Foffy said:
Hey, is it just my shittyness or do the optional Pure Black phantoms have some pretty high defense?
Using the Moonlight Sword on them I do maybe 30 damage on them...which is nothing :lol
they're not supposed to be easy. bp satsuki is a mother.
Zoe said:
Is this why I've seen talk of suicide in the Nexus?
this information is out there but its not explicitly explained, so I'll try and help:
some basics as to world tendency and how to change it (or not):
think of world tendency as a scale that goes from -100% to +100%. pure black tendency is -100%, and pure white is +100%. starting your first playthrough during normal server conditions (as in, no world tendency events) or offline, all worlds will be set to neutral (0%).
dying in the nexus in soul or body form will not change world tendency. ever. this is useful for when you defeat a boss and are auto-resurrected to body form but don't want to risk dying in another world. simply return to the nexus, kill yourself, retrieve your souls, and go about your business.
3. dying in body form in any world will move that world's tendency to black by approximately 30%.
this means you would need to die in body form 7 times to go from a pure white to a pure black tendency.
in order for a tendency change to occur you must return to the nexus first. if you go and take 7 stones of ephemeral eyes and die 7 times without first returning to the nexus each time, your world tendency will only drop 30%. the process would be to do this: enter the world in body form or use an ephemeral eye stone in the world to return to body form. kill yourself. return to the nexus in soul form (WT goes down 30%), and then repeat the process.
note: this may not be the actual case (returning every time), but for my experience i like to be absolutely sure.
if a world tendency event is taking place, like it is right now: you may have to load your game several times over for it to take full effect. your world tendencies will not automatically go to pure white or pure black. you must load your game. check the world tendencies, quit the game (not to XMB, just return to title screen), and reload. it may take up to 5 reloads to fully reach pure black or pure white.
if you want to retain maximum control over your world tendencies, play offline as only your actions will influence it. playing online will affect world tendency according to the average tendency of all online players. there is supposedly also a glitch that will occasionally reset a PBWT to neutral or white tendency when playing online.
if you have reached pure black and are going to kill the primeval demon (who spawns at -75%) and the black phantom (who spawns at -100% or PBWT) you must kill them both before returning to the nexus. killing one and returning to the nexus will cause your tendency to shift toward white and thus de-spawn whichever one you did not kill. you may die between killing them, but you cannot return to the nexus. this can become especially tricky as primeval demons and black phantom spawns are frequently not in the same sub-world area. for instance the primeval demon for world 2 is in 2-1 and the black phantom scrivir is in 2-2. its probably best to have most of the world cleared before you attempt this, as sometimes it is advantageous to spawn at a forward archstone and then run through the world backwards.
world tendency lasts between cycles of the game. whatever your WT is at when you beat the game, it will remain so at the beginning of your NG+(+++++). keep this in mind if you have a world set to PBWT when you've completed a cycle.