What is HILARIOUS are some Atheon runs I've watched yesterday with my friends on PS Stream.
I am beyond explainable of those people are doing. They are simply lunatic in their tactics and I can't believe they are doing what they are doing.
They are getting CONSTANTLY wiped by either Harpies outside or their incapability to survive Atheon once they're out of the portals.
I have never imagined how someone can't understand the need to catch Harpies in cross-fire, or tactics that impose usage of shilled only for the Super attack, without protective usage.
Not even to mention the ultimate moment, where they are sacrificing one member of the team who constantly enters inside the portal after the Oracle phase have already started with 3 guys already in, when he "helps" killing last 2 Oracles from the portal "back side" and then exits being blinded and then simply falls constantly in the pits when returned to Atheon.
And the moment when they're "defending" the flux around the portal from Harpies from BELOW, shooting at them and then yelling because EVERY TIME someone dies from blast. Surprise!
We watched it for almost ah hour, they just couldn't pass it. We were laughing all the time, I even write them few messages, but they were too lazy to watch it.
I have no clue how people can be that clueless. Watch some YT videos for Atheonsake
