BLARGH 4-2 is such a sweltering asshole.
First I run into the grim reaper and tear him up before he points his spindly-ass finger at me (for ridiculous damage) and you get, like, thousands of souls, like, bam! not even three minutes into the thing. but fuck if I'm gonna run back and forth there to power level like some ass who enjoys the loading screens too much when the whole level is riddled with crazy soul-dropping enemies. So I press on, then I gotta crawl that thin-ass ledge luring all those damned skeletors out one at a time - especially those iced out ones - two at a time? fuck you 4-2. :|
but then. BUT THEN! you have to run across a small bridge and on some steps you meet one of those ghostly motherfuckers and he does that god damned dragon ball z hyper beam shit every time! gaaaawd that does too many damages. But after dying three times, and essentially amounting a pool of 40k souls in his face, I figured that you could run up real close and his face-laser misses! what I failed to plan for was the fact that I had to fight him, so I flailed a bit thinking he was easy to kill cus there are a lot of enemies in 4 that have high damage output and low life, BUT NAAAAAAAH - this dude is apparently the ghost of hercules because he took a good flurry, depleting my entire stamina bar and then just pushed me off the ledge (where I got a nice little 'oh noes' falling animation which I've never seen before, such lovely details) BUT THEN I REALIZE I DIDNT PICK UP THE SOUL SPLOOGE BEFORE I STARTED WHACKING AT HIM OH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...