Ok I'll add you guys in about 15 mins
I'm not one of those types but 32 is kinda required because you die really damn fast even as a level 32..Dunno how a 31 would playout..
Anyone interested in a CE Normal mode run starting ASAP? Stuck in the forever-lvl-31 club...
Of course it would be great if a kind lvl 32 could run our swords.
CE Normal mode run starting ASAP
1. lunlunqq
I'll be free in about 20 minutes to go if you can wait. psn captscience
32 warlock and I have some sword experience
Anyone interested in a CE Normal mode run starting ASAP? Stuck in the forever-lvl-31 club...
Of course it would be great if a kind lvl 32 could run our swords.
CE Normal mode run starting ASAP
1. lunlunqq
CE Normal mode run starting ASAP
1. lunlunqq
2. captscience
Need 4 more!
When's the next podcast update? You heard from Hawkian?
You still need a person? If so, PSN: GibbShift. I need to run both of those twice myself.
You are one of the 5 we have.I think I talked to him about it and hope I'm still signed up. Looking forward to it if so.
Psn is caffemisto.
Anyone interested in a CE Normal mode run starting ASAP? Stuck in the forever-lvl-31 club...
Of course it would be great if a kind lvl 32 could run our swords.
CE Normal mode run starting ASAP
1. lunlunqq
Watch Xur sell Dragons breath again tomorrow.
Im game .. ipitythafool32
Crota HM done. Got Fang
Just beat HM Crota, got the fang, the ship and the shader.
Need 3 for hard crota run psn death4romabove22
Is it fresh? Or just Crota?
I can do first two sections on my Titan then I need to down Crota on my Hunter.
You are one of the 5 we have.
There is still one slot for tonight's newbie Vault of Glass run at 9 EST, roughly 45 minutes from now. These are intended for first-timers and all encounters are explained in advance, but anyone is welcome (if you have the patience).
Minimum level is 26, please post PSN if you would like the slot. If you would to help out and for me to put you down as an alt in case no newbies join in the next 45 mins, you can indicate that too.
its weird to think not too long ago i was legit excited about dragons breath
now its totally useless to mewith the horn and even hunger of crota
they should have made it an arc launcher or something
my moneys on fourth horseman lol
Just heard a new(?) line of dialogue in the Omnigul strike. "In it's dying breath the Traveller released the ghosts...to open doors"
Lmao not sure what triggered it or if they just genuinely changed the original line to put that in there, but well done Bungie.
Is it fresh? Or just Crota?
I can do first two sections on my Titan then I need to down Crota on my Hunter.
At Phogoth.Need 1 for NF
PSN Ourobolus
Anyone interested in a CE Normal mode run starting ASAP? Stuck in the forever-lvl-31 club...
Of course it would be great if a kind lvl 32 could run our swords.
CE Normal mode run starting ASAP
1. lunlunqq
Its just crota but I also need to do a fresh run on my warlock as well
Please explainOh crap, my PSN ends tomorrow.
Wonder if I should even try and defeat Crota tonight. After hearing that Word of Crota is bugged, it doesn't even seem worth it. Except for that shader. I want to glow, dangit.
Grabbing weapons. Give me a sec
its weird to think not too long ago i was legit excited about dragons breath
now its totally useless to mewith the horn and even hunger of crota
they should have made it an arc launcher or something
my moneys on fourth horseman lol
Crap I would love to make a run with GAF. I think you're on my fr? I'm sandboxgod. However wont get home for another 30 mins
Im so close to L32 on my titan. just need like 16 more shards or something like that.
I'm pretty sure Suros fills it up. I was at full health almost always for that fight.
It depends on the way you want to do it.
I'm personally very interesting in the idea of standing on the other side of the center window, and having 2 titans charge Crota together.
Basically, avoid all boomers. Kill sword bearer. Both titans jump straight up in front of crota, not to the side. 2nd Titan drops bubble to protect from boomers. The timing here will give you 9 RT/R2 swings per sword. 18 swings will kill him. Don't even have to deal with ogres.
Requires very pinpoint accuracy, but would be all about timing and ammo, and less about add management.
its weird to think not too long ago i was legit excited about dragons breath
my moneys on fourth horseman lol
You are one of the 5 we have.
There is still one slot for tonight's newbie Vault of Glass run at 9 EST, roughly 45 minutes from now. These are intended for first-timers and all encounters are explained in advance, but anyone is welcome (if you have the patience).
Minimum level is 26, please post PSN if you would like the slot. If you would to help out and for me to put you down as an alt in case no newbies join in the next 45 mins, you can indicate that too.
Please explain
Please explain
OT16|This Too Shall Pass