That's fine. Don't put any points into Luck and keep Faith, Mag, and Int low if you're going to focus on melee.
Solo said:What do I do with the actual demon's souls? Like, I beat Phalanx - is there any use for his soul?
Also, where is the best place to go after 1-1? I read a FAQ that said 4-1, but the red eyed knight there with 2 swords rips my asshole out.
You can exchange boss souls for advanced magic spells and unique weapons. If you're going to tackle 4-1 you might need a weapon that deals crushing damage. 2-1 and 1-2 are pretty easy. Try one of those.Solo said:What do I do with the actual demon's souls? Like, I beat Phalanx - is there any use for his soul?
Also, where is the best place to go after 1-1? I read a FAQ that said 4-1, but the red eyed knight there with 2 swords rips my asshole out.
FromTheFuture said:Oh god this game. It makes me so anxious to continue on, for fear of losing all my souls. I'm only 5000 away from Evacuate, damn it, and probably near the boss of 2-1.
Well this would be my third boss. Not entirely sure of much of anything in the game yet. I just really want Evacuate, and not the pain of losing all my souls. These souls are all I know. ;_;Foffy said:Losing souls isn't really too bad, as there are grinding spots that open up that make it pretty easy to rack up 5k+ per session. The Shrine of Storms has two good grinding spots. After fully clearing the area and going back to the boss area you can easily rack up 20k souls.
FromTheFuture said:Well this would be my third boss. Not entirely sure of much of anything in the game yet. I just really want Evacuate, and not the pain of losing all my souls. These souls are all I know. ;_;
ZeroRay said:Don't worry. Soon, 5000 souls will feel like chump change and not even worth the effort to get back. :lol
And yeah, open up 4-2 to get the best grind spot for beginners.
RyanDG said:BTW - For those who have actually already beat the game...
Anyone else share the opinion that the last boss in this game is perfectly handled compared to the nature of the rest of the game? Though a lot of the actual story-telling in Demon's souls is not specifically detailed and is really only ascertained through a lot of item descriptions and stuff, the pitiful nature of the last boss seems to really cap off the message that seems to be coming across the rest of the game. I was at first slightly underwhelmed, but when I let the credits soak in it really just hit me about just how powerful of an ending (and really story) Demon's souls really has despite not being a smash you over the head with a narrative type of game...
RyanDG said:BTW - For those who have actually already beat the game...
Anyone else share the opinion that the last boss in this game is perfectly handled compared to the nature of the rest of the game? Though a lot of the actual story-telling in Demon's souls is not specifically detailed and is really only ascertained through a lot of item descriptions and stuff, the pitiful nature of the last boss seems to really cap off the message that seems to be coming across the rest of the game. I was at first slightly underwhelmed, but when I let the credits soak in it really just hit me about just how powerful of an ending (and really story) Demon's souls really has despite not being a smash you over the head with a narrative type of game...
Draft said:DS last boss is awesome. The "real" last boss is his demon at the end of 1-4. I agree with your assessment that DS doesn't have much of a narrative, but it has crazy good atmosphere, and that pathetic creature is a good example.
Dacvak said:Is this just how this works? Are there checkpoints? If so, are they pretty far away from each other? Is that where all the rage comes from, dying and getting sent back so far? If so, this game can go fuck itself.
Dacvak said:Ok, I need something answered for me.
I just started playing this after buying it on sale. Spent an hour on my character, alone. The combat is awesome. The visuals are slick. I like this game a lot so far.
But I'm in the first world, or whatever, (after the tutorial) and I made about 20 minutes of progress in it. Then I died. Then it brought me back to the fucking beginning of the stage.
Is this just how this works? Are there checkpoints? If so, are they pretty far away from each other? Is that where all the rage comes from, dying and getting sent back so far? If so, this game can go fuck itself.
eosos said:So i just got this game and it's hard as fuck(expected)
I'm playing is a knight because it looked the coolest. I think I went to world 1-1 and I just got my ass handed to me by some dude who charges you with a spear. I was running around him for a while, hitting him while I could, but I barely put a dent in him. Should I try a different world first or what? Oh and I killed a guy in the hub world and he dropped an item(God's Hand??) .
Dacvak said:Do you at least keep gaining EXP when you have to restart? (Or whatever? I actually haven't "leveled up" or anything yet)
Also, what's the longest time you've ever spent restarting/trying to beat a single stage? I want to know what I'm in for, because I have a tendency of ragequitting stuff that makes me play the same thing over and over and over again. =/
Wait, so you don't keep the EXP you got before you died? What about items? I thought that if you used them up, they didn't come back when you died and restarted?prodystopian said:No.
A couple of hours I think? At the beginning you will feel helpless. By the end, you realize that dying happens and souls can be farmed.
No for the first one. As long as you can drop a blue soul sign, anyone in body form within your level range can summon you, but the most common spots are at the beginning.FromTheFuture said:Question: So a guy co-oped into my game, but he died. Is he still in my game?
Also, can you only accept co-op at the beginning of a stage? My net died out after the last guy died, and I want a new partner. I'm at the end of the stage, though. Should I go back to the beginning to find another partner?
Thanks.zerokoolpsx said:No for the first one. As long as you can drop a blue soul sign, anyone in body form within your level range can summon you, but the most common spots are at the beginning.
Dacvak said:Ok, I need something answered for me.
I just started playing this after buying it on sale. Spent an hour on my character, alone. The combat is awesome. The visuals are slick. I like this game a lot so far.
But I'm in the first world, or whatever, (after the tutorial) and I made about 20 minutes of progress in it. Then I died. Then it brought me back to the fucking beginning of the stage.
Is this just how this works? Are there checkpoints? If so, are they pretty far away from each other? Is that where all the rage comes from, dying and getting sent back so far? If so, this game can go fuck itself.
Well, that's enough to keep me playing for now.Pikelet said:The reason this system works is that while it keeps the tension high, death is a lot less of a detriment than what it feels. Once you know your way through a level you can get back to where you were very quickly, even without shortcuts. You come back with half your health but the Cling ring, which can be easily found early on, will give you 75% of your health instead. Lost exp can easily be regained later on and having a low level is never an insurmountable roadblock; a level one character can defeat the final boss. You keep your items, and more importantly, every death will teach you a lesson.
It is actually an incredibly designed system for difficulty, it seems artificially hard but it really isn't that bad once you learn the mechanics.
Dacvak said:Well, that's enough to keep me playing for now.
Any super awesome advice/tip anyone could give to make this game a lot easier?
Moonlighter's Trophy (Bronze)
You must upgrade a weapon to +5 using Moonlightstone. The cheapest weapon for
this is the Shortsword. You will need, in total:
7 Splinters of Hardstone (You must upgrade the Shortsword to +3 to open
the "Moon" option)
20 Splinters of Moonlightstone
7 Chunks of Moonlightstone
1 Pure Moonlightstone
Darkmoon Master's Trophy (Bronze)
You must upgrade a weapon to +5 using Darkmoonstone. The cheapest weapon for
this is the Dagger. You will need, in total:
7 Splinters of Sharpstone (You must upgrade the Dagger to +3 to open the
"Crescent" option)
15 Splinters of Darkmoonstone
6 Chunks of Darkmoonstone
1 Pure Darkmoonstone
IrishNinja said:heh.
ok, so im at about the end of my 2nd playthrough (going for the platinum, baby!) and i know ive still got some grinding ahead for my PureFuckingManlyStone and all, but i'm kinda puzzled why i can't get a few other trophies despite having the proper parts, according to this guide:
...ive got all those bits! but when i go down to the blacksmith in 2-1 with a dagger & shortsword and build them to where the option should open, it simply doesn't. is this a known glitch? should i try bringing those stones with me, despite the fact i didn't have to for all the other ones he's forged/trophies ive got so far?
You need a Dagger +6 to go down the Crescent (Darkmoonstone) path. Same thing applies for the Short Sword. Get it to +6 before going down the Moon path.IrishNinja said:...ive got all those bits! but when i go down to the blacksmith in 2-1 with a dagger & shortsword and build them to where the option should open, it simply doesn't. is this a known glitch? should i try bringing those stones with me, despite the fact i didn't have to for all the other ones he's forged/trophies ive got so far?
archnemesis said:You need a Dagger +6 to go down the Crescent (Darkmoonstone) path. Same thing applies for the Short Sword. Get it to +6 before going down the Moon path.
Don't trust MyCheats. Stick to the vastly superior Demon's Souls Wiki.
Rawk Hawk said:Alright, so turns out I used the first boss soul not knowing what it was. I thought the bosses item would have the bosses name in it, but today I'm finding that I spent it to get souls and level up my character.
How bad did I screw myself over? I'm still fairly unsure what they are used for, just know I'm suppose to save them.
Papercuts said:Beat 1-1 and 1-2, yay. I have ~10K souls now, and I'm wondering what's a good thing to start with. I've seen some people say to just dump them into stat points, so should I just do that at the start?
I also feel really dumb about this but I'm super confused with the menus. How can I tell if I meet the requirements to use a large shield or weapon properly?
FromTheFuture said:Question: So a guy co-oped into my game, but he died. Is he still in my game?
Also, can you only accept co-op at the beginning of a stage? My net died out after the last guy died, and I want a new partner. I'm at the end of the stage, though. Should I go back to the beginning to find another partner?
RyanDG said:Even in NG+, I'm still in love with my Hiltless. I have it at +4 right now. I don't know if I'm going to ever going to give this one up.
prodystopian said:How do you account for the HP loss on hit? I'm going back and forth between Hiltless, Makoto and a +5 Uchi.
RyanDG said:I'm wearing a regenerator's ring for one of my two rings. That helps out quite a bit. I'm also a bit more methodical with my strikes and use a lot of ripostes.