sh0k I'm going to add you based on your avatar alone.
PSN ColonelOCorn
No comments from Narmer. LOL he has an anti-corn bias.![]()
Wait, what did I miss?
God forbid someone takes a lunch break around here.
sh0k I'm going to add you based on your avatar alone.
PSN ColonelOCorn
No comments from Narmer. LOL he has an anti-corn bias.![]()
Running the Nightfall on my Titan, got room for two others.
PSN ID: SlenderBeans
I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who wants 3 of every desirable weapon. Some guy last week got another hawkmoon but immediately sharded it, saying that while he loves the gun, he already has one. Simply being able to keep one on each of my characters, without the need to go to the Tower, is fantastic. It's why I have 3 Suros, 3 Truths, 3 Thunderlords, etc.
Yeah I will def be playing bloodborne as well. Summon me sometimes :3
It seems like people are always missing these exotics. It can't be a coincidence, can it?
Anyone want the gorgon chest? I will be chilling in there while I eat.
Too late? Bigmanny287Anyone up for CE raid in the next hour?
Got 2 people here to join.
Haha yeah, this is definitely me. Saw a guy go 2-13 in Rumble with a maxed out Hawkmoon...
There's just enough of them in the wild though to be spammed incessantly in Iron Banner though, infuriating.
And when a friend got his and the first thing he says is "Ugh, a hand cannon? Is this thing even goo-"
I got my 6th HMoon and 4th GHorn today while playing with my buddy who has neither and has been playing tons since launch. I legit felt terrible, even though we still laughed about it. The loot system really needs more streak breakers, like in Crota's End where the drops are much improved over every other part of the game.
Oh baby, my most anticipated game ever. Definitely going to eat into Destiny play time.
Don't take this the wrong way but I hate you.
Me please, PSN is Ty_84.
Too late? Bigmanny287
Red Death has been sold twice so no excuses for that one, ha. But otherwise they are all totally RNG dependent (TLord also).
*shrug* Coincidence, no wayIt seems like people are always missing these exotics. It can't be a coincidence, can it?
Wait, what did I miss?
God forbid someone takes a lunch break around here.
Glad to see the hype paid of for you.
3 more people for CE raid.
We'll start when we're full
3 more people for CE raid.
We'll start when we're full
3 more people for CE raid.
We'll start when we're full
Yeah, sounds like a lot of familiar faces will be migrating to Bloodborne OT once that drops... awesome! I'll definitely be there.
- Darryl_M_R, Level 32 Hunter (3)
- NoThru22 (PSN: Macello), 32 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock
- grimlock33, 31 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock [maybe]
- moris (PSN: ms1582), 31 Hunter, 32 Titan, 31 Warlock
- xplicitone, 32 Titan, 31 Hunter, 31 Warlock
- Mindlog, 32 Warlock, 31 Hunter, 31 Titan
Mindlog and xplicitone are you online? Everyone else seems to be here
Oh baby, my most anticipated game ever. Definitely going to eat into Destiny play time.
Yeah, sounds like a lot of familiar faces will be migrating to Bloodborne OT once that drops... awesome! I'll definitely be there.
Looking forward to it!I'll be playing for sure.
PSN is the same as my gaf name, too lazy to type it in right nowI would love to get the chest on my characters. PSN w1ssy
*shrug* Coincidence, no way
None of the Exotic bounties are likely to be "missing" for long.
4th Horseman and Hawkmoon are PS4 exclusives
Xur has never sold Hard Light or Universal Remote.
That leaves only Red Death... I have 3I think a lot of people passed on it at Xur though.
3x NF anyone?
lol your pain, I feel it. There's one guy in our raid group who gets the exotic weapon from the Gorgon chest every...single...time. It has literally gotten to the point where we've started doing raids without him and then do them again with him later and pretend like we're getting stuff when we open the chests again. He's starting to catch on though because last week he mentioned he can't see all of the loot listed out on the left side of the screen...
Don't take this the wrong way but I hate you.
I thought he only sold it once?
I always opted for exotic armour in the early days to level up. That's how I missed my opportunity for Gjallerhorn
But I got it now!
Looking forward to it!
PSN is the same as my gaf name, too lazy to type it in right nowI cant text on moblie gaf on one hand however haha
Looking forward to it!
PSN is the same as my gaf name, too lazy to type it in right nowI cant text on moblie gaf on one hand however haha
I think 2015 will be an awesome year for Destiny, although it really just depends on how fast Bungie will be to react to simple quality-of-life updates that the game so sorely needs, like being able to skip cutscenes or expanding the vault.
*shrug* Coincidence, no way
None of the Exotic bounties are likely to be "missing" for long.
4th Horseman and Hawkmoon are PS4 exclusives
Xur has never sold Hard Light or Universal Remote.
That leaves only Red Death... I have 3I think a lot of people passed on it at Xur though.
PSN is the same as my gaf name, too lazy to type it in right nowI cant text on moblie gaf on one hand however haha
It's still stunning to me that this is not an option. Should've been there off the bat, but it's still not. I haven't played the regular story at least since the Dark Below came out so it hasn't effected me much, but sitting through those cutscenes when you were leveling an alt or doing a daily for assmats, that was brutal. Especially for a game with so much content that has to be replayed AND one where the cutscenes were so useless.
Originally Posted by Frostburn
If only there was a way to use a Dualshock 4 on the Vita easily
Is that sarcasm? Because I didn't think you could. If it's not sarcasm then I definitely agree.
Well, I messaged Sh0k. I wanted to add him as a friend based on his avatar (corn!). And tossed out a joke based on CreamedCorn hahahahaha sorry man, meant totally in fun
Still raiding at 9 too.
Hey, no lunch for you!![]()
3x NF anyone?
Can the PvP "missions" from exotic weapon bounties like the Bad JuJu and Invective be accomplished in Iron Banner? The Invective one has been in my inventory for the last 10 weeks. <sigh>
I don't understand how the rock jump from the second lantern is supposed to work. I get Weight of Darkness and drop like a rock before getting anywhere near the ledge.
a_javierp!I can do one with you, already done it on my other two chars though
Doing a nightfall right now if anyone wants to jump in. PSN Daraman
JESUS CHRIST! i just got another gjallarhorn from nightfall!!! nothing for 4 months and now two in one week!!!
i'm on a roll!
You have to stand close enough to the lamp when you are on the rock. It will drop your weight down to 0 then you make the jump quickly before it can go back up.
Can the PvP "missions" from exotic weapon bounties like the Bad JuJu and Invective be accomplished in Iron Banner? The Invective one has been in my inventory for the last 10 weeks. <sigh>