DGAF: Blanket love happens here.
The Mythocast - DestinyGAF's Own Occasionally-released Podcasthttp://www.spreaker.com/show/mythocast_1
- Episode 6 out now, covering the Reef and Trials of Osiris reveals.
- Episode 7 out now, covering HoW response and E3 speculation: Episode Link
- Episode 8 out now, covering The Taken King E3 reveal, CE prices, and more. Special guests: Kotaku's Jason Schreier and Kirk Hamilton Episode 8: The Taken Kotaku

- Master List of all Destiny Patches & Updates
- House of Wolves: Comprehensive Release Thread courtesy Master Zoba.
- Bungie's Twitter and Bungie's website, Weekly Updates released every Thursday. BungieHelp, Bungie's technical support Twitter.
- www.destinystatus.com is a great resource to see all of your characters' information at a glance.
- www.destinytracker.com has tons of detailed PvE and PvP statistics on your Guardians.
- A very useful database of in-game items including detailed armor and weapon information.
- Xur's weekly location and inventory. A Tower resident from 5 am EST Friday through 5 am EST Sunday.
- www.destinylfg.net and www.reddit.com/r/fireteams for finding groups outside DGAF.
- All Ghost Hunting Locations.
- Public Event timings and locations
- Tower Ghost for Destiny for easy inventory management between all your characters. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Android and iOS.
- Join NeoGAF Destiny Clans here! PM me to have your clan added to the list.
- Get your Google Docs Destiny Master Checklist here.
- Hawkian's Class Selection Advice: Hunter is totally the best class. Want more Hawk? 574 DGAF user names, Hawkified courtesy of rodiard.
- List of DestinyGAF Twitch streams
- Actual best class? #TitanMasterRace

(Read these if you have just reached level 20 or are frustrated with progression)
- Concise Leveling Guide for New Guardians (courtesy MrGreenCastle)
- Part 1 (Progression at 20-25)
- Part 2 (Xur's weekly visits, and getting to 26 and beyond; note, "What the Hell is Up with Engrams?" section doesn't apply since the engram patch)
- Part 3 (27+, getting to 29 without RNG; note, goal 4.5 only applies when the Queen's Wrath missions are available)
- Part 4a (Life at ~28)
- Part 4b (Building with Exotics)
- Part 5: Pre-HoW FAQ and Leveling Guide (courtesy man-myth-bird-legend Hawkian)

- Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4
Important correction on the second tip of Volume 3:
The XP amounts are right, but bounty XP is not split between your equipped items, it applies equally to all of them. Equip everything you want to give XP to before turning in bounties. - Patrol Missions Explained (quickie image guide)
- RIP Material Farming Routes Playlist: Buy Materials with Vendor or Crucible Marks in the Tower
- Basic PvP Tips
- The Last Word PvP Advice from Master Zoba
- Trials of Osiris tips from Hawkian.
- Vault of Glass Flawless Raid Tips
- Weapon Reforging tips from Reddit courtesy of reneruiz
- Crota's End Flawless Raid: Recommended for trophy hunters, tips coming sometime before I die.

- Unlock all Achievements, then PM Lnkn52 to be added to the list! Send a PM here.
Shake dat Skolas:

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Maybe warlocks need take a drink or two cause their jumping sucks!
A message from Oryx to Drizzay: