OT 11....will have barely any posts from me 'cause i'll be on holiday.
Miss me fellow Guardians.
I'll be back!
Enjoy your holiday! The new raid will be waiting for you
OT 11....will have barely any posts from me 'cause i'll be on holiday.
Miss me fellow Guardians.
I'll be back!
It really shouldn't be like that. I got gauntlets and chest armor in three raids. But I didn't get the boots until the tenth raid or so. And that was with an alt I created just to increase my chances to get them...
OT 11....will have barely any posts from me 'cause i'll be on holiday.
Miss me fellow Guardians.
I'll be back!
i havent seen any boots either, completed 12 raids total, mixed normal and hard.
I never saw gloves, if it wasen't for Iron Banner I would never hit 30 I think
Here's a little showcase of a monster called Pocket Infinity I'm sure it gets nerfed to hell before the next Iron Banner. Well, I sure did have fun this time around!
3 Raid armor pieces in 2.5 raids is beyond lucky. Took me a dozen on my Titan and my Warlock is sitting at 15 with only boots and helmet so faron the weapon front, I have everything except the Fusion and Pukse Rifles though.
i havent seen any boots either, completed 12 raids total, mixed normal and hard.
I never saw gloves, if it wasen't for Iron Banner I would never hit 30 I think
yeah i bought the iron banana boots as well just this monday just to be safeWould love a complete raid set though instead of this carneval of thrift store gear.
between one of the best fusion rifles in the game and that purple Warlock bullshit, i would've hated playing against you in the IB. speaking as someone who did just fine for themselves in IB this time around.
kind of like Titanfall, i feel like this games PvP is full of cheap shit for everyone, but it somehow remains fun.
I dont get why you can only obtain Raid Helmet from hard raid.
It's just like having RNG for raid gear which is the only way to get to 30. Because reasons.
Don't try thinking about it, you'll never reach a conclusion.
I dont get why you can only obtain Raid Helmet from hard raid.
Nightfalls this week were a bit meh, 10 strange coins (3rd week in a row I have had coins on my main) and a legendary scout rifle on my alt.
Rngesus is a pain sometimes! Xur better have something good this week. I am swimming in coins and I only need the knucklehead radar armour to complete my hunter exotic collection
I so hate the Kill Target mission in Mothyard for Public Time Event, Holy Shit that Captain Shield is Bullshit
I unload so much, reloading, his shields back up to full, I mean come the fuck on, I'm alone, soloing, give me a fucking break
He moves so fast through the checkpoints, it's insane
Only once have I soloed him to get gold, that was with 7 Truth Rockets+ Using up half my Primary + Special, he reached the cave too, like 5 steps away
Every other time it's been Silver if solo, need 1 person extra to get Gold
Some of these Kill Target PTE's need to be looked at
I so hate the Kill Target mission in Mothyard for Public Time Event, Holy Shit that Captain Shield is Bullshit
Some of these Kill Target PTE's need to be looked at
120+ void points for thorn bounty in one round D: D: D: D: D:
from 60-80ish to 202
Yeah Bungie need to re-evaluate those type of PE's and move them to places that are actually frequently populated (or activate when 2 people are in an area, because far to often I'm in the rocketyard alone when that pops up, I managed 2 of those on Mars alone and that was only because I had a ridiculous setup of Atheons Epilogue, Pocket Infinity, Corrective Measure + Golden Gun.
Yea, no way I try to solo it. Its so much easier with 2 players (or more), even if the other person is low level, goes down.
But "Eliminate Target" in Mars is utterly bullshit. We had 4 >20 lvl players from the beginning of event, we did get Bronze star. Some weard scaling from Bungie about these Eliminate thingies.
Have a good vacation ruthless!
Enjoy your holiday! The new raid will be waiting for you![]()
So jealous! enjoy the holiday (and thanks again for that save)
Thanks guys.
If anyone finds themselves in New York or Toronto during the Christmas holidays, come say hello. First time in North America
Oh and I still have the hard Oracle's checkpoint if anyone still wants it.
I would love the oracle checkpoint if possible.
PSN: DiscreteCat
Psn: ruthlesbarbarian
I'm doing the weekly now, after that I can give you checkpoint.
yeah i bought the iron banana boots as well just this monday just to be safeWould love a complete raid set though instead of this carneval of thrift store gear.
Anyone wants to do flawless now? We have 4, need 2 more. Be level 30, good at jumps etc. etc.
I know I do! o/One thing I learned about Iron Banner is that cloaked bladedancers run straight at you.
Sweet, one more player required. Any guardian lord wants to help?I'll help if you're short a player.
Sweet, one more player required. Any guardian lord wants to help?
Sweet, one more player required. Any guardian lord wants to help?
I know I do! o/
Always too optimistic on this cloak thing...
Does everyone think they will sell the Icebreaker again before the new raid? It's pretty much needed isn't it?
And if you get some decent damage on them they teleport to the last checkpoint. Cheaters!
120+ void points for thorn bounty in one round D: D: D: D: D:
from 60-80ish to 202
Looking for two more to do level 28 weekly with.
PS4 Unknown837.