addyb said:Hi all, long time lurker of these forums but never bothered to post before so 1st post! Lol
Just have to say this game is epic. I've been gaming for 30 years and it's one if the greatest games I've ever played! I'm not brilliant at the game by any means so the sense of achievement when you beat a level is unrivalled imo.
I have a knight class and so far done 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-1, 4-1 and I'm currently getting raped on 5-1 (valley of defilement)is this level absolutely solid or is it just me? Im tearing my hair out with it at the moment but I'm sure I will crack it soon enough. I keep progressing a bit further each time so I'm happy with that!
Kill those clam hat things in the water. They don't respawn, and drop tons of poison curing items. Try to stay on land, keep lots of health/cure items on you, and take it slow. You can "run" in the swamp water, it makes you move at about normal walk speed. Just be careful because if you accidentally just tap O, you'll try to roll and get locked into a fail animation.
The giant troll with club thing, ya, just walk around those lol.