you beat the game the first time and go through the ending. You start off, I believe, with all your items from before, except any key items. You also start off with all your levels and spells. The enemies are stronger, though I don't remember the exact percentage, and you also gain more xp from kills, though, again, I don't remember the exact percentage.
Johnas said:When you finish the game, you start back in the Nexus again at the beginning of the game when you reload that game file. You still have all the gear you had on you before, same SL and all that.
So true, after I got the hang of things, most of my deaths were because I was too cocky.Facism said:hehe that's typical. When you start feeling like a badass, the game comes and kicks you on your ass and pisses in your mouth
FTH said:Only part in the game where I feel cheated. I'm debating just running past these assholes and storming the boss fog.
MidnightRider said:Yeah NA. I think I'm in the low 80s
zazrx said:Question!
I'm trying to play co-op with my friend. Every time one dies we have to go through the whole summoning process again? Like he has to run to me again to drop the stone or me go to him and drop it? Sounds like a hassle.
I've been trying to get summoned in 5-2 for at least a couple hours and nothing :/FTH said:5-2 is soooo frustrating. I can put down my soul gem and people always summon me, but I never ever see anyone else's when I'm back human again.
I keep getting killed by those bigger troll barbarian whatevers with the clubs. It is so fucking cheap that they can rush me in the swamp water and kill me! Total disregard for the worldly laws. Can't even dodge. And when I get on land I always seem to fail at zoning my attacks well and staying on land. Its just a constant spam of fireball until they die. Its at the part where there are two of them and a smaller poison troll. Only part in the game where I feel cheated. I'm debating just running past these assholes and storming the boss fog.
It sucks so much because I can get to the boss with others playing along just fine, and I've helped about 5 people win already. Just wanted to vent I guess. So close to beating the game again but this shit continues to spit in my face!
FTH said:5-2 is soooo frustrating. I can put down my soul gem and people always summon me, but I never ever see anyone else's when I'm back human again.
I keep getting killed by those bigger troll barbarian whatevers with the clubs. It is so fucking cheap that they can rush me in the swamp water and kill me! Total disregard for the worldly laws. Can't even dodge. And when I get on land I always seem to fail at zoning my attacks well and staying on land. Its just a constant spam of fireball until they die. Its at the part where there are two of them and a smaller poison troll. Only part in the game where I feel cheated. I'm debating just running past these assholes and storming the boss fog.
It sucks so much because I can get to the boss with others playing along just fine, and I've helped about 5 people win already. Just wanted to vent I guess. So close to beating the game again but this shit continues to spit in my face!
Yeah I figured I wouldn't need them but just wanted to make sure. Thanks.SabinFigaro said:Use them. No point in keeping them.
ShyGuy0504 said:Just beat 1-2 and I am loving this game. But there's something I've been wondering. I've heard that you should keep the souls that you get from defeating the bosses, but what about the souls that you get from the soldiers and heroes? Is there any benefit to keeping them? Or should I just use them?
Keep boss souls, use soldier/hero souls when you're in a pinch (need repairs/items/just short on leveling up, etc...)ShyGuy0504 said:Just beat 1-2 and I am loving this game. But there's something I've been wondering. I've heard that you should keep the souls that you get from defeating the bosses, but what about the souls that you get from the soldiers and heroes? Is there any benefit to keeping them? Or should I just use them?
Sure thing, though I'd love a sparring partner. I play for co-op and PVP nowadays. I used to be horrific in pvp with my mage but I've done decently with my faith but I could definitely get better.theta11 said:I can help you with 5-2 as well if you want. My PSN is SosetsuKai and I'm usually on, just hit me with a friend invite.
zazrx said:Question!
I'm trying to play co-op with my friend. Every time one dies we have to go through the whole summoning process again? Like he has to run to me again to drop the stone or me go to him and drop it? Sounds like a hassle.
I might just toss you a friend request anyway for future endeavours.oracrest said:I have a level 86 character I think. I could help you out.
My PSN name is oracrest. Send me a friend request. I might be able to play later tonight.
edit, nevermind, congrats!
elfinke said:There aren't many things I've enjoyed this generation more than playing Demon's Souls, but one of them is definitely reading other peoples experience's playing through the game!
I've lurked the hell outta this thread, and I find it awfully heartwarming whenever I see that other players get fucked by Flamelurker. To this day Flamelurker is the only boss I regularly cheese (in one of my NG+..., he was the only thing to kill me, aside from myself, for the entire play through).
elfinke said:There aren't many things I've enjoyed this generation more than playing Demon's Souls, but one of them is definitely reading other peoples experience's playing through the game!
I've lurked the hell outta this thread, and I find it awfully heartwarming whenever I see that other players get fucked by Flamelurker. To this day Flamelurker is the only boss I regularly cheese (in one of my NG+..., he was the only thing to kill me, aside from myself, for the entire play through).
That depends. Sure, you can beat the game without using the boss souls, but if you want to learn certain magic spells, you then need these boss souls =)SabinFigaro said:Use them. No point in keeping them.
RyanDG said:Why cheese him? Equip the ring that increases your equipment burden, ring of flame resistance, and shield that decreases your fire damage taken. Nearly all of his attacks will only do a fraction of the dmg and you only have to worry about dodging his physical attacks with primary rolls.
Johnas said:What methods do people primarily consider cheesing on him anyway, besides getting him stuck behind some bones near the entrance?
thorin said:Flamelurker only deals fire damage, so if you can equip the Brushwood shield then there's nothing he can do to you unless he breaks your guard.
Using cloak to sneak behind him and casting poison cloud is the cheesiest way to kill him that I know of.
I've been putting it off, but I'm gonna go try this tonight then.Mr_Appleby said:storm past them, open the shortcut back to the start of the level and then hit the boss fog. avoidance is a perfectly valid tactic.
theta11 said:I can help you with 5-2 as well if you want. My PSN is SosetsuKai and I'm usually on, just hit me with a friend invite.
Oki doki, thanks for the help then guys. I'll send you two invites if I can't beat it when I try again tonightbone_and_sinew said:I've been trying to get summoned in 5-2 for at least a couple hours and nothing :/
I only got summoned once by some clueless noob who wouldn't listen to my gestures or take my Lotuses and he got annihilated by the Giant Defiled Ones. Want to pair up? I have no troubles killing Giant Defiled Ones.
NA, level 60 but I can go up no problem
zazrx said:Man I love the game but last night's attempt at co-op left a really sour taste in my mouth. Like I seriously didn't even want to play anymore after that fiasco. I really hope they make it more in line to what we are used to when it comes to games with co-op with the new game.
I have on. I was in an epic one-hour duel with a black phantom in 5-1 a couple of days ago. He is the prototypical mage build, I was a faith. I had second chance, like 70 dark moon grasses, and like 25 old spices so I was ready for a super-drawn out duel. But so was he since everytime I wounded him he grassed. The first half an hour was basically me trying to lure him off high ground with arrow shots, climbing/descending ladders and him trying to lure me into the open or into a narrow walkway where he'd soul ray me to death. He then changed position and descended so now I was on high ground and he was down low. Eventually we meet head-to-head in the room past the vendor where the plague rats are and we go all out. My Second Chance had run out so I went into the little alcove to recast and use the wall to block his firesprays. But I was still taking damage so I took one step too far and fell to my death...Damn it if only my faith had been high enough at that time so I could have God's Wrath equipped with Second Chance. I would've gotten directly below him at some point and God's Wrath'd his ass.patsu said:The best parts are people's PvP stories. Some of them are rather amusing. I'll try to look for a few and repost.
RyanDG said:Why cheese him? Equip the ring that increases your equipment burden, ring of flame resistance, and shield that decreases your fire damage taken. Nearly all of his attacks will only do a fraction of the dmg and you only have to worry about dodging his physical attacks with primary rolls.
Aeonin said:I commend all you players of this game, because by the second boss I was entirely too frustrated to continue on. The start from the very beginning mechanic really pissed me off when the boss at the very end of the level kills me in two hits (while blocking and trying my best to run away).
I'd love this game if my guy took 1/4th or even 1/8th the damage. Sure it wouldn't be pull my hair out cheap - but I think I like my games like that.
Unless I'm missing something huge, why do gamers put up with this?
elfinke said:..'cos when it 'clicks'... you are more or less as untouchable as your own hamfistedness allows you to be and it feels GREAT!....