Come on how hard is it to type Checkpointasaurus?
I guess I can do it one handed..nahh
that sounds wrong :/
Come on how hard is it to type Checkpointasaurus?
Everytime I read something like this, I can hear the soul of a Hornless Guardian get crushed.JESUS CHRIST! i just got another gjallarhorn from nightfall!!! nothing for 4 months and now two in one week!!!
i'm on a roll!
"Fixing it is harder than you think." -Bungie, about everything ever
I don't understand how the rock jump from the second lantern is supposed to work. I get Weight of Darkness and drop like a rock before getting anywhere near the ledge.
I have something that's come up around 8pm tonight so I can probably only help up to Crota.
Unfortunately my Titans shot is used up so he's stuck at 31 for another week. What a joke. I'd even do Iron Banner if that useless chest piece was level 32. Was pointless getting to Rank 5 in IB 2. BUNGlE knows just how to grind my gears.
Me please, PSN is Ty_84.
What's your PSN?I would love to go but I have not done it before. I am a level 30 warlock.
Would it be okay if I join with my level 30 titan?
You need to stay close to the lamp because if you stay far way the Weight of Darkness back fast... so you jump run and jump after that... there is enough time for one full jump before Weight of Darkness back.I don't understand how the rock jump from the second lantern is supposed to work. I get Weight of Darkness and drop like a rock before getting anywhere near the ledge.
I would love to get the chest on my characters. PSN w1ssy
JESUS CHRIST! i just got another gjallarhorn from nightfall!!! nothing for 4 months and now two in one week!!!
i'm on a roll!
Can the PvP "missions" from exotic weapon bounties like the Bad JuJu and Invective be accomplished in Iron Banner? The Invective one has been in my inventory for the last 10 weeks. <sigh>
yep, regular crucible bounties too
You can also do crucible bounties in iron banner
Uh youre going to the wrong chest? You do want the exotic chest correct?
Sorry can't find your name. Add me Katana_Strikes
What's your PSN?
Sorry dude just too late![]()
Sorry can't find your name. Add me Katana_Strikes
What's your PSN?
Sorry dude just too late![]()
Wait I forgot anout that one, haven't done VoG in months. I will just do it on my one character.
5 minute run landed me Hawkmoon! Thanks a lotI can do one with you, already done it on my other two chars though
I don't understand how the rock jump from the second lantern is supposed to work. I get Weight of Darkness and drop like a rock before getting anywhere near the ledge.
Breaking News: One of the world's best players is still good at the game. Better than random n00bs even!
Funny video but that article is so stupid. How is that video "such a middle finger to everyone else in the community"?
None of the Exotic bounties are likely to be "missing" for long.
haha I was wondering why you kept going that direction. Anyone else want this chest? Or bug me later on if you want itEither way worksmight be sleeping since I been awake since yesterday around ~5 pm.
I play this game too much and I just got the Super Good Advice bounty 'bout a week ago.![]()
I can show you with a titan and the Higher Jump.
Having already raidedon all my characters, I got my buddy and then his friend through the first two parts Saturday and then last night. With the kind assistance of PrivateWHudson!legit, mind you
You hop up on the rock, close enough to the lamp to get weight to zero, then turn around and jump up! With Titan it's two quick X-presses and you can make the upper ledge.
At Crota check point, need one more. Anybody want in? PS4 KeanBurke
Ok I'll add you give me 2 minutes.
Did the group I was with last night beat Crota? I hope so!
Sorry again about bailing, but it was getting late and rest assured it was for an admirable cause.![]()
haha I was wondering why you kept going that direction. Anyone else want this chest? Or bug me later on if you want itEither way worksmight be sleeping since I been awake since yesterday around ~5 pm.
Wait, the exploding lantern trick still works? I thought that'd be the first thing they patched.
Wait, the exploding lantern trick still works? I thought that'd be the first thing they patched.
Pssh, not even 24 hours yet! My record is 50+.... I forget now. Might be related to the sleep deprivation.
Warlock.I gave up trying it with Warlock. I'll give Titan a go and see if it's easier. I understand the concept I just can't execute.
Stupid Glide!
Ben Kuchera plz stay as far away from Destiny as possible.
Quote from The Susans (which is one of the 2 people using NLB) in the comments section of the vid.Which is why the video is such a middle finger to everyone else in the community: If a player can dominate this easily with a terrible weapon, think of what they can do with a good one? Skillful editing helps, of course, but this is still a funny way to prove that it's the powers of the chef, not the ingredients, that matter in the end.
The Susans here, and if you try to justify saying the guns pretty decent then you're blind
I gave up trying it with Warlock. I'll give Titan a go and see if it's easier. I understand the concept I just can't execute.
Stupid Glide!
I feel like an idiot, but I hopped in on a checkpoint last week (yours I think - thanks) and I have no idea how to get from that point to the actual exotic chest. I've always just grabbed it sequentially on the way down. Am I dumb?
haha my longest period of lacking sleep was around ~40 hours. Finals week 2 years ago![]()
Killed Crota on my first go with the sword as a Warlock. No wipes either![]()
Forgot to post earlier, but here was my Nightfall haul.
NF1: Patience and Time
NF2: Patience and Time
NF3: Patience and....hah no. 11 Strange Coins.
Fuck this game yo.
That's what I'm doing but I guess not well enough. Maybe the running start is activating Weight too fast? Trying it with a Warlock right now.