sure join up. psn is darknyssIf you have a spot I'll jump in! No mic at the moment, though.
sure join up. psn is darknyssIf you have a spot I'll jump in! No mic at the moment, though.
saw this over on reddit
someone got a 365 damage pulse rifle in their postmaster
saw this over on reddit
someone got a 365 damage pulse rifle in their postmaster
Alright byeAfter playing around 350 hours, I think my team and myself are going to stop playing Destiny. We enjoyed a lot of that hours, but after the first weeks when we began to discover the almost inexistent story, lore, characters, the enormous lack of content and the excessive grind to do everything, a few friends called it off. Then we keep playing five friends, even we purchased the expansion pass, hoping that TDB (And HOW) would bring more or less new content.
Then TDB came out, and we found that only a few parts of the ¿¡three!? story missions and the two strikes (PS4 here) were new, the rest were reused assets. And the new vendor was another grind. Anyway the core gameplay was fun, so we keep playing, even we leveled a few alts, and we did our VoG 30 and CE weekly runs. But now the grind and repetition is beginning to wear, CE 33 is a joke (and at least in my case was my last chance for Bungie for show something decent in terms of design) and the RNG of this game is terrible, only two of the five of the crew have Gjarhorns, and they have received it at least two times. Same with other weapons and exotics in general.
So what now? I don't know if we will try to get the Platinum, or try a bit CE 33, but at least myself (who usually is the person that organizes the raids and gets everyone together) I'm going to stop playing, or at least no so much. Maybe helping some friends with the Nightfall, if they miss someone for a raid, but nothing more (I'm not going to organize more raids, that for sure, nor keeping leveled the alters). No more doing the same bounties again and again, and grinding like a bitch to level some equipment. Also I love to explore in my games, and I'm bored to tears to go the same places again and again for the 20th time. And also I'm very disappointed with Bungie.
About the last part, is specially a salty wound. Never had a Xbox or X360, but played a lot of the Halo games (SP and MP) in a friends house, and it was pretty good. When Destiny was announced I couldn't stop telling my friends how amazing was Bungie and how Destiny was going to rock (even I got a friend to buy a PS4 for this game). Then we got what we got, and even then I keep my faith in Bungie, and I hope that TDB would bring at least entire new missions and Strikes. And we got a lot of refurbished shit (minus the raid). That was the final straw.
TL;dr I was dissapointed with the game, but it was fun to play and enjoy with the friends (and I had hopes with TDB). Then TDB came out, it was very dissapointing, but I keep playing because of my friends, but the grind has wear me, and CE 33 extremely lazy design has opened my eyes, and I'm going to stop playing the game.
saw this over on reddit
someone got a 365 damage pulse rifle in their postmaster
Hey lun I have to get my kiddos to bed.
Like many others today I feel very burned out. 828 hours in this game and my 32s are underleveled for a raid? Color me passive aggressively disillusioned. (Rant inbound)
"We don't want to relevel our gear."
Too bad.
"You want us to respect your time in the game."
They do what they want anyway.
Every time we speak out - they do what they want anyway. We're playing the game wrong. Not as intended. Bugs still there. Characters with dozens or hundreds of hours in them = underleveled? Only to do it all again in a few weeks?
Meh. 828 freaking hours. Holy crap.
Hamster = leaving wheel for a while.
Alright bye
His Titan looks like he's level 5. How would he end up with that?
[]Bungie Community ManagerDeeJ_BNG 38 points an hour ago*
I'm investigating. Please stand by.
Update: Checked in with the dev team. The Crux will drop. It's in the loot table.
I'll keep an eye on this topic of conversation, and confirm that it start to make appearances.
AhahahaAlright bye
So is this a glitch that reveals that 365 attack is the new higher attack value for HoW? Level cap bump to 33? Vendors sell level 33 armor? Require 2.0 Commendations?
Or is it a photoshop?
His Titan looks like he's level 5. How would he end up with that?
Alright bye
my Titan is readyThe newbie raids (which are always at 9PM EST, Thursdays) alternate week-to-week between VoG and CE.
Absolutely, you're in. 15 minutes or so and I'll start sending invites.
That's where you have to go to find the Crux of Crota!
So Deej says Crux of Crota is somehow in the loot table.
Thanks for the run!sure join up. psn is darknyss
Im game .. ipitythafool32
What else is there to say? All I'm saying is bye.Am I missing something? You two are good people but this doesn't seem like the nicest or most considerate response to someone who was taking the time to post their feelings in depth, whether or not you agreed with them. I apologize if I'm missing something but it doesn't seem very fitting of DGAF...
PSN zewoneLooking to do HM raid, but only up to Crota. No boss fight.
1. Ourobolus
PSN ourobolus
I just wasn't expecting that when I scrolled down and it caught me off guard. lolAm I missing something? You two are good people but this doesn't seem like the nicest or most considerate response to someone who was taking the time to post their feelings in depth, whether or not you agreed with them. I apologize if I'm missing something but it doesn't seem very fitting of DGAF...
Edit: okay, make that three... what am I missing people?
Anybody have normal GK CP?
I just need to jump in and grab it real quick.
Psn: ck716
Anybody have a normal Gatekeepers checkpoint on PS4? Need some glimmer.
PSN Kopyasu
So Deej says Crux of Crota is somehow in the loot table.
Am I missing something? You two are good people but this doesn't seem like the nicest or most considerate response to someone who was taking the time to post their feelings in depth, whether or not you agreed with them. I apologize if I'm missing something but it doesn't seem very fitting of DGAF...
Edit: okay, make that three... what am I missing people?
Yeah. On the Bungie site.Where's everyone getting their total time played numbers? Are you all just adding the # of days for each toon?
I'm kind of scared to check mine.
What else is there to say? All I'm saying is bye.
Why do you need a long ass post justifying why your leaving? We know this game sucks we get it. Let it go. I'm sick of it.
Alright bye
Qwell here, be on in like 5 just "taking care of some business"Looking to do HM raid, but only up to Crota. No boss fight.
1. Ourobolus
PSN ourobolus
Mindlog and team I just got DCd
Give me a min
What else is there to say? All I'm saying is bye.
Why do you need a long ass post justifying why your leaving? We know this game sucks we get it. Let it go. I'm sick of it.
Why do you need to give an unpleasant response though? If you are so sick of it then feel free to ignore any posts like that. People have a right to post how they feel and you have a right to ignore those posts if you don't care or relate to it.
I grew to love this community because people here were so nice and considerate to one another. I don't understand why we would start treating people differently now just because some people disagree about the future of the game.
I'n good with this. On your FL as coyquettish.Need 4 more for 3/4 of HM raid.
Why do you need to give an unpleasant response though? If you are so sick of it then feel free to ignore any posts like that. People have a right to post how they feel and you have a right to ignore those posts if you don't care or relate to it.
I grew to love this community because people here were so nice and considerate to one another. I don't understand why we would start treating people differently now just because some people disagree about the future of the game.