In all seriousness, how do we get added to the OP list?
get the platinum trophy/all achievements.
In all seriousness, how do we get added to the OP list?
First part of this video from the flawless raid tips:
Spiral Jumps
Yup, I am having the same issue, never had the problem before.
I've finished Advanced Warfare and Shadow of Mordor.
My backlog
-Assassins Creed Unity
-The Evil Within
-Alien Isolation
-Bayonetta 2
-Far Cry 4
-Dragon Age Inquisition
-Master Chief Collection
-Sunset Overdrive
I've started them all, and the only one I've gotten decently into are Bayonetta 2 and Sunset Overdrive. Mainly because they aren't on PS4 so I can switch to it easily without having to take Destiny out, hahahaha. Then there is the daily Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Wii U battles with my son.
Destiny has its claws in me good, almost 20 days in game spent since launch day. Not one minute unenjoyed, many friends made here and soon in the dark below.
What are you talking about, exactly?
I would love them to tone down the "my shield is down, I'm going to hide NOW!" mechanism on enemies. I get it, it's cute, it's a cheap and easy way to make us think they have some intelligence, and it makes the combats harder, but after a while it gets reaaaally old having to chase down coward enemies ALL THE TIME.The nightfall with angry modifier solo is so lame now lol. It just takes forever if you don't use the right elemental weapons to drop their shields. Not even fun in the slightest. Not sure how Bungie expects anyone to beat the Nightfalls without using cheese strategies, especially when the boss can instagib you and the penalty of restarting is so severe. People are obviously going to take the safest, most effective route (cheese) to beat the bosses. If they still had a checkpoint system in the nightfall I could see this promoting people trying other or more risky strategies.
It wasn't how I imagined his voice either. but it works better without voices anyway imo, it's not an exchange that really lends itself to a radio play. It's best reading it as the security transcript it's meant to be, where you have to work out who the parties in play are.
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 2
I really am scared about this buff.
Uhhh everything I quoted here I guess!
guardian lord is the platinum/100% trophy for DestinyIn all seriousness, how do we get added to the OP list?
It's not a problem when you know the spiral: you don't jump on the dead end platforms. Of course it's easy to jump from the 2nd/3rd platform, but that's not the point. The jumps don't kill people, the stress does.
I'm not directing this at you or anyone specifically, just general advice from someone who's run flawless as much as anybody on the planet. I constantly hear people talk about the method they use and how they never die when doing normal raids... and then I constantly see flawless runs wipe on the jumps. I know everyone can make the jumps every time on regular raids, but its just not relevant unless its done on a live flawless run. Even if you've done it on flawless runs, there's no reason to leave anything to chance.
As soon as a run wipes on the jumps, it undermines team morale because now we have to do that looooong, booooooring conflux/oracle/templar part again. Then people start getting extra chatty to help pass the time, but the concentration starts waning also. Any run that reaches GKeepers should be cashed in, the glitches are a total non-issue now. Getting past the jumps every run is so critical for so many reasons.
I like Praxic Fire, but I personally wear the entire set because I think it looks way too badass.
I'm in the southeast so it's Central time. Mon through Fri I can usually play anytime after 6 or so up until midnight. I'm off tomorrow and Friday so with the weekend I'll have four days to play and somewhat try to catch up. Like last night though, I posted looking for nightfall and weekly help and my post seemed to get looked over as usual. I had to jump in a friends game and he was right at the end about to finish off Phogoth.
You can see all the Grimoire cards that have to do with Thorn/The Last Word here did I just read? Is there more?
DAT Stockpiling continues, so many energy and shards now, GODDAMN!
Love.Seeing that the new legendaries of the DLC start at 272 attack rate (if it stays that way), what's the point of those we loot in VoG ? Ascendant energy ?
Probably both. But the VoG loot is going to seem like the old and weak loot by then... Did you see that all the new legendaries and exotics start with higher attack values?
EDIT: sry for the double post.
guardian lord is the platinum/100% trophy for Destiny
I'm MST so just an hour behind you. If you play until around midnight your time, there should be at least a few hours where we overlap our gaming time and I'd be happy to help you with Weeklies and I'm sure we could get another too. This weekend I'm out of town for the holidays but you can hit me up going forward. Usually I see people match up on here when they ask but of course it won't work 100 percent of the time. I've added quite a few people from here and whereas you normally don't care to have loads of people you've only played with once or twice cluttering your friends list, it's great for this game because you can see if they are doing whatever activity you're looking for and then message them about joining (or just join if they don't typically mind). I don't recall if you said what system you play on but hopefully it's PS4 since I said I'd help ;P PSN: SquallASF
Man, I am not patient enough to do this Nightfall solo. Those shields are a bitch.
Man, I am not patient enough to do this Nightfall solo. Those shields are a bitch.
Thee seem to be more afk in Skirmish than any other mode.
Some people are real sadists.
Sorry for necro-quoting, but why would people do AFK on Skirmish instead of Rumble? Both have almost the same duration and at least on Rumble you don't ruin anyone's game.
They made NF harder for solo after patch anyway. You should try to ask for help.
What?! Aren't you a veteran? Being in the military made me patient as hell. When you stand for two hours at attention at 0500 while waiting for the galley to open for morning chow and doing that 5 days out of the week for two months, soloing a nightfall seems trivial.
Dude, if a glitch wipes out your vault I am not sure how you will react. Never keep exotics and stuff (AS, AE) there.DAT Stockpiling continues, so many energy and shards now, GODDAMN!
DAT Stockpiling continues, so many energy and shards now, GODDAMN!
I will be happy to run it with you, just make sure you got the jumping platform downlol, fuck flawless raider.
I can never find a group for it.
Yeah, I know. Last week's was fine solo, but this one is pretty rough.
That I am. But doing nothing is a lot easier than doing something with futility.![]()
Man, I am not patient enough to do this Nightfall solo. Those shields are a bitch.
Sorry for necro-quoting, but why would people go AFK on Skirmish instead of Rumble? Both have almost the same duration and at least on Rumble you don't ruin anyone's game.
I can't play like this. I have to treat my vault as secure. there's too much I want to keep but not actively use and too much I need to transfer regularly.Dude, if a glitch wipes out your vault I am not sure how you will react. Never keep exotics and stuff (AS, AE) there.
Me! They're letting us out of work early! Plus you're a pro now from Xyor!I'm looking to do the Nightfall and weekly heroic this afternoon/evening ~3-7pm Eastern, if you want to team up.
PS4 Berried_treasurE
For me, I was more nervous trying to deviate from something I've done countless times. It makes you start second guessing everything if you change what you do just because someone says there's a safer way.
I don't disagree with you either, and part of the reason why my run was successful was because we got the "flawless with one death run" which took away a lot of the pressure, but unless you are willing to let people practice the jumps on their own over and over again, asking someone to blindly do the spiral jump is asking for as much trouble as taking the risk of bouncing off the wall or whatever.
Heck, you could argue that making the jumps from the cave platform on the left side of the map is technically easier, because you can skip the broken floor entirely (the other thing that seemingly screws runs), but I don't know anyone who has legitimately used that route outside of Bladedancers and Strikers using their supers.
Yeah I would do the same if I lost everything or had to restart from the beginning.Bizarrely, you guys are kind of motivating me to try this Nightfall solo
I can't play like this. I have to treat my vault as secure. there's too much I want to keep but not actively use and too much I need to transfer regularly.
If it glitches and I lose everything, I'll just stop playing and that'll be that.
like I mention, it's the "hardest" part of the flawless raid IMO. We did encounter some weird kind of glitch/ server lag when one guy went to the bathroom in the spirt bloom cave, where the adds came back after killing the Templar.The hardest part for me will be that stupid little ledge :/
Also, the OP is an entertaining read! Nice job with that. Don't understand the title though. Guess I missed that joke.
I've got to do it twice more too. I'm Pacific time but flexible. Psn - someday.I'm looking to do the Nightfall and weekly heroic this afternoon/evening ~3-7pm Eastern, if you want to team up.
PS4 Berried_treasurE
Red Death is broken.
I'm in love.
2 shot bursts consistently.
Fuck off Hawkmoon, eat shit and die you stupid hand cannon.
The BR King is back.
I will laaaaaaaugh my head off if a pulse rifle becomes the new FotM in the Crucible.
We wouldn't have to split them. We'd just lock this one and all move to the expansion OP. That's what most other games do when expansion time comes.
I think a lot of the posters here wanna see OT12+ though... They like the high numbers lol
I'd prefer an all new OT for the expansion though filled with all the info about Dark Below.
He bailed on us!
Sorry for necro-quoting, but why would people go AFK on Skirmish instead of Rumble? Both have almost the same duration and at least on Rumble you don't ruin anyone's game.
I will be willing to run it with you, just let me know when and if I can, I will help out.I'd love to get Flawless, but it's so hard to find a group since the people I trust have already obtained it.
Really wish the trophy was based on a personal basis since I have done the raid without dying multiple times.
I'm open to flawless too.I'd love to get Flawless, but it's so hard to find a group since the people I trust have already obtained it.
Really wish the trophy was based on a personal basis since I have done the raid without dying multiple times.
I've done the platforming section so many times and I honestly didn't even know more platforms spawned after the first three haha. I always just jump after the 3rd one. Hunter's triple jump makes it a breeze.
I will be happy to run it with you, just make sure you got the jumping platform downit's prob the "hardest" part imo
I've done the platforming section so many times and I honestly didn't even know more platforms spawned after the first three haha. I always just jump after the 3rd one. Hunter's triple jump makes it a breeze.
Somebody needs to see This is Spinal Tap very soon.Yeah, I recently realized Flawless and Dead Ghosts (easy) are the only trophies I have So close, but so so so so far away. I suck at the platforming part. But I rarely get platinums ...this would be a nice one.
Also, the OP is an entertaining read! Nice job with that. Don't understand the title though. Guess I missed that joke.