Been playing NG+, and cleared 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1 with relative ease. Then I got up to Flamelurker, and nearly killed him my first time melee only. :O
Then I got owned the second time.
I came back the third time ready to fucking kill him. I had used a ton of grass up until this point, so I was running really low. I got him down to a quarter of his health, again by using melee only (Moon Kilij +5), and then he started going berserk. He was kicking my ass, and I barely got a chance to hit him. I had to heal myself in the middle of many of his attacks, so I remained in a perpetual state of half health. lol
But the final combo I landed on him was epic. He jumped at me, got me into a corner. I thought it was over. However, I rolled between his legs and ended up behind him after he had just used his stupid ground pound flame attack. Here was my chance, and I unloaded on him with a three-hit combo. Thankfully I had the Clever Rat's Ring equipped, which I'm sure helped me kill him as quickly as I did.
So yeah, took the bitch down. And once more, melee-only, which is pretty funny because my character is a Royal spellsword.
So in about 3.5 hours I've cleared four stages. Not bad compared to my first run through the game. I find myself exploring every corner of every map once more, even though I've picked up all these items before in my previous playthrough. lol